The sun was already setting when Liam and Bella arrived at Gian Matthews house. They really didn't talk that much. She was more concerned as to what she'll do when she meets Gian Matthew. The guy who ruined the start of her senior year. She don't want anything to do with him anymore. She sigh looking outside the window when Liam came to a stop near a small white house.
"We're here," Liam announced.
It was a simple white bungalow house with plain walls and touches of wood placed as accents. It looked like a normal looking house not something a devil would nested in like Bella thought. The drapes were drawn on the inside so there was no way of telling if anyone was home.
Bella started to regret coming in at his house seeing that there's a chance no one's home or she'll probably fall deeper into the insanity of Gian Matthews antics. She was about to ask Liam to turn back when a phone started ringing.
It was Liam's phone, he answered it using one of the many buttons on his wheels and heard someone say Hello on the cars speakers.
"Where are you?" it was hard to say if it was woman or a man as the voice sounded either.
"Sorry, I had to go somewhere," Liam answered looking over to Bella.
Bella felt like she's being nosy all of the sudden. Clearly, Liam doesn't want the caller to know who he was with.
"Then come back here and get your things," the caller demanded sounding irritated. "I swear Liam, this is the last time I'm going to help you out with this if you'll play hooky every damn time."
"Sorry... I was with Bella actually," Bella's body turned rigid. "I drove her to Gian's house. I'll go there as soon as we're done here."
"Oh, is she with you now?"
"Good God, Liam. Why didn't you say so? I sounded like an angry mother."
Liam chuckled. "You could've told me beforehand," the caller added.
"Yeah, we'll I didn't know you'll get this mad." Liam explained he look over to Bella again before adding, "And who says you don't always sound like my mother, Mike?" Liam and I bursts out laughing.
"Haha. Funny." Mike said sarcastically. "Get your butt over here, or I'll throw and burn all your stuff out." He added and hang up.
"I guess that's my cue to go," Bella smiled. "You don't need to come with me by the way,"
Bella reached the car handle and turned towards Liam, "Thanks for the ride, Liam"
She smiled weakly. "And for everything else."
"You sure?" he asked his brows knitted leaning over to her side.
"Yeah, it's fine." Bella replied. "I can handle him." She smiled and make a fist smacking her other hand.
"Just go easy on him then," he chuckled and returned her smile.
She opened the car door and walk towards the devils house. She looked back to check if Liam was still there and found him looking over the passenger window. Bella wave her hand and motions for him to leave. He wave one hand goodbye and drove off.
Now, Bella felt stumped. She didn't expect to be standing outside Gian Matthews house today. Leslie had planned everything... get the address, plan out how to confront him, get the guidebook back. Easy.
The were suppose to be a tag team. With Leslie not present she had no clue on what to do next. She could call Leslie and tell her to come right now so not to waste this opportunity. Bella reached for her phone and was about to dial Leslie's cell when someone from behind her said.
"Can I help you?" Bella spins and found herself looking at a round cherubic girl staring at her.
She looked around to see if she was imagining things when the cherubic girl asks, "Are you lost?" Her angelic voice matches her angelic face.
Bella squatted down to the cherubic's level. Her eyes were a swirling pool of green and brown that has specks of yellow. It kind of reminded her of someone but can't put a finger on it right now as the little cherubs batted her eyes waiting for Bella's answer. Bella smiled sweetly, "No, just... well... just having second thoughts. But... um... what's your name sweety?"
Her eyes twinkled at the questioned. "Bailey." she said shyly as she fidgets her dress.
"What a pretty name," Bella smiled as the little girl blushed.
"What's your name?" The little cherub asks.
"It's Bella, nice to meet you," she reaches out her hand for her to shake when someone yelled. "Bailey! I told you not to talk to strangers."
The little cherub frowned and run towards the person who scolded.
"You..." she straighten and her jaw clenched as she realize who it was. His brows knits as he marches towards her.
"As if my day couldn't get any worse," Gian Matthews muttered.
"Is she your friend, Gigi?" Bailey asked her eyes shimmered with hope.
Bella can see now the resemblance. She guessed their family was blessed with such beauty. It was almost offensive. But wait, did she just say Gigi?
"Go back inside. Now." he ordered. Bailey followed her smile fading as she walk towards their house.
Gian Matthew crosses his arms and repeated, "You lost, Rosey?"
"It sure looks like it"
"I am not" Bella scoffed. "I'm here to see you."
"Well, you saw me. Goodbye" Gian Matthew turned his back and headed back to the white house.
"W-wait..." Bella stummered. Gian Matthew continued to walk as if he heard nothing. "WAIT!" Bella shouted.
"What?" Gian Matthew turned his head.
"Where are you going?" Bella sounded irritated. This wasn't part of the plan. Gian Matthew wasn't supposed to be this difficult, she thought.
"Where else do you think?" he thumb at the bungalow. "It's my house."
Bella cleared her throat, "You didn't go to school... for the last few days... so... I thought I'd go here to get the book myself."
"What book?" he asks blankly.
"Don't play dumb with me," she frowned. "My guidebook... where is it?"
