Had it been she knew?,she wouldn't have chosen the wrong path that has caused havoc to the entire Flora realm.
Here Is Isabella,the princess of the Flora realm that inherited her power from her parents before their demise.The power left for her is to control the realm,grow flowers with her magical rod,make it beautify with a shiny aroma that got people attracted and heals millions of people from sickness in the realm.
Isabella's dream to continue preserving the Flora realm that caught the eye of other realm into jealousness got shattered from the hand of a spy sent from Other realms after realizing that she was trapped into the heart of a man she claimed to love. The love she showed him caused distraction to her concentration on her realm which has brought down the whole Flora realm into pieces.
"If I had known, I wouldn't have abandoned my dream and forget the taboo that has caused havoc to my realm due to my love for a man".It is over !!!,my dreams ,my Flora realm surrounded with sparkling flowers that blossoms the heart of my people has been vanished from the Immortal realm".
She walked away bitterly to the wilderness after being stoned by her people for risking their lives .
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