“So, what’s life at the academy like? How would you describe the experience?” Iona enthusiastically asked Farnell, who was clearly uncomfortable, but still forced a smile.
“U-um…I’d say it’s…how to put it…unique. Being in the special forces program, almost all of our free time is eaten up with training, exercises, and a bunch of classwork.”
As Iona started to again pepper Farnell with questions, Dorian made sure there was plenty of room between him and Iona. The last thing he wanted was to have an overeager reporter get a soundbyte off of him and misrepresent it for the whole world to see.
Thankfully for Dorian, the walk to the farmhouse came to an end when it came into view. As they approached the farmhouse, two guards held up their weapons, blocking the entrance. “Halt! This area is restricted to authorized personnel only.”
Miriam walked up to the front of the group. “We’re authorized. We’ve been ordered to talk with the commander about some tasks he has for us.”
The guards immediately withdrew their weapons. “Oh…I had no idea that you’ve returned Miriam. Please…enter.”
Miriam nodded at the guards and motioned for the rest to follow her. As they entered, they could quickly see that the surrounding area was completely different. Before, the exterior seemed calm despite the police presence. However, now, the obvious remnants of a fight were clearly visible, with dark patches littering the ground, Dorian presuming to be blood. Previous crops had been trampled over, deep gouges visible in wood, and the entrance to the door having been broken from its hinges, lying on the inside of the house.
Iona was swiveling her head, trying to take in as much as she could, somehow clearly writing down her thoughts on her notepad in the process. As they approached the entrance, Jac appeared at the entrance, stepping over the broken door. “Miriam, you have no idea how glad I was to have received your call last night. As you can see here…” Jac motioned to the surrounding area. “...things aren’t exactly like it was before you left.” As he looked over Miriam’s shoulders, he spotted a familiar face. “Is…that you, Iona?”
Iona stepped forward and nodded. “Long time no see Jac! I’d say it’s a pleasure to see you again, but considering the circumstances…”
Jac chuckled. “I agree, though it is good to see you again. It’s been…what…a year now? I’d ask why you’re here, but considering your job…I assume you’re here to interview me about the…current events.”
Iona nodded. “You are correct. We received reports of some unusual activity, and my boss wanted me to write an investigatory piece…pretty adamantly too I might add. I tried to get an interview with you the past couple days but have been unsuccessful. It wasn’t until this morning that I was told about the students you have here assisting with the investigation and got in contact with them.”
Jac looked at everyone. “I sincerely hope you didn’t give her any information…right?”
Iona shook her head. “They didn’t. The only information I got was about the academy itself and the special forces program they’re in. However, that’s not going to be a part of my story, or even their involvement as well. I do want to interview you though about what you’re doing in maintaining public security and what steps you’re taking in ensuring the public’s confidence, despite the quickly growing rumors in the city.”
Jac sighed. “Always dancing on the fine line I see…alright. I do owe you after all so consider my favor to you paid in full after the interview. Until then, could you wait a few paces back so I can give them their next orders?”
Iona quickly walked away to an untouched patch in the field, just out of earshot of them. Jac sighed. “I apologize for her. She’s a gifted journalist and reporter, but she lets her journalistic mindset take over sometimes. Once that happens, her mind essentially becomes hyperfocused on what she’s reporting.”
Miriam chuckled. “From the looks of it, I would think that there’s some history between you two.”
Jac nodded. “She’s the sister of one of my ex’s. After the breakup, I didn’t see her until just last year, when I was in consideration for this promotion, and she was reporting about a local dispute that threatened to turn into a riot at the town I was stationed at at the time. When she approached me, needless to say I was terrified. The sister of an ex, now a reporter, wanting to interview you about a highly sensitive topic that could turn ugly at a moment's notice? I could only imagine what would have happened. Instead, she treated me warmly, said that personal histories are superseded by journalistic ethics, and that she’d not add any slanderous opinions about me. I gave her the interview she wanted, and to my surprise, she even slanted the article to make me look better than what I believed was the case. I sent her a letter thanking her about not dragging me through the ringer and that I owe her one. She responded back that she’ll use that favor I owe her for another interview when she believes I’m a part of a major story. Haven’t heard from her since until now.”
Miriam laughed. “I’m not sure how you can be so lucky. If I were in her shoes, I’d report nothing but the facts…and those facts wouldn’t have painted you in the most positive light.”
Jac sighed. “You don’t have to remind me. I was absolutely terrified at the time. Though enough about that. I do need to ask you all for a huge favor.” Jac handed Miriam a packet filled with papers. “These are witness reports that we received concerning the man. These are all from just last night alone. I want you all to go through them and act on whatever leads you may think are viable from these reports. We would do this ourselves, but we’re now lacking in the manpower. We’ve been increasing patrols and focusing on investigating current crime scenes.”
Jac looked at Miriam. “Miriam, since you’re here, I’m counting on you to help them out if they need it, and keep them safe at all costs. Their instructor would add me to the list of casualties concerning this incident if they were hurt…or worse.”
Miriam nodded. “Don’t worry Jac, I won’t let anything happen to them. Besides, I won’t be fighting alone if things get tough.”
Jac’s eyes flickered to Dorian before immediately returning to looking at Miriam. “Yeah…you’re right. Anyways, once you find what leads you want to follow up, give me a call. I want to know where you’ll be going, and if there’s additional locations that you need to go to afterwards, again, call me. If things were to go south, I want to at least know where to send my men to start a search.”
The group nodded in agreement. “Good…now, if you’ll excuse me, I have an interview to conduct…and hope I don’t get chewed out by my superiors if I accidentally leak any information.”
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