chapter 1 -layla
I am displaced. Different. At least that's what My father says every time he scolds me. My Mother was different. She cared. She didn't want me to go away to Tyter. Which actually I loved. My Father sent me there to get me out of his face, which is fine by me. These thoughts are running through my head as I drive home to Vertrock. But a load boom interrupted my very important thinking. That's when I notice that my hand is shaking. My servants, Modesty and North, also notice, and North gives me a concerned look, but pays no more attention which I am grateful for.
"North where are we?"
"We are in Erivale." he said. I closed my eyes and tried to block out the shouts coming from outside.
"It's the Rebels. The Erivens" Modesty said. Her voice was barely above a whisper, and I could still barely hear her over my pounding heart.
"Come out Princess Layla" a booming voice came from outside. North grabbed my wrist, and we headed out together. I shuddered when I saw the leader. Trevor. I have heard rumors. He was the leader of the Erivens. Part of me wanted to cower, but I would get the last say in this challenge.
"What do you want?" I said, and tried to keep my voice as stern as possible, but it was hard because well just because.
"Well many things actually, I can list them for you if you wa-" he started. I cut him off.
"What do you want with me?"
"Ah, more specific. You know what i want ."I knew exactly what he wanted. I would never give it to him.. But Trevor thought I was hollow. He thought he would get it out of me. Never. Usually I go by Never say never, but Trevor had "special" privileges. I gripped my knife on my belt. North gave it to me when we left for Tyter. It was my second greatest possession. People called me difficult, which was true.
"I know what you want, but why?"
"Because you have a soft spot. You're shallow my lady. You never get what you want." Trevor answered, still not giving me the answer I wanted, and deserved. I was not the shallow one. Trevor was. He has a mask he puts on. He has two faces. But he will never understand me. He will Never know what I am like.
"I am headstrong and like getting my own way" I answered pulling the knife out. I held it up. "I will use this. Don't make me." Trevor called a cloaked figure over to him and whispered in his ear. The next thing i knew, the figure came over to me, but in the process i pushed off his hood. He was my age. Not a man. Then he grabbed my wrists and tied them. Then put a gag on me.
"Wait stop! Don't do this!" i yelled, but it came out more like, "ait op! On't oh is!" He turned to face me. At first I noticed his fierce eyes. Then his black unstyled hair that was so unstyled it looked handsome. Everything about him was familiar. One memory from the back of my mind came to me. My father slapped a boy for taking food from the kitchen. I was there. I ran in front of the boy and confronted my father. He grumbled, but he left. That was Ethan. But I thought he was killed! In the dungeon. I watched. Every second. I didn't even know what he did. But my Father was proud of me. I was ignorant and selfish back then. Today I want to be knowledgeable and selfless. But today was the day I would be free. Not caring about my manners. I wanted to make sure of something. I bit off my gag, and said these words for a distraction.
"Ethan Florence? Is it really you?" That's when I pulled up my knife and cut the ropes. I turned around and stabbed a man's arm. Then Trevor took my knife, and cut north on the legs. He crumpled to the ground, holding his hands on his leg for pressure. Then I heard Modesty's screams. I dropped to my knees. Then something hard hit my head. Darkness.
I woke up in a carriage, bound in chains.Somebody gave me water, and then left. I opened my eyes. Three glares we focus on me. Trevor's a girls, and Ethan's. I scowled and stood up.
"You guys are staring at me like a snake eyes a mouse." I said. Ethan looked away, but the other two held their glare. Finally he looked back at me. He was staring so intently that I almost forgot he was Erivan. Erivans have magic. He was a telepath. He is trying to read my thoughts. Then the carriage started, and we were on the road again. Suddenly my thoughts returned to my parents. Ethan's glare softened as he saw my memories. My Scoldings by my father, me crying with my Mother, then Trevor whispered something in his ear and he switched benches. He sat on the same bench as me, but as far away as possible. I stole a glance at Ethan and I remembered a quote from my mother's diary.
The kindest hearts,
Have felt the most pain,
The prettiest eyes
Have cried the most tears
The loyalist people,
Have always been betrayed,
The last part she erased before I could look. I thought about how that related to Ethan.
