It was soon the next day and I still hadn't figured out what to write. I was experiencing a writer's block and I hated when such things happened to me. I couldn't go on a writer's block, not now when I really needed to come up with a story urgently. As much as I wanted to prove myself to Brenda, I realised that all this was pointless. I guess this was a sign for me to back off and just leave everything in God's hands.
I already had my breakfast at the dining hall and was now in class thinking of what to write for my story when I finally packed the paper that I had torn out of my exercise book back into where I tore it from. Right now, there was nothing I could do. I had to relax.
"Have you figured out what you're going to write yet?" Christine asked as she walked into the classroom with Amanda and came to me at the desk.
"I simply have no idea of what I am going to write," I replied feeling helpless.
"You must be experiencing a writer's block," said Amanda.
"Yes, I am. If I don't come up with something by evening, I might as well just forfeit this competition."
I saw Amanda and Christine look at each other with worried looks on their faces. They didn't expect this from me, and neither did I.
As usual, we had our usual daily devotion and afterwards, the sharing of the Bible. Most days when life just seemed so tough, reading the word of God brought comfort and you would be ready to face off the day. I always considered it as a daily guide in my life just like everyone who read the Bible would. Not only did it give me comfort, it helped me in ways I can never imagine. Sometimes when I was stuck and I didn't know what to do, I would turn to the Bible for guidance and with a little prayer at the end of it, something more of an idea pops in my head and I am able to resolve whatever issue I had.
But today, I didn't feel the comfort. I didn't feel I got what I needed from the Bible reading like I used to. If anything, I felt hollow.
Or I can say empty.
And totally distracted.
"Huh?" I turned to Christine who was looking at me with a scared look on her face.
"I am not the one calling you," said Christine.
I got confused. "Then who is calling me?"
"That would be me, Diana," said a voice at the door.
I turned to look at the door and froze. The class was very quiet. Mr Daka stood there and he was looking at me. He had a look on his face I couldn't describe. Was he mad at me? I couldn't tell from where I sat. Something in me told me that I was in some kind of trouble.
"Can I see you for a moment at the teacher's staff room?" Mr Daka asked.
I gulped. I was in trouble for sure. Why was I being summoned to the staff room? If you were a pupil called to the staff room, that only meant you were in trouble. Well, that happened seventy percent of the time. Was I going to be surrounded by the disciplinary committee of the school who will find some fault in me or something? But that would be silly of me to think of this right now. It's not like I did anything wrong this week that would end up with me facing the disciplinary committee, did I?
Who knows?
I quickly stood up from my desk and for a moment, I could feel everyone's eyes on me. They were probably wondering what fate would befall on their fellow student, that's if I had done anything wrong to start with. They knew the dangers of finding yourself in the staff room if you weren't even a class monitor or a prefect. Hopefully, they wouldn't think that this is the last they would see of me in this school.
I quickly walked out of class and followed Mr Daka to the staff room. I felt a sense of relief when I saw teachers coming out of the staff room heading to their respective classes for registration. I guess this meant that I wasn't going to be tried in front of the disciplinary committee because I saw some of the teachers I know of who made up the committee head to their respective classes. Then what could I possibly be going to the staff room for?
As soon as we got there, Mr Daka pushed aside the slightly ajar door and he stepped into the room first and I slowly followed. I looked around the clean staff room and I couldn't help but shiver a little.
The tables arranged in the staff room were all set up to form a square. There was a spacious square inside the square formed by the tables. I guess that was where whoever was presenting something to the teachers would stand. As spacious as it was, it felt terrifying. Not only did presenting yourself in the middle of the square seem terrifying like you were being held in some cage, you would be looked at from all four corners of the square by the prying eyes of the teachers.
I felt myself shiver even more at the thought of all the teachers looking at you like a prisoner who has committed the worst crime. I noticed that at the head of the square, stood a big black office chair. It was unique from all the other chairs in the room. That's where the Headmistress sat, no doubt about that. I turned to where Mr Daka was and I noticed that he had gone to sit on one of the chairs that were by the tables that made up the square. I noticed that he wasn't the only teacher in the room. Opposite him was my science teacher, Mrs Kalonga. She was also seated and was having a cup of tea. I noticed a kettle, a bowl of sugar, a set of teaspoons on the tray and coffee mugs on the table situated at the corner of the room.
