Text Conversation between James Wright (510-XXX-XX78) and Harold Pierce (510-XXX-XX23)
Started - 2:56 pm Wednesday, June 21 200X
J: Hey man, where are you? You still here in school?
H: I'm in my driveway, just got home. What's up?
J: Shit, man.
J: Dell just sent me a text and I can't reach him.
H: You, too?
J: Yeah he also sent one to Angie
H: What he say?
J: "I'm Sorry" and "DON'T CALL THE COPS"
H: Holy shit. Yeah, he said the same thing
H: minus the cops part
J: Someone's been stalking Angie too
H: She ok?
J: Fuck no. She can't sleep so we talk all night.
J: What do we do?
H: idk. did Wendell say anything else?
J: No, Dell just said that what I told you. We haven't snitched or anything, but fuck, man.
J: Didn't you say last week some motherfucker broke into your house and take Frank's phone?
H: Yeah. Look man, I have no idea what to do. seriously. I haven't even told my folks ANYTHING. They'd kick my ass. You think it's Andy?
J: Bro, if Andy is doing this as a prank I could give a shit if he gets arrested. He says he has nothing to do with it.
J: Also I don't think Wendell would "go missing" for a prank. He didn't show up for his final.
H: idk man
H: Hey, I'm gonna have to talk to you later, ok? Just let me know if something else comes up. Can't meet you in person since my parents grounded me.
J: Alright man
Last Message received - 2:40 pm Wednesday, June 21 200X
From City of Ralston, CA - Daily Police Log:
Text Conversation between Angelica Muñoz (510-XXX-XX12) and James Wright (510-XXX-XX78)
Started - 1:31 am Thursday, June 22 200X
A: shit, my mom just called the cops on the guy.
J: What happened?
A: I just woke up and my mom was talking to a cop at the front door.
A: Mom was worried, said some guy had been parked across the street and watching our house.
J: Is it the same guy?
A: Yeah.
J: shit
A: wtf do we do? Wendell said not to call the cops
J: Yeah, well I guess we're gonna have to see what happens.
A: what's that supposed to mean?
J: We call the cops. We don't call the cops. IDK Angie. I'm really sick of this shit.
J: Fuck it. Let's just tell them in the morning.
A: is that a good idea? Won't Harry get into deep shit?
J: Just tell em some creep's been stalking you. Maybe he has nothing to do with that website?
A: yeah ok. I'll go with that.
A: I think I'm gonna try to go back to sleep. Can't believe I was able to in all this shit.
J: It'll be over soon babe. Don't worry. If you still want to talk later, just hit me up, alright?
A: Yeah, Love you. Night.
J: Love you, too. Night.
Last Message Received - 1:37 am Thursday, June 22 200X
Text from Angie Angelica Muñoz (510-XXX-XX12) to James Wright (510-XXX-XX78)
sent - 3:33 am Thursday, June 22 200X
"Jimmy, someone just knocked on my window."
Note found taped on a window of Muñoz residence. Discovered by resident: 7:35 am Thursday, June 22 200X. Note is a yellow piece of binder paper that reads:
You should not have called law enforcement. WE ARE NOT PLEASED.
Text and image from Jacob Hanson [missing person since February 12 200X of same year] (619-XXX-XX99) to Harold Pierce (510-XXX-XX23), Francis Doman(510-XXX-XX77), James Wright (510-XXX-XX78), and Angelica Muñoz (510-XXX-XX12)
"Guys, it's me Wendell. I found this phone around the house they keep me locked up in. Hell, maybe this is part of his game, but whatever. What the fuck did I say? I told you NOT to call the cops. But it's too late. Don't bother calling the cops again. You'll just end up here like me. I have no idea where I am. I'll try to call the cops after I type this but the sick fuck who runs all this isn't an idiot and probably won't go down that easy. Just do what he says. He will tell you four to go to his website. Meet up at Harry's place. His computer is already set up and he expects you there. He's coming. DON'T FUCK WITH THIS GUY. JUST DO WHAT HE SAYS OR YOU'LL END UP HERE."
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