"Ah..." he nodded. "Right, that filthy black book of yours... why would you think I'd give it back?"
"Look, I already held my end of the bargain. Everyone know we're together," she said matter of factly. "You won, now can I please have it back?"
"You stupi--" she was interrupted when a woman who could look like Gian Matthews twin came out of the gate, Bailey tagging behind her feet.
"Hi, I'm Carmela. You must be a friend of Ian?" she asks her sweet smile illuminating the whole street.
Slim figure, long brown wavy hair with one dimple appearing on her right cheek when she speaks. She looked like a Greek goddess.
"Bella," she looked at her stunned by her beauty. What is up with this family?
"She was just leaving," Gian Matthew muttered and walk pass her.
"Don't be ridiculous, Ian" she pats his shoulders lightly as he went inside the house. "Are you hungry? I made dinner."
"No, it's fine I'm not hungry," Bella shook her head. To her dismay, her stomach grumbles to say otherwise.
Carmela smiled and opened the gate for her to invite in. Bailey skip towards her and took her hand as they walk inside the house.
Unlike the simplicity of the external interiors of the house, the inside looks astonishing. It looked much bigger, wider, and somehow cozy. Color coordinated white and woods cuts were the theme with minimalistic designs.
Bella looked in awe as her eyes takes in their dinning. A long table with six seats decorated by navy blue mat with intricate designs made from silk flourishes the entire room. Gold plates and utensils are carefully placed on the table. Chandelier hangs in the middle of the room.
Bailey led her to one of the seats opposite from where Gian Matthew was sitting. Her mouth watered looking at the delicious food on the table, her stomach grumbles in agreement.
"Let's eat," Carmela said handing Bella a bowl of mashed potato.
"Where are your parents?" Carmela asks her eyes twinkled, anticipating Bella's answer.
Bella cough as she choke on a bread. Bailey handed her a glass of water. She accepted it as she gulped down the entire thing.
"Their umm..." she answered hesitating. "Their... gone."
"Oh, I'm sorry to hear about that," Carmela reaches her hand and squeeze it lightly. Bella took a quick glance at Gian Matthew who didn't think it was weird to have her inside their house.
It wasn't suppose to be a friendly visit. It should've been barbaric with a lot of guns and swords slashing to get back what was hers.
"Where do you live then?" Carmela asked as she cuts a peiece of her steak.
"Frankston Heights," she replied munching on a salad.
"Oh, do you live alone?"
"Sort of. My Aunt comes by once a week to check up on me,"
"I see."
She took another glance at Gian Matthew who seated there like a log. Bella fought to keep herself from kicking him under the table. If he didn't want her around, he could've find another excuse not invite her in.
"How long have you been friends with, Ian?"
"We're not-- I mean... It's..." Bella stuttered. She look towards Gian Matthew reaction but his eyes were glued on his plate unbothered by Carmela's interrogation.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to pry." Carmela laugh lightly. "Are you two?"
She pointed at them back and forth.
"Ma..." Gian Matthew muttered. Bailey giggled.
Wait... did he just? She was dumbfounded. After all this time, Bella thought that Carmela was his sister but her Mother? What kind of water were they drinking inside this house? And where can she get one?
"This was... umm... nice? But you know what? It's kind of late," Bella stood smiling at Carmela. "I should probably go."
"Yeah, you should." Gian Matthew muttered under his breathe.
Bella's eyes shoots daggers towards Gian Matthews way. She may not get her guidebook tonight but she's sure it's for the best given that he's being difficult.
Carmela cleared her throat warning Gian Matthews.
"What? Too soon?" Gian Matthew said looking up at Bella. She knows he's not being serious but his tone and facial expression look like their about to go to war it's almost frightening.
"Gian Matthew," Carmela gave him a warning look. Gian Matthew cowardly eyed his food again.
Bailey giggled again. Saying Oh, someone is in trouble under her breathe which I can only hear.
"Are you sure you need to go?" Carmela asked. "I haven't gotten out the dessert yet."
"Yey! Dessert!" Bailey said happily.
Carmela's eyes pleaded. "Ok," Bella gave up.
"Great!" Carmela exclaimed as she stood up and walk towards her kitchen. Bella smiled following them with her eyes as Bailey runs along with her mother. It's literally impossible for Carmela to have a daughter and a son looking like a 20 something year old.
When they were both out of sight and earshot. Bella kicked Gian Matthew under the table. "What?" he asked annoyed.
"I still have bone to pick up with you," Bella replied.
Gian Matthew chuckled. "Technically, you already ate it all up." he pointed at the chicken bone on her plate. Grinning at his own humor.
"You idiot," Bella said as he kick him again. "Tha-"
"Yeah, you are," he interrupted. It was hard to get anything from him.
"It's like talking to a log," Bella said to herself. "That's not what I mean," she retorts back to Gian Matthew.
"If you mean-" he started when Bella interrupted him this time.
"Give me back my book, Gian Matthew," she demanded. "Or I swear to god-" Bella cut off what she was going to say as Bailey run back in the dining screaming in delight.
