Chapter - 4
"We reached." Yvonne says.
"So fast."
"Yeah, I drove fast too. The party house is nearby; I told you that before."
It took us only two minutes to reach the party house. But like she said, she actually drove way too fast. I told her to slow down a bit but she is Yvonne after all and she cares because?
We step out of the car and start walking towards the party house. The party house is big enough but not too huge. It's like a big house. I can hear the noises from all the music and shoutings from a distance. I was right about this. This is going to be a one hell of a night because the party seems to be a huge one. I was never a party person and I can literally count how many parties I have gone to in my life. This is the fourth or the fifth one. I wouldn't have come for this party if it wasn't for her.
I can see plenty of guys coming out to smoke and some girls leaving the party with guys who were all over them. They all seem pretty drunk which only adds up to my suspicions. They say not to judge people fast but looking at the individuals some who just went out with guys, I can say that I'm not wrong on what I think they are leaving the party for. I guess one night stands are pretty normal. I won't know because all these arn't really my thing.
"My warning earlier is because of all these things that you are staring at right now." Yvonne suddenly says.
I nod. It seems she noticed how uncomfortable I became after seeing all these people. She knows it well that I'm not used to all these. Perhaps, she knew it since the first time she saw me and that's why she gave me all those warnings.
We enter the house and see a whole lot of bunch of people shouting, drinking and dancing. We thought we were early because the party starts at six and right now it's only five twenty five or something like that. I look over at Yvonne and to my surprise, she seems surprise too.
"Hey, the party starts at six right?" I ask.
"Yeah...I mean Jason told me it starts at six. Actually, don't ask me. I am confused."
I stare at her with eyes that scream 'Confusion'. She shoots me back a look that seems to say, 'Don't give me that look. We are in the same boat.'
I roll my eyes at her.
"Hey ladies. Welcome! Well, you guys are late." A deep voice comes from behind.
We turn around and see a guy grinning widely at us. He is tall with hair as dark as the night sky and tan complexion. His attire tells me that he is a very sporty person. His face features are as sharp as Yvonne. Now I'm not saying, they kinda lookalike. I'm saying he is as good looking as Yvonne is.
"Jason, you told me that the party starts at six." Yvonne says.
Okay. He is Jason Baltimore.
"Oh shit. Didn't I text you that it's been shifted to five because the Dean said it's a college night so the party has to start early and end early?"
"No. Not. At. All." Yvonne says annoyed.
"Well, sorry for that. But now, as you guys have reached. Come party."
"Wait. I won't be partying tonight. I just came here for Summer. She is new here so I'm gonna stay here with her." Yvonne says, putting her left arm over me.
"Oh okay. Hey there newbie." Jason says to me.
"I'm Jason Baltimore and I'm sure Yvonne told you about me before." He says and looks over Yvonne, winking at her before offering his hand for a handshake.
"Hi, I'm Summer Hayes." I say and shake his hand.
He offers me a warm welcome smile and says, "Yvonne, come with me and bring her with you so that she can meet more people."
"Not 'more people'. Your Squad. Correction." Yvonne says.
"Yeah. My Squad are also people. Come. We have a lot to catch up with." He says flirtatiously.
Yvonne rolls her eyes at him and follows him, taking me with her. As I follow them, I ask Yvonne where were we going and she says she will introduce more people to me. I just nod and follow. After sometime, we enter a big room where I see five boys laughing and talking.
"Hey Squad. I'm back and with Yvonne and her friend." Jason says.
They all look up. When they looked up, I notice one guy. The guy has dirty brown hair with features as sharp as possible. I wonder if everyone here has sharp features. His deep intense eyes were blue like the ocean and the smile he just gave them was really captivating. In all honesty, he is the most good looking guy I've ever laid eyes on.
"Summer. Hello?"
"Oh yeah. I'm sorry. I wandered off."
"Yeah you did. Anyways, I would like to introduce you to some people."
I was so lost in admiring the guy that I drifted off. Yvonne starts to introduce me to the guys in the room.
"Summer, they are all a part of "the squad". They don't have a name because they think it's too overrated. They are all sophomores." She starts from the left.
"This is Ryder Hudson, Ian Hastings, Liam Brown, Preston Miller and—"
"Elijah. Grey." The Greek god says, standing up.
When he stood up, I notice that he is pretty muscular and very hot. He wore an off white hoodie with denim jacket on top of it with black torn jeans and black vans.His dirty brown hair was untamed and messy, making it in taper wavy style. His deep piercing blue eyes meet mine and I feel like he will hypnotise me the next second if I don't look away.
But I don't.
I can't.
It's like my whole body and every part in me has signed an agreement that allows him to hypnotised me just by his eyes. If eyes could capture, I would have been captured, happily. Instantly and immediately, I hated the way he made me feel. I have never felt like this about anyone before. I feel so powerless and so dependent. Suddenly, I felt as if I realised that I don't have everything I need. I have always felt as if I have everything. I'm blessed in many ways of life. I've got everything that I've ever asked for. I didn't ask for more and why should I? Happiness is the most important thing and I have it. I was happy with whatever I have and was so damn sure that I have EVERYTHING.
Until tonight.
Tonight, I felt as if I realised happiness is the most important thing but happiness itself is incomplete without love. I tried brushing all these thoughts away. I've always believed in the miracles of love and stuffs related to the confusing but captivating thing called love but never really felt I needed it. I've always pictured myself alone in the future. I tried to brush all the stupid realisation I felt I was realising at the moment. Sure I can't be attracted to a person I've just met, let alone love. I ain't like that. I thought I was just tired and thinking stupid thoughts about a guy whom I haven't even spoken a word with. I was going crazy, real crazy. I tried thinking that I've gone crazy now but it just doesn't happen. The feelings and the stupid realisation refuses to get out of my head. Instead, I end up realising and questioning myself more. I tried to stop it again but it just doesn't happen. At last, I hear a voice inside my head saying :
It took you so long to realise this simple thing and kept on thinking you have everything when you clearly don't. The happiness you think you have is itself incomplete because you don't have love in it. You need love. The only thing thing missing in your happiness box. And the guy in front of you made you realise this small thing just by his eyes, something no one could do in your past seventeen years. Sure he must be special.