"Morning, Diana," greeted Mrs Kalonga.
"Morning, madam," I replied. I quickly went over to where Mr Daka sat.
He looked up at me as I approached him. When I was within a few feet, I stood to a stop and looked at him.
"Have you come up with a story for the competition yet, Diana?" Mr Daka asked.
Yikes! Was this what I was here for, the story?
Mr Daka turned towards some papers in front of him, the Grade 11 English test papers and then he looked up at me again. I guess this was where I now come up with an answer.
"Ummm, no, Mr Daka, I haven't," I replied.
Mr Daka didn't look the least bit surprised with my answer. He went back to looking at the papers in front of him. This felt like the right time to just walk out of the staff room, but one thing I don't like to do, was to be rude in front of elders. And besides, I felt there was something more to the conversation than the story.
"Are you not going to enter the competition?" Mr Daka asked, not looking at me.
"I really want to. I just haven't figured out what to write yet."
"I thought you weren't going to write because of Brenda."
I felt my cheeks heat up with embarrassment? Brenda!
Mr Daka looked at me, expecting an answer from me. But this time around, I wasn't going to say anything.
"No answer then," he said as he went back to looking at the papers and putting some of them aside for marking. "Then it is true that she and you had an argument yesterday?"
I almost mourned out in frustration but I managed to keep my feelings under control. How did he know what happened just after the club meeting? Did someone go and snitch on me?
"Yes, sir, we did argue, but it wasn't that serious," I replied.
"It sounded serious in the way Brenda told me," he said.
I thought I felt something inside of me break. Brenda told him? I finally remembered that I had left Brenda behind in class yesterday and I went back to the dorm area with my friends. I thought of the time frame from when I last saw her in class and when she came to the dorm area. She definitely had enough time to cook up a story and tell Mr Daka as she was making her way to the staff room.
"What did she tell you?" I asked, expecting the worst.
"Well, she told me that you were very rude to her and you said that she wasn't fit enough to enter the competition because she isn't a good writer."
"I never said that, sir." I was cool and I wasn't going to blow my head off after hearing all of this.
"Mr Daka," said Mrs Kalonga, joining in on the conversation, "Diana couldn't have said that. She is a very good pupil, that I can assure you."
"I don't know what happened and who was in the wrong," Mr Daka said ignoring Mrs Kalonga. "But I don't want any fight breaking out between the two of you. Is that clear?"
I wanted to furrow my eyebrows at him, but I had to keep my temper in check. I wasn't the type who easily lost their temper, but coming to stupid situations like these, I felt like tearing the whole world apart. Brenda lied. And it could clearly show on Mr Daka's face that he believed her. Should I try and explain further about what really happened? It felt a little too late for that. Mr Daka went back to looking at his papers and that felt like my cue to leave. The last thing I want is to say something that might just land me into more trouble.
"You can go back to class, Diana," said Mr Daka, still not looking at me. "You don't want to miss out on registration."
"Yes," I said. It was a surprise that I even replied because I suddenly wasn't in the mood of talking to anyone. I quickly turned around to leave.
I found myself outside the staff room, heading back to class, using the stone path. I felt like I had left all the energy that I had in that staff room. I found it difficult to even drag my own feet forward. I felt heavy and powerless. Gravity was really dragging me down today, and in the worst way possible. I felt like any second now, I would find myself flat on the stone path, not moving at all. There was this horrible feeling in my chest. It was heavy and painful. It felt a lot more like hate if not agony.
I looked to my right where the grade eight classes were and approaching the block where the grade nine classes were, my eyes flew to the 9A class at the end other end of the grade eight classes. That was Brenda's class. I couldn't make who was who from afar since the class at the far end and hard to see through the windows at the corner. I felt like marching straight up to that class and grabbing Brenda by her short hair. How could she lie about me like that? Not only was she a liar, she was a hypocrite acting like she was the victim. I had to admit, she should have joined the drama club instead. Who knows, she might just win an Oscar someday, which I hope now, doesn't happen.
I took in a few deep breaths as I slowed down a bit. I felt like I was running a marathon when I was only just walking. I was angry, that's for sure. I could blow the school up if I was ever a terrorist.
When I finally managed to get myself back in class, I quickly went to my desk. I didn't even greet my class teacher who was still calling out names. He didn't seem to mind. Hopefully, no one else did.