"CAAAAKE!" Bailey squeals as she sat down to the seat next to Bella waiting for the cake to be served.
"I hope you like chocolate," Carmela said as she took a slice and gave one to Bella.
"Who doesn't?" Bella asked rhetorically. She took a piece of cake and was aware of Carmela's eyes.
"Mmm..." the moist chocolate cake melts in her mouth. "That is the best cake ever."
"Why thank you," Carmela smiled. "I made it myself." She announced proudly.
"Oh, wow." Bella nodded as she took another bite. "This is so good."
Carmela handed out a plate to Bailey. When Bella notices that Gian Matthew did not have any dessert.
"He doesn't eat chocolate," Carmela mentioned. "He's allergic"
"Huh, Must be the reason why he's grumpy all the time." Bella said out loud a little too late. She bites back her tongue when Carmela laughed and Gian Matthew looked at her angrily.
"Yeah, I think you should go," Gian Matthew said his eyes glint with rage.
"Yeah, I guess..." Bella smiled at him. "Then can I have back my book you borrowed?" her smile widen as his eyes look with murderous intent.
"I already told you," he replied with gritted teeth. "I'll give it back once I'm done with it."
"But you told me that yesterday." She retorts back. "You said you're already done with it," she added a force smile for Carmela and Bailey's sake.
Carmela and Bailey darted their heads at both of them as they argue.
Gian Matthew groans. "Like I said, I'm not done with it yet."
"But I need it back,"
"Ok, ok" Carmela interrupted. "Ian, just give the book back I can buy you a new one if you need it."
Bella smiled in satisfaction. "Yeah... Gian Matthew... she'll buy you a new one."
"It's limited edition Ma... It's not something you can buy at a store," he grinned back. "Almost.... priceless."
"Then why don't you give it back for now since its so important," Carmela questioned.
"Yeah, but I need it more because it help me a lot for the past few days," he looked at Bella squarely. "It's probably because of how delicate and 528Please respect copyright.PENANA6n4LpaKYsl
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personalize it is."
He was testing her but she wasn't going to back down.
"It really helped me out for the last few days," he nodded looking like he really mean it.
Bella snorted.
"Bella, Dear, can he borrow it for a while?" Carmela asked. "If it has been helping him out in school I'd be grateful if you could let him borrow it for awhile. I just don't want him to fail this year."528Please respect copyright.PENANAvZZY8Pzv5I
It wasn't in her plan to go to his house alone. It wasn't in her plan to dine in with his gorgeous family. It wasn't in her plan to say, 'yes' when she was asked to borrow her guidebook. But most importantly, it wasn't in her plan to get a ride back home from Gian Matthews.
She squirmed in her seat uncomfortable with him seating just beside her. The car smelled strongly of leather and his cologne it made her dizzy. "Can we please open a window?"
"Or else I'll hurl," Bella's face turned green at the thought.
Gian rolled his eyes but still opened up the windows.
"What's the deal with your arm?" he asked unpromptly.
Her sick feeling turned into boiling temper remembering how she got the bandage.
"What's your deal?" she countered. "Too needy to have the book and yet lie that it actually helped?"
He glance at her and look straight back at the driveway.
"What are you so mad about?" he questioned back.
"What am I mad about?" her brows knit as she repeated.
"What am I so mad about..." she shook her head in disbelief. "You sir, are one psycho evil being."
Bella couldn't believe it. After all she has gone through, the devil beside her has the guts to actually ask her that. If they weren't in a moving car, she could've sworn she'd throw herself out of there. As far away as possible.
"You have no idea what I've been through." she accused him. "How could you though right? You weren't at school for the last three hell days of my life but you had planned that out did you?"
She turned her head to him waiting for his answer. Heat was rising in her throat and could feel heat in her eyes but she fought her way not to let him get to her. He sighed.
"It was just a silly prank, Rosey" he said finally. "Don't let it get to you."
"You're kidding me right?" Bella was on the verge of self destruct and she wasn't sure if she can sit and wait around. "Stop the car."
He looked at her, "What?"
"I said stop the car," she demanded. She didn't care if they were on the highway. She just couldn't believe it. He knew what was going on and yet he didn't care at all. He was probably laughing and stood proudly of how they bullied her. It was the last straw. If she couldn't stand up from her bullies she'll settle with Gian Matthew instead.
He didn't stop the car and look straight at the highway. "Did you hear me?"
"I can't stop here," he gestures towards the road. Bella opened the door on her side to let him know she was serious.
"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!" he shouted surprised.
"I told you to stop the car." she ordered.
He turned the car towards the side and halts to a stop. Bella got off the car and let out a long breath to let off steam.
"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?!" Gian Matthew shouted walking towards her. "ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL US BOTH?"
Bella laughed incredulously. "Isn't that your plan?" she retaliated.
"Isn't that what your stalkers are for?"
"Please stop." Bella warned. "Don't act like you don't know."
He sighed defeated. "It wasn't that bad, it was all a silly prank."
"Right. Prank." she blinked trying to stop tears from gushing out. "Was it also a prank when they were about to cut my face in half?"528Please respect copyright.PENANA2tZPmmj4SZ