5 months after the incident, Shtorm was patrolling the North Atlantic. No Sirens were around. However, 20:00 during that same day was when the story actually begins.
Radio Operator: "Captain! Contacts stern and starboard!"
Captain (Russian accent): "Hostile?"
Radio Operator: "Confirmed hostiles, one patrol just came back confirming our contacts."
Captain (Microphone): "Battlestations comrades!"
The deck suddenly spiked in activity. F-18s and SU-33s rolled onto catapults and launched.
E2 Hawkeyes followed shortly after.
Radio Operator (Urgent): "Contact portside; 35 knots and closing in from 15 km!"
Captain to the missile launch control center (MLCC): "Contact portside 15km and closing at 35 knots!"
Crew member in MLCC: "Surface contact, 9 o'clock 2-8-1 degrees speed 3-5 knots."
Another crew member in MLCC: "Missile launch."
Meanwhile outside, one of the missile cell doors opened up, and a Shipwreck anti-ship missile spewed out. It took only 12 seconds to reach its target.
MLCC to Captain: "Contact destroyed."
Aircraft fought with the ships, but they continued their advance towards the supercarrier. After about an hour of fighting, it was clear they were closing in as more contacts appeared on radar.
Captain: "They're gaining on us!"
Officer #1: "Storm 3-4-0 degrees ahead of us sir."
Captain: "Give me those binocs."
The Officer hands his binoculars to Captain and observed the storm
Captain: "Make a run to that storm; we're gonna try and shake them off."
Officer #2: "Captain! Missile lock!"
Captain to MLCC: "Missile lock!"
-In MLCC room-
MLCC Member #1: "Missile lock missile lock."
MLCC Member #2: "Gauntlet missile ready for launch."
-Missile warning sounds-
MLCC Member #2: "Missile locked, firing!"
-Up on deck, another cell opened and a missile blazed out of the cell, intercepting the Siren missile.-
The RN Shtorm made full steam towards the storm: 30 knots.
Captain: "Tell all aircraft to return, this ride is about to get rough."
Officer #1: "Affirmative."
Aircraft returned, and the last one returned before Shtorm entered the storm. Siren vessels suddenly stopped pursuit as the Shtorm went inside the storm.
Officer #1: "Captain, looks like they're disengaging."
Captain: "Strange, keep the course."
They continued sailing through the waters, and things got weird after the day struck 22:00.
Officer #2: "Uh cap?"
Captain: "What is it?"
Officer #2: "There's an anomaly over there, it's very bright."
The captain noticed it right away, and it was extremely bright white. They continued course but the ship began moving unnaturally when they moved closer.
Crew member #1: "Captain, you need to look at this."
Captain: "What is it?"
Both walked to a digital screen displaying the ships heading and speed, as well as other information relating to its movement.
Captain: "That's not right..."
The heading showed it was moving sideways and was gaining speed even after reaching its supposed top speed.
And it was sliding towards the light.
Captain: "Full hard port!"
Officer #3: "Aye aye!"
The ship groaned as the rudders shifted. It did almost nothing to alter the ship's course.
Crew member #1: "33 knots!"
The ship groaned and creaked as the ship accelerated towards the light. Personnel was thrown about and the ship listed as they approached 200 feet of the light.
Crew member #1: "35 knots!"
Captain: "Everyone brace!"
The carrier and everyone in it was sucked through the light, and the light anomaly disappeared after sucking in the carrier...
And the adventure began...