"Are you okay, Diana?" Christine asked as soon as I had settled on the desk.
"I'm fine," I said without giving her a glance.
She didn't ask any further. She probably saw the dark cloud over my head and she went on to doodle at the back of her book like she does every day when she was bored during registration. As for me, I was lucky to appear normal in my class teacher's eyes when he called out my name and I responded without hesitation.
After registration, our first class was Science. That meant that we had to go to the school laboratories that were located just at the front entrance of the school, in front of the dorm area and further away from the classes. We all quickly grabbed our books and other necessary stationary equipment, and quickly rushed out of class heading to the labs.
The laboratory block had only three laboratories, the Physics, Biology and Chemistry labs. And right next to the laboratory block was the Home Economics classroom. The school didn't have enough laboratories, but that didn't seem that much of a problem to some for us juniors because it was only the seniors who got to learn the advanced sciences that required them to have many science practicals. And three labs for each science course weren't enough.
We usually met for Science in the Physics lab because it was safer there than any of the other two labs. Chemistry usually involved chemicals in beakers and containers and there were usually science experiments in the Biology lab that had to be checked on from time to time and shouldn't be disturbed by outsiders, so the Physics lab was much better for us juniors to learn from.
As soon as we entered the lab, there was our Science teacher, Mrs Kasonde whom I had already met in the teachers' staff room, at the board in her white lab coat and was writing something on the board. It was probably the topic we would be looking at today. Somehow, I wasn't just interested on what we were going to learn.
There were three horizontal marble pillars in the room where we would settle down behind them on long stools and write our notes and do science experiments. Usually, the juniors wouldn't do many science experiments like the seniors do. If we ever had to do a science experiment, our teacher would have the apparatuses at the teachers' table and conduct the procedure while we watched and observed. There were a few times when we got to present what our teacher already taught and only two people would be able to present while the rest of us observed their presentation. We weren't fortunate like our fellow seniors who each have to carry out an experiment but under strict supervision of the teacher.
I sat in the first row as always and settled on the long stools. I had to admit, they were pretty uncomfortable and up till now, I still wasn't used to them. Once in Grade 8, I almost dozed off in class and instead of leaning forward, I went backwards and I almost found myself on the floor. But in a split second, I managed to balance on the stool and lean back forward. From that time, I hardly ever doze off during Science, that's if I lean my elbows on the pillars for extra precaution.
Christine and Amanda came to sit on either side of me. The two of them hadn't said a word to me on our way here. I guess I still looked angry and I was grateful that they hadn't said or asked anything. I still wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone.
After the class had settled, we went straight into the lesson with Mrs Kasonde. We were looking at distillation. This is where two mixed liquids are separated with the use of their boiling points. Luckily, I even had the definition in my head because I was still upset and sometimes when I am upset, I don't get to concentrate as much.
The two liquids mixed were water and ethanol and were contained in the large glass round bottomed flask which stood on the pedestal with a bursen burner under it. A fractionating column ran up from the round bottomed flask and another long tube connected to it, where the condenser also lay, ran until the other beaker, on the other side of the table. There was also a thermometer being by at the very top of the fractionating column. Our teacher explained the whole process of separating the two liquids one at a time according to their boiling points.
The whole time Mrs Kasonde was explaining, I would fall out of concentration one or two times. It was really hard to concentrate, especially when your mind was already disturbed before class even began. I managed to get the whole essence of the experiment, it wasn't that difficult to grasp, to be honest, but I was only just angry the whole time.
When our teacher went on to light up the bursen burner so as to start the distillation process, I focused my eyes onto the burner. I couldn't tell why I was so focused on it. But there are times when you just stay fixed onto something that you can't even tell why you're looking at it.
"Diana," said Christine. "What are you looking at?"
I turned to look at her and I bet I had a blank expression on my face.
"Mmmm?" I raised my eyebrow at her.
"Didn't you hear me? I was asking what you were looking at," Christine repeated herself.
I went back to looking at the experiment then I went back to looking at Christine. "The experiment," I answered. "What else could I be looking at?"
"I know you're thinking of something other than just looking at the experiment. I know you too well. What happened when you went to the teacher's staff room?"
"I don't want to talk about it." I went back to looking at the experiment.
"Was the sir asking if you had started the story or not?" Amanda asked, joining in the conversation.
