No Plagiarism!AhbT7qmf7sCDrEvzxgBWposted on PENANA Now Jake and I are officially dating. We are8964 copyright protection441PENANA23nQWR7Anp 維尼
going on a date on Friday and it is only8964 copyright protection441PENANAwtRZSVlMDD 維尼
Wednesday yet. He has been an absolute8964 copyright protection441PENANAq4mLuIt0Rl 維尼
gentleman to me. I feel complete with him8964 copyright protection441PENANAlUnQ2PaAf3 維尼
next to me.8964 copyright protection441PENANA0fZaYZmo4a 維尼
Iris has not yet returned because Tyler8964 copyright protection441PENANAPAxaebU1Pe 維尼
wouldn't let her go, since he is only going to8964 copyright protection441PENANATgFcvv5iJH 維尼
stay for a couple of weeks.8964 copyright protection441PENANA2bR504NRIz 維尼
I am currently walking home since Amanda8964 copyright protection441PENANAj6DU4hZ4m5 維尼
took my car because of some problem with8964 copyright protection441PENANAaObuWiwlIS 維尼
her car. I reached the main door and heard8964 copyright protection441PENANAIJChG1Gwuz 維尼
someone yelling. As I opened the door I saw8964 copyright protection441PENANAVSRE65w5rQ 維尼
Amanda and Dylan arguing.8964 copyright protection441PENANA1F8VxFTHJE 維尼
"What the hell Mandy, she is still a kid"8964 copyright protection441PENANAlW6gYx7KP9 維尼
"She is almost eighteen Dy, she has8964 copyright protection441PENANAjKRznoxFvn 維尼
the right to date whoever the hell she wants"8964 copyright protection441PENANAYTjY7spUPz 維尼
Oh, so this is about me.8964 copyright protection441PENANAKkWTvsya2i 維尼
"What the hell guys the entire LA can hear8964 copyright protection441PENANAzFplfS4ArS 維尼
you!." I yelled.8964 copyright protection441PENANAGv4Fon6oMz 維尼
"What's going on between Jake and8964 copyright protection441PENANA5z86kGtdHA 維尼
you"Dylan almost snapped at me.8964 copyright protection441PENANAjhmN013Lkr 維尼
"What the heck Dylan, I was dating you when I8964 copyright protection441PENANAwBfodduPG2 維尼
was younger than Izza".8964 copyright protection441PENANAPRYG0fvoBZ 維尼
My saviour. I gave her a mental hi-fi and8964 copyright protection441PENANAUK8sW2yYeN 維尼
smirked at Dylan8964 copyright protection441PENANADS1EgzWzeY 維尼
"Yup big bro, I am dating Jake Parker". I said8964 copyright protection441PENANAsVMzZD0YpF 維尼
emphasising the word 'am'. Dylan was8964 copyright protection441PENANAxa5IoJKnSR 維尼
dumbstruck. I chuckled and left the place.8964 copyright protection441PENANADmBsWvmyto 維尼
"Love you Mandy" I muttered and went up the8964 copyright protection441PENANAKf4pdyMOOM 維尼
stairs.8964 copyright protection441PENANAi0dsIEEiST 維尼
Evening I saw Amanda and Dylan laughing8964 copyright protection441PENANAWYx5MgPx7N 維尼
and cuddling while watching some rom-com.8964 copyright protection441PENANAaJ1ydTeB1F 維尼
After dinner I left her kitchen to avoid any8964 copyright protection441PENANAbwMWoMgCd6 維尼
PDA which could possibly pollute my innocent8964 copyright protection441PENANAfPBFG87g3c 維尼
eyes.8964 copyright protection441PENANACy71ez8KXg 維尼
I got into my room switched off8964 copyright protection441PENANAK6zCaWEVNx 維尼
the lights and rested upon my bed thinking of8964 copyright protection441PENANAeQ8CDHc23d 維尼
a particular pair of brown eyes which seemed8964 copyright protection441PENANAQIyvxMt6WR 維尼
so calm.8964 copyright protection441PENANAwajYGaM18x 維尼
Thinking of his voice made me think that he8964 copyright protection441PENANAj7R1jBxWZs 維尼
was singing a lullaby for me to sleep.8964 copyright protection441PENANAIV98xzB2F1 維尼
I slowly got into my wonderland.......8964 copyright protection441PENANAyozIMTpa1n 維尼
Knock8964 copyright protection441PENANAVbYPEkDg0a 維尼
Knock8964 copyright protection441PENANAXnznqeclWR 維尼
Knock8964 copyright protection441PENANAunWHuvrcMo 維尼
"Darn it!" I muttered.8964 copyright protection441PENANAz6ETYkSQqu 維尼
Knock8964 copyright protection441PENANAVH3dsxhZhf 維尼
Knock8964 copyright protection441PENANA5M3sUIHcVd 維尼
Where the hell is this noise coming from?8964 copyright protection441PENANAGmLPbQT426 維尼
OH MY GOSH8964 copyright protection441PENANAAFFgo4kbTL 維尼
It's from my window. Who the hell is knocking8964 copyright protection441PENANAiDxgi0Yowt 維尼
my window at this time8964 copyright protection441PENANA9zFRa1pJ9K 維尼