His heart,
Always caring
His eyes
So beautiful, lots of pain
His personality,
The most honest friend, my only friend, I could wish for.
I remember one more thing, I saw four words after she erased them.
One to fear.
I had no idea what these ment. I saw Ethan gaping at me. He had seen what I thought about him. I quickly thought of two words.Back off. Telepathy. He had seen my memories. He knew most of my secrets. Except 3. One of them is which, I am now, completely misunderstood.
chapter 2-ethan
Prettiest eyes,
Kindest heart,
Loyalest person,
Layla is the same girl I once knew. But not the same. She's different.
Same perfect smile, same blonde hair, same drawing in personality. Same Layla. She was not the girl I once knew. She wasn't supposed to remember me.
The one to fear.
Although she ruined my life, with five words. "This won't work. Get him.
I would never forget her. I never wanted to see her again. I told Trevor I didn't want to do this mission. He insisted I do. I remember begging. No. I had to do this. I kept repeating, I hate her. I hate her. I hate her. No more tricks. Those five words. Her Father tortured me in his dungeon. With Layla watching. He demanded she do so, but I thought she wouldn't allow it, but she did. I still had red scars on my back. There was nothing but hatred I felt for her. Nothing would change.
"Ethan, introduce Chighed." Trevor said.
" this is Beatrix. Beatrix Chighed." I mumbled, gesturing to Beatrix. " for this mission, you have to stay with us. You can't go. We will have Revenge chains. Like the ones you are wearing now." i said, avoiding her eye contact. "You know what the chains do." Every Engerost knew what they were. She nodded. These chains can burn flesh, electrocute, and poison. I got in trouble, and I had to wear them. Never had I felt something so painful. I stole a glance at Layla, her eyes were full of fear. But she held her head high. I looked at her memories once more. There was one she was focusing on. Even though she told me to back off, I am still curious.
She was in her room, crying. She was about 9 or ten. It was her birthday. The day before I had met her. Her servant Modesty, came to comfort her.
"It is going to be ok," Modesty repeated.
"No. father will punish me. Everything hurts. My wrists are red. They hurt Moddie. They hurt!" Layla's soft cries turned to sob. She finally looked at Modesty. Her eyes were red and puffy, her hands and wrists were all red.
"What happened?" Modesty asked.
"I was Climbing a tree, and I fell. Then g-g- Grendal saw my ripped dress and leaves in my hair, he told me to hold out my wrists. He burned them, and how they sting! I want to leave. Never come back. I will have a scar forever!"
That's when I looked back at layla. She pulled up her sleeves, and sure enough, there were red marks. I frowned. How terrible. Grendal owns a pair of Grave Gloves. The most powerful. I had a black one. Not as scary. He could snap a person's neck with that glove. He would not get close to Layla. Not on my watch. Then I reminded myself that maybe she could change. But my feelings would never change. Never.
chapter 3-layla
Trevor passed me a note.
Princess Layla,
We need you for our plan. You need to find us the book. Then give it to me. Then the grave glove. You know which one. Don't find these items, and you will lose your servants' lives, and yours.
"Did you read the note?" trevor asked. I nodded. "Good. When you go to Eastwick, you three will go-" i cut him off.
"Three? No one."
" no. You, Ethan and beatrix. Three. Not one." Trevor stated. He cleared his throat and got back to what he was saying earlier.
"You Three will find what I am requesting. Layla, Ethan and Beatrix will be your servants. Beatrix is your handmaiden," he paused and I groaned. "And Ethan will be your protector." Ethan and I both groaned. Beatrix whispered something in his ear and he groaned louder. I almost laughed. Almost.
An hour later, we arrived at the inn I would be staying at. Ethan got out and informed the innkeeper that we were there. The inn was old, and bore eastwick colors. But the inside was nice and bright. Beatrix approved. Aye i hated her. I fingered a diamond ring on my right hand. My mother gave it to me. Then I remembered one thing about going home. I would see my mother again. My mother. The innkeeper stopped by a door.
