“AAAAHHHHH” I scream in pain. Blood is everywhere splatting the hardwood floor. My brother runs out of the room as I keep sobbing and sobbing.
Just moments before I had been joking around with my brother “Hey Lily..... Do potatoes have noses?” my brother Kyle asks “Of course not Kyle!” I reply. I zone out, just staring at the wall, looking at the weird paint style that’s on it. “HA HA!” yells my brother, as he drives his fist into my shoulder. “Oh no you didn’t!” I say. My competitive gear is on! I run and smack my fist into his shoulder “HA HA!” I tell him. I walk backwards to the chair I jump backwards to land on the chair. But it isn’t. My knee rams into the glass cabinet. It feels as if a thousand flaming, tiny knives have been stabbed into my knee. I scream. It’s unbearable. The ocean is coming out of my eyes. My brother runs out of the room. Blood is everywhere! On my knee, on the hardwood floor, everywhere. My grandparents run in and my grandpa runs out. He comes back with a first aid kit. They put water on my wound to clean it, then disinfectant which makes my wince in pain. Then they bandage it up. “What happened?” asks my grandma. I explain everything. “Okay, well, we’ll bring you to the hospital tomorrow.” says my grandpa. “Okay...” I say. Hospital here I come. I drift into a deep sleep.....
So this was just an example (a really bad one) feel free to make your story longer or shorter. Good luck!