This was the point where I had no choice but to tell them. As much as I didn't want to talk about it, I knew I couldn't keep it in for long for two reasons. One, my heart was so heavy that I wanted to let all my anger out. And the second and most important one of all, these two friends of mine were annoying that I know they wouldn't leave me alone so easily. And with their continued persistence, they would easily grab Mrs Kasonde's attention and she would throw us out of class.
The two liquids in the beaker were now starting to heat up and Mrs Kasonde's attention wasn't on the experiment, but on the book on the pillar. We were all waiting for the thermometer to indicate the ethanol's boiling point first since it had a lower boiling point than water. So at the moment, everyone was minding their business, but cautious not to make too noise.
"I'll tell you," I said.
"Please, tell us," said Amanda. "We thought of the worst when you came back to class with a gloomy look on your face."
"Why I was called to the staff room wasn't because of the story. Well, the story writing thing was part of it somehow. Brenda lied to Mr Daka that I told her that she wasn't fit to be in the writing competition because she was not a good writer."
"Mmmm!" Christine and Amanda couldn't believe what they were hearing.
"Trust me, I was also surprised as you were, but I couldn't even say anything."
"Brenda lied," said Christine. "How could she do that?"
"She is jealous, that's why," said Amanda. "I know Brenda isn't one of the nicest people in school, but to lie to that level, she must belong to the devil and she needs prayers."
I raised an eyebrow at Amanda. Whenever she mentioned the devil and prayers, it only meant that she was serious and angry and she meant every word she said. You wouldn't like her to do exorcisms on you if she meant that you were the one with the demon. She might as well hit you on the head with a bible and say that the demon is out of you when she only meant to get even.
"She is so wicked, that's a fact," said Christine. "Did you try and explain yourself with Mr Daka?"
I shook my head. "He didn't believe me the first time I said that all that was a lie. It looked like he believed what Brenda said," I said.
"No wonder you looked so upset," said Amanda.
"I felt like my head had been blown off when Mr Daka thought I was nothing but a delinquent." I said this as I leaned my elbows on the pillar and held my head in my hands.
"Diana, please stop using such big words," said Christine. "You're going to make some of our heads explode."
"Sorry. I just couldn't help myself."
"We understand," said Amanda. "So are you going to talk to Brenda about this?"
"If I try to talk to her, she will just make up another lie like she did yesterday. I would rather just let it be. If it means not entering the competition, then I won't."
"Are you serious?" Christine looked at me with a surprised look on her face.
"I'll give myself time to think about it."
"But you have to hurry up fast," said Amanda. "We have to hand in our stories tomorrow."
I went back to looking at the fractional distillation experiment in front of me. She didn't have to remind me twice about the competition. And I couldn't help but still feel upset about it. With the way Brenda behaved yesterday, I was completely thrown back and didn't feel like writing anymore.
Was this the reason why I couldn't come up with a story to write before I was called to Mr Daka's office? I know females have a natural sixth sense and we could tell something is bound to go wrong. But I never thought that this was coming. Not in a million years. Was I supposed to know or this is where you just consider yourself unlucky?
The thoughts couldn't get out of my head. There are times when I know that things aren't going to go the way you want them to and also, surprises come up when you least expect it. And what happened to me was more like a surprise. And the thought that Brenda lied to Mr Daka made me look like I was the bad one here when I wasn't. I was still angry. No doubt about that.
"Okay, everyone," said Mrs Kasonde. "I want you to observe carefully how the ethanol will evaporate from this breaker and when the vapour travels up the condenser that will cool the gas. Then the gas will become liquid and will drop into the other beaker at the end of the condenser."
A few of us drew closer to see the vapour coming up the flask, up into the fractionating column and going into the condenser. Everyone watched in silence, concentrating on the experiment. As for me I was brooding like crazy. It wasn't good for me, but I couldn't stop thinking about how Brenda had painted a bad picture of me in front of my teacher. What she did wasn't nice and I felt like strangling her neck if I were ever to meet her face to face today.
"Now observe how the vapour slowly turns back into liquid as it cools in the condenser," said Mrs Kasonde.
I was angry and right now, I felt like I was going to blow up.
Before we all knew it, the flame from the bursen burner became bigger than we expected. A few pupils who stood close to the experiment backed away by the sight of the big flame.
"What 's happening here?" Mrs Kasonde asked.
