Text from Angelica Muñoz (510-XXX-XX12) to James Wright (510-XXX-XX78)
sent - 3:36 pm Wednesday, June 14 200X
Jimmy, there's someone watching me. Some guy is just staring at me. He's got a red jacket and sunglasses. Are you still at Barksdale's? I'm walking there now. Just get your shoes and let's get the fuck out of here.
Text from Angelica Muñoz (510-XXX-XX12) to James Wright (510-XXX-XX78)
sent - 3:37 pm Wednesday, June 14 200X
I don't think he's following me.
Chatroom Conversation:
Participants: Harold Pierce (skattertrillxy@*****com) and Francis Doman (fDoman365@*****com)
chat begins - 8:11 pm Friday, June 16 200X
F: Hey man, you there?
H: Yeah, just finishing up Lovejoy's essay. What's up? Are you good?
F: Yeah. Look man I haven't told my parents about the phone. I don't know what to do.
H: Hey, come on man, relax! It's probably a senior prank by Andy and Wendell.
F: Did you talk to Wendell, yet?
H: Nah. He hasn't responded to my texts or emails. I haven't even seen him around campus.
F: For real? That's weird.
H: Yeah.
[no new messages for 10 minutes]
H: Hey Frankie. You said you got an email from the guy who took your phone right?
F: Yeah. What's up?
H: Was his name like 9 "z's" or something?
F: wtf
H: The email is "z155646768z@*****com"
H: He attached something. A video file.
F: fuck. that's the guy
H: shit
F: what is it?
H: its a video from my house's burglar cam the night y'all were over.
[no new messages for 8 minutes]
F: Harry. Are you still there?
F: Harry?
the chat ends (F exits; H is logged out due to inactivity) - last message sent (from F): 8:30 pm Friday, June 16 200X
Text from Wendell Partlow (510-XXX-XX07) to Harold Pierce (510-XXX-XX78)
sent - 3:01 am Sunday, June 18 200X
Im sorry Im so fucking sorry
Call attempted by Harold Pierce (510-XXX-XX78) to Wendell Partlow (510-XXX-XX07)
call made - 3:03 am Sunday, June 18 200X
Voicemail stored on phone. Device found washed up on the western bank of Gordon Creek. Most files were corrupted. Following surviving voicemail is from Harold Pierce (510-XXX-XX78).
Voicemail: "Hey, Wendell? You alright man? what's going on? Call me back as soon as possible."