A murderer???8964 copyright protection441PENANA6E48lm2Zsd 維尼
Knock knock8964 copyright protection441PENANAy9l2Bumb1b 維尼
A rapist????8964 copyright protection441PENANA8sInqhXTHl 維尼
Knock knock knock8964 copyright protection441PENANAGX3BSVzj6T 維尼
A obsessed stalker???8964 copyright protection441PENANA5NBrJxaHJz 維尼
Knock8964 copyright protection441PENANAKdDG6NyGng 維尼
I took my night lamp with me and slowly8964 copyright protection441PENANAh4ghNoZ9TY 維尼
opened the window. I saw a person in a black8964 copyright protection441PENANAV1sPuEAJk3 維尼
hoodie, which made it impossible for me to8964 copyright protection441PENANA12sGW3RBo6 維尼
look at the person's face. The figure8964 copyright protection441PENANAqPZeuTZtnd 維尼
immediately jumped into my room through8964 copyright protection441PENANANbTxz4wLGP 維尼
the window. I opened my mouth to scream8964 copyright protection441PENANAIBKMo4CwlX 維尼
when the figure seemed to figure out my next8964 copyright protection441PENANAJKtDiS9kvR 維尼
move. So he covered my mouth and pushed8964 copyright protection441PENANAJ1gv4YjEPG 維尼
me to the wall . The person slowly turned on8964 copyright protection441PENANAGN67LAXIoj 維尼
the lights and whisper yelled.8964 copyright protection441PENANA2A4puFaExH 維尼
"Shut her hell up, I am not here to hurt8964 copyright protection441PENANArBh1Usxa4n 維尼
you".8964 copyright protection441PENANAd447jhzv6y 維尼
I visibly relaxed.8964 copyright protection441PENANARpjcYFjh3v 維尼
The guy was wearing a silver mask through8964 copyright protection441PENANAAdPqOwj8wm 維尼
which I was able to see his forest green eyes.8964 copyright protection441PENANAe19eJpMxZD 維尼
It was a beautiful shade of green.8964 copyright protection441PENANAoxqNgcEpwD 維尼
"Who are you?"I asked but the guy kept8964 copyright protection441PENANAW3vUqKETki 維尼
staring at me. I was still pressed up against8964 copyright protection441PENANAbqdB4kcWXT 維尼
the wall. This idiot was too strong for my8964 copyright protection441PENANAENt4uC8qTg 維尼
liking. I noticed something wet my foot. I8964 copyright protection441PENANA4wuMcXokVn 維尼
looked down to see the blood and later8964 copyright protection441PENANAF2yfh9mbRE 維尼
noticed his bleeding hand.8964 copyright protection441PENANApCDW4GwSeE 維尼
"Sit down!" I commanded and walked towards8964 copyright protection441PENANAMaeHDPzTQV 維尼
my closet to bring out my first aid kit. I came8964 copyright protection441PENANAJ6n46OVVO5 維尼
back to see him sitting on my bed. I dabbed8964 copyright protection441PENANALjNgEF0zDD 維尼
the cotton dipped in disinfectant on his injury.8964 copyright protection441PENANA14ONHwLzsV 維尼
He didn't even wince in pain. The round8964 copyright protection441PENANAAdyqPqIrqa 維尼
looked so horrible and painful. I finally8964 copyright protection441PENANArNwkjBMkYa 維尼
completed my job and looked at him to find8964 copyright protection441PENANAwAuFx1eIEa 維尼
him already staring at me.8964 copyright protection441PENANAO9XRlYh7tV 維尼
It was getting awkward so I cleared my throat8964 copyright protection441PENANA3FxTEeLlG3 維尼
and announced.8964 copyright protection441PENANAYfV9zrAyjP 維尼
"It's done" I announced.8964 copyright protection441PENANAntlH5PUwfq 維尼
"Thank you" he whispered again.8964 copyright protection441PENANAWe9HwEMfQp 維尼
"Hey I didn't get to see you or know your8964 copyright protection441PENANAjgH9zqmObJ 維尼
name."8964 copyright protection441PENANAy1V4bTbopY 維尼
I heard a husky chuckle followed by "it's Sometimes better to remain strangers"8964 copyright protection441PENANA3uxXj7e0ux 維尼
______________________________8964 copyright protection441PENANAz8YutfSGFP 維尼
Hey guys,8964 copyright protection441PENANAaYNnSoc9BZ 維尼
Thanks for your support.8964 copyright protection441PENANA4SXH0aoaSd 維尼
I am very thankful to you.8964 copyright protection441PENANAOsNsZr6jNb 維尼
It's okay if you don't feel like voting for my8964 copyright protection441PENANA1BKqvZnvoN 維尼
story but feel free to comment.8964 copyright protection441PENANAzVTE3NWh9o 維尼
With lots of love,8964 copyright protection441PENANAaVEX82YQXX 維尼
~musical_raindrop.8964 copyright protection441PENANAmX4O8NVwB5 維尼