She went over to try and reduce the flame, but immediately she drew out her hand towards the bursen burner, the flame grew even bigger. She took a quick step, her back bumping into the board behind her.
Screams flew out of some of the girl's mouths that had stood close to the experiment at first and some even ran from the front pillar to stand at the back of the class away from the blazing flame.
I saw the huge flame in front of me and for a moment, I wasn't scared like the rest of the class was. In fact, I felt excited upon seeing the flame like I was watching some kind of magic show on TV. I didn't know where this feeling was coming from. But it felt like just right. I felt like I was one with the fire just like a married couple feel they are one with one another.
The screams that filled the class felt like blurred sounds in my ears. I felt like it didn't matter. Amanda, who stood beside me, shook me.
"Diana! Diana!" she called out to me. But I didn't respond.
Mrs Kasonde had soon come up with a fire extinguisher to put out the fire. Just as she was about to put it out, Amanda shook me to the point where she jogged me out of my little trance.
"DIANA!" she shook me vigorously, almost to the point where I fell out of my stool.
"Huh?" I turned to look at her.
"Are you okay?" she asked me.
Before I could answer her, I looked back at the experiment on the teacher's pillar. The huge flame was no more. Had Mrs Kasonde finally put it out with the fire extinguisher?
"Where is the fire?" someone in class asked.
There were confused looks and murmurs in the room as everyone turned to look at each other, hoping that there was some explanation for this. The fire had just disappeared out of sight. What was going on?
"Where did the fire go?" Christine also asked, looking as confused as everybody else, including me.
"Okay, girls, I think we can end class here," said Mrs Kasonde. She too had a horrified and confused look on her face.
"But, madam," our class monitor, Tina spoke. "What happened? The fire was just right there then it vanished."
"Must be a faulty bursen burner, nothing to worry about," said Mrs Kasonde as she put the fire extinguisher on the floor and slowly walked over to the experiment on the table. The flask where the mixture was in was burnt and broken at the bottom. The fire was much lethal than we thought.
The siren sounded just in time to announce that class was over. It didn't have to have to remind us twice. We all got our books and other stationary equipment we came with from class. It was funny how an hour passed by so quickly, yet a lot seemed to have happened.
We all quietly walked back to our class for the next period, most of us not saying a word. Whatever happened in that lab had proved to be terrifying. Somehow, I still didn't understand how I was still not shaken about the whole thing. Just like most of us, I was quiet the whole way. We were almost reaching our class, when a few people finally found their voices and started to talk about the fire.
"Did you see how big that flame was?" Tina who was walking in front of me asked Matilda walking beside her. "For a moment there, I thought I was going to die."
"I almost had a heart attack," said Matilda.
"I froze when I saw that fire," spoke Amanda, whom I hadn't noticed was walking beside me the whole time.
"It was so scary," said Christine, who still looked terrified like the rest of the girls. "Thank goodness, it stopped on its own or who knows what would have happened."
"Some of us would have gotten hurt for sure. What do you think, Diana?"
I didn't know what to answer them. What would they think of me if I were to tell them how I felt when I saw that flame? Come to think of it, I felt the fire didn't just come out of the blue. I felt it was all intentional.
Like I was the one that caused it.
"Diana," Christine called out to me. I was pushed out of the little world I was hiding for a while and I realised that we were back in class. How did I get here?
"Are you okay?" Christine asked me.
"She must be a little traumatised by the whole thing," said Amanda. "Let her take a seat."
"No, I think need to go to the ladies' room," I said.
"But we are having math class right now, at least ask for permission when the teacher gets here," said Tina, but it was too late. I was already out the door.
I don't know how I found myself at the ladies' room, but I was in there anyway. I found myself staring at one of the mirrors above the sink. For a moment, I couldn't recognise myself. There was something about me that didn't seem right. I was supposed to be frightened just like the rest of my classmates, but I wasn't. What was wrong with me?
I opened the tap so as to wash my face. Maybe the cold water would bring me back to my senses.
Just as I finished washing my face a few times, I realised that I had to rush back for math class. At least that was one clear sign that I was coming back to normal. But just as I closed the tap, I thought for a second that I saw someone through the mirror, staring at me from behind.
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I turned around and found no one there. The place was empty anyway. It must be my mind playing tricks on me because of all that's happened. I quickly rushed out of the ladies' room and I was lucky enough to get to class right before the math teacher arrived.