"This is the best room we have." he held out his hand for money. Ethan and Beatrix exchanged a look. Bearix then turned at me and stole the ring of my finger.
"Here that should work!" she said. Then the innkeeper smiled, and gave me the key. When we walked in, Ethan went to get food, which gave me a chance to yell at Beatrix.
"That was a gift! I had coins in my pocket if you needed them!" I started.
"Well then you should've given them to Ethan earlier!"
"I couldn't! I was tied up! Remember!?"
"Well if you weren't so difficult you wouldn't be tied up!"
"Well if you weren't my 'handmaiden' i would have your throat!" I screamed that part. Then we both pulled out knives. But then I put it back in the hiding spot. Afraid of what damage i could've done. Then I stormed out.
chapter 4- ethan
I was walking back when the argument started. I listened before I walked in. I wonder which one is dead. Maybe now i am off the hook! Right as I opened the door, Layla stormed past me. I set the tray down and looked at beatrix. Her face was read with anger, and she looked like she might explode.
"Who said the first threat?" I asked.
"Layla" Beatrix said through gritted teeth.
"Nobody got hurt?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.
"No. Sadly, Layla didn't get a scratch." beatrix spat. Then she sat down. Then layla came back in through the hallway.
"Sorry I didn't want to talk to some people here." she glared at Beatrix.
"Why were you scared?" Beatrix asked.
"Yes, I was scared of what I could do to you. But I will get over that. Sadly you're ugly, and there is no cure for that." Layla spat. I had to cover my mouth to muffle my snort. It didn't work. I got up, tripping over my chair, and fell on the floor. My stomach hurts from all the laughs. Finally, when i got up, (and stopped laughing) i dragged a chair over for layla. She sat in mine, across from Beatrix.
"Ok guys. Settle this. You can't go into Eastwick enemies"
"Stop this Ethan. We are enemies so you can shut your yap." Beatrix said.
"Ya ethan. Don't get in the middle." Layla said, turning to me.
" i'm supposed to be-"
"No Ethan. Don't do that. Don't get involved." Layla said, her glare could melt steel.
"Yes Layla. I am your protector. You can't die by this ignorant person."
"ETHAN YOU TAKE THAT BACK! HOW DARE YOU SAY THAT!!" Beatrix screamed. She stood up, shaking the table.
"Well it is true!" Layla said, finally on my side. With that Beatrix sat back down and was silent for the rest of the meal. Then a knock came to the door. I got up and opened the door.
"Austin? What are you doing here?"
"Ethan my man!" then his whispered in my ear,
"Back up, you know how layla is difficult" he said. I nodded and he walked to the girls.
"Good afternoon ladies," he started, he looked at Layla. "Princess, it is nice to meet your acquaintance." he kissed her hand. She had a blank face so I couldn't tell anything. " uhh Princess, can i talk to you? In private?" She nodded. We moved in the hallway.
"Austin has a secretive reputation." I told her.
"So? I have a 'secretive reputation'" she replied.
"No you have 'a reputation'" She rolled her eyes and then we got back to our conversation.
"Your father wanted you to marry into a royal family, correct?" she nodded. " He is not just, 'Austin' he is prince Austin, of Morlea. Grendal chose him. He is here as a guard for your protection, so he can get to know you. He and I used to be best friends." i said, i couldn't put the truth out. I hated my last name as people hate the Rebels.
"You hesitated, what are you hiding?" she asked.
"None of your business." Then a loud boom came from the lobby.
"Where is the princess?" the intruder asked a maid. Then the innkeeper came and rushed us into our room.
"Hide!" he yelled. We looked around. There was nowhere to hide. He rolled his eyes and showed us a false bottom underneath the bed. It could fit three people, but they would have to be knee to knee. The innkeeper told Layla to choose somebody to go with her. She shook her head and said she would go alone.
"No go with uh Beatrix." I had forgotten I had told him our names.
"No!" Beatrix and Layla said in unison.
