The music was even louder than before. People were spread out all over the room. Some were dancing, some were talking to one another, and some of them were eating food over by the food table.
I spotted Autumn over in a corner talking to Ella and Michael. They decided to show up after all. I looked behind me at Malum and gave him a signal to follow me. We walked over to where Autumn was and I took a seat next to her.
“So Ella and Micahel decided to grace us with their presence this evening it seems.” I said in a joking manner.
“We did indeed. Now bow before us. We are royalty.” Michael said while trying to keep a straight face.
We all burst out laughing. Michael can be so over dramatic sometimes. I love it.
“Malum, nice of you to join us as well. Grace has patiently been waiting for you to get here since we stepped through the door. And by patiently I mean not so patiently.” Autumn said while winking at him.
Jeez. Thanks Autumn. Way to make me look like I’m an obsessed, love struck, puppy dog. I’ll have to get payback on her later.
“Autumn doesn’t know what she is talking about. She obviously had way too much to drink.” I said while laughing nervously.
“Grace, there isn’t even alcohol here…”
“Oh right, right.” Crap I need to change the subject now. Like, right now.
It looked like Malum was silently laughing to himself.
‘What’s so funny mister? Do share.” I said.
“Nothing, nothing, just that you two bickering is kind of adorable and funny.”
Adorable and funny? As in, we are both adorable? Or is Autumn? Or was he referring to me? Hell, he might just be using the word in a general sense. He probably isn’t even calling either of us adorable.
Autumn jumped up from her chair and wrapped her arms around Malum.
Her arms. Around. Him. She has her arms around him. What the hell Autumn. Don’t touch him. Back off! He is mine. I was fuming. Anger was filling up my whole body. I was about to explode.
Calm down Grace, calm down. She is only being friendly. It is all okay. Nothing to worry about. Autumn isn’t even interested in dating anyone right now. She said so herself the other day. This is all okay. Everything is fine. This is fine.
“Aw, Malum, you’re so sweet.” She said while giggling.
“I try Autumn, I try. He said while politely untangling himself from Autumn’s friendly grasp.
I think my eye was twitching. Damn it. At least she isn’t touching him anymore. That was unbearable. I know it shouldn’t have bothered me like that, but it did. I think I’m really falling for Malum. Quickly. Way too quickly.
“Has anything exciting or dramatic happened here yet? I always love some good high school drama.” Ella said while twirling her fingers through her hair.
Bless her heart for changing the topic.
Autumn turned to face Ella. “Nothing too exciting has happened tonight. A few people have started making out, but that was expected.”
As she said that I noticed Laura and Max going out the door into another room. I wonder what they’re doing together. They always act like they hate one another when we are in school. Maybe things are different when no one else is around.
“I just saw Laura and Max go into another room. Who knows what they could be doing. Is that some drama that you wanted Michael and Ella?”
“Yes. Most definitely. Love it. Come on Ella, let’s go get some food and see if we can find out anything else from others while we are over there. Do you guys want us to bring you back any food?” Michael asked.
Malum and I both shook our heads.
Autumn stood up. “Hey I will come with you two. I’m somehow hungry again. Be back in a minute Malum and Grace.”
The three of them got up and headed over to the food table. Which left Malum and I alone once again.
He took the seat where Michael had been sitting. He moved the chair closer to me. I could feel his leg gently brushing up against mine. It was sending shivers through my body. He took notice of this.
“Are you still cold? You’re already wearing my jacket. What would you like next, my shirt?”
A shirtless Malum is something I would love to see one day, but not here. Not now. I still don’t know how to feel towards him after yesterday. He told me he was feeling under the weather and that everything was fine. Maybe that was the case, but part of me believes that there is something more going on. That he isn’t being honest. That he is hiding something from me- and I want to know what it is.
I tried to push these thoughts aside. I don’t want to think about this right now. It’s Halloween for Pete’s sake. Breathe Grace. Calm down.
“As much as I would love to keep stealing clothes from you, I am okay. I felt a slight breeze come into the room and it made me shiver. No need to worry. Thank you for asking though. I appreciate it.”
He flashed that million dollar smile of his. “Okay Grace. No problem.”
We both sat there quietly for a minute observing others mingling about around the room. Everyone was having so much fun. This night is turning out pretty great after all.
“Grace what are you doing tomorrow? “Malum asked.
The question surprised me. “I don’t think I have anything going on. My parents haven’t asked me to help them with anything specific tomorrow. So as of right now I think I’m doing absolutely nothing. Why do you ask?”
“Well, I was just wondering if you wanted to hangout again. Maybe we can go bowling tomorrow if you want. I love bowling. Even though I’m horrible at it.”
Bowling. I haven’t been bowling in forever. I don’t even know where the nearest bowling alley is.
I smiled. “Bowling sounds fun. I’m down. What time did you want to meet?”
“Awesome. Want me to pick you up at 1:00 tomorrow? Maybe I can get my father to let me borrow his car and… what?..” Malum’s expression suddenly became anxious and confused. What was wrong? Did I miss something?
“Malum what is it? Are you okay?” I asked nervously.
“Yeah, yeah. I’m fine. Don’t worry.” He let out a not so convincing laugh. Something was wrong.
“Malum seriously? Is everything okay?” He was worrying me now.
“Grace I’m fine. I just had a sudden brain freeze. That’s all. Stop worrying silly girl. Everything is alright. I promise.”
Even the way he said all of that didn’t seem very convincing. Is he hiding something else from me? I wish he wouldn’t keep secrets from me- and once again I wish I could have a mind reading superpower. That would be very helpful right about now.
Suddenly I heard a voice coming from behind me.
“Malum, this is where you snuck off to? Seriously?”
I turned around and came face to face with an angel. A Greek goddess. A girl I could not compete with.
She was average height, with a slim build and golden, shoulder length hair. No knots or tangles in sight. Her clothes looked like they had been bought from an expensive fashion store located in New York City’s 5th avenue. Her features were perfect. And her eyes, her eyes were as bright and radiant as the sun. They reminded me of Malum’s golden eyes that one time. Wait, were they the same eyes?
Malum started speaking and my train of thought became lost.
“Hi. Yes, this is where I snuck off too. I’m sorry to worry you.”
She kneeled down next to him and ran her fingers through his hair. Anger instantly bubbled up inside of me again. Damn it. Damn this creature.
“Malum you should have texted me where you were going darling. It can be so difficult to track you down sometimes.”
He smiled apologetically. “I know, I’m sorry Luxina. I will try to not have it become a habit.”
She stopped running his fingers through his hair. “You are such a liar. But I don’t care. The bad boys have always been my type.” Then she smiled and slowly connected her lips onto his.
And in that moment, it felt like I had been punched in the gut, and was falling off a cliff in slow motion.
Everything went dark.