I groaned as that cunning alarm decided to
disturb my lovely sleep. But the thought about my locker brought a smile on my face. It is because of my secret admirer, more lover boy. But the disappointing fact is that he prefers to remain anonymous.
Thinking of the possibilities of who I could be, I got into my hot shower, which was relaxing my nerves, skin, and my soul. As I got dressed in a comfortable outfit, and got into the kitchen to meet my brother Dylan who was cooking for Amanda and me. I lost my mom and dad in a car accident when I was very young that I could hardly remember their faces. since then we had to live with our abusive aunt and uncle till Dylan turned eighteen. But this did not have a major effect on me because Dylan always handled them and saved me from their cruel hand.
Now Dylan is twenty three working in a company as the personal assistant for his boss. If you were wondering, who Amanda millers is, she is Dylan's girlfriend who is more like a sister to me. She is majoring in psychology. They met and fell for each other when Dylan worked in a cafe.
"Hey Izza, morning. How about some pancakes?". He asked breaking me out of my reverie.
"Where is Amanda?" I asked him.
"She left early today". he replied.
I had my breakfast and got into my car and
left to school.
As I walked towards my locker my eyes
zeroed at my angry best friend Iris Shelley.
We are not that typical nerd or the bitchy
queen bee. But just common and average
students who is always invisible to the eyes of those popular girls and jocks.
"Hey ris". I greeted her.
" Isabella Collins I've been waiting for you for
more than an hour in front of your locker."
She yelled.
" sorry" I muttered.
"Anyways, I am gonna meet Tyler in the end
of this weekend". Now she sounded enthusiastic.
"That's great" I squealed. Though I knew that
I am gonna miss her. After all she is my bae..
I had English with Mr. Andree in the first
period. It went so slowly where seconds
where like hours. Later the day went quickly
and I was nervously standing in front of my
locker. As I opened my locker........
There was a white envelope with a red heart. I opened the card to see it's contents
My Isabella,
I am scared....
I really am. I wish I was with you right now.
Your eyes, nose, those full plump lips.
Everything..... Everything about you make me
fall for you again and again.
I wish I had the confidence to confront you Mi Bella.
I am sorry to mess with that beautiful head of yours.
That day when you were walking down the
hallway all alone like a lost puppy all alone. I
felt like running to you and comforting you.
But I can't,something about me isn't allowing
me to confront you. Maybe one day you will
be all mine and I will be yours.
With lots of love...
Hey guys,
This is my first story. so I request you to
tolerate me and my mistakes. Please support
me and feel free to post your suggestions. I
will be really thankful to you.
With lots of love,
~ Musical_raindrop.