"I will go" Austin and I said, together. I rolled my eyes, and asked Layla once more who to go with. She said herself, clearly wanting neither. I grumbled, then she got in the bunker. I would be going in with her. Great. Wait actually, Terrible! But when they came into the room, I knew I needed to be there. I looked at layla. I could see the worry in her eyes. I could even see a tear in this room of darkness.
chapter 5-layla
I felt the tears go down. I admit it, I am scared. I felt my body tremble as I scooted away from Ethan, who just climbed in. I wanted to be alone. To be strong. Ethan looked at me, like he was trying to memorize every line and detail of my face. He had argued who would go with me. Still I sat in the farthest corner, away from the panel, away from Ethan. I felt like a Turtle. Coming out when i wanted to, but always had a shell. Well not today. I am a warrior, whose shell has fallen off in combat. Nowhere to hide. Nowhere to go. Nothing to do. Except I wonder what would happen. To me, To Beatrix ( not that I cared) to Austin . To Ethan. Ethan. He was in here. Probably wondering the same thing. Or just reading my thoughts. Which right now, I didn't care. There were voices behind me. Still silently sobbing, I pressed an ear to the wall.
"The princess isn't in the room." A voice said.
"Well then put a sedative in every room so we can search without them trying to stop us." Another voice, the leader probably, said. My breaths got shallow, and loud. Somebody grabbed my shoulder. I squealed, then turned around.
"Ethan! You scared me!" I whisper hissed. Then he grabbed my hand. Soon, we were knee to knee, Ethan holding my hands like he would never let go.
"I thought you didn't like me."
"I don't. But I have to protect you. Protecting and liking are different." He whispered. Soon, I was at his side. My breaths were still shallow, almost wheezing. I held my chest. My lungs burned. I reached for my knife, wanting to poke a hole for air. Gone. Trevor must've given it to Beatrix when I was unconscious earlier today. Ethan wiped a tear off my face. But he didn't pull his fingers away. They just lingered there. A thought was on my mind that I wanted to go away. A memory. I bet Ethan was reading my mind right now but it wouldn't go away. This memory made me doubt. Made me suffer. But I watched it replay as I sat here. My hands tremble with fear. My enemy- no acquaintance holding my hands, trying to comfort me. But still, Ethan reading my mind or not, The memory replayed. Over and over
"Mom?" my eleven year old self said.
My mom turned her head. Then smiled. She had a picture in her hand.
"What sweetie?"
"How do you tell friends from enemies?" I asked. I have no idea why.
"Well, you feel something different for friends than you feel for enemies. Like, uh, take me for example. Do you love me?"
"Do you love the cook?"
"No. He won't let me go into the kitchen anymore after the 'accident' that happened, 3 years ago!" I complained. My mother smiled.
"But do you hate him?"
"Do you really? Do you remember when he used to sneak you pastries from the kitchen?" I nodded.
"What about Ethan. Do you hate him?"
"No. he's my friend. My only friend. My best friend." I said. My younger self proud to say the words.
"Do you feel something different when you are around him?"
"Yes, well different from what I feel around the cook." My mother laughed.
"It almost feels warm. Like his smile is a hug." I said. "Like my day is incomplete if i don't see him."
Ethan pulled me closer. I didn't want yo go closer. I wanted to disapper. But the memory was still going. Two things were going on in my mind. The memory, and a thought I hope Ethan wasn't focusing on.
All of a sudden, the door to her room burst open.
"My queen, My princess." a guard said.
"What do you need?" my mother asked.
"The king's ring was stolen." he said.
"Who was the last in the room?"
"The servant boy. Evan, no Ethan. Yes Ethan Florence was last alone in the room" My eleven year old self filled with anger and rage. My vision clouded and I cried on my mother.
" I-I-I thought w-w-we were f-friends!" i said between sobs. That's the last time I saw Ethan as a "friend"
I swear I felt Ethan's heart speed up. I did him a favor by getting me out of his arms and going back to my sad little corner. But I still had one thought on my mind. One single temptation that begged to be fulfilled. To kiss him. Kiss him and make everything better. I looked back at Ethan, his ghostly pale face still handsome in this bitter darkness. The guilt I felt made the air hot, I felt like I was suffocating as I watched Ethan gawk at me.