“To the East!”
“To the West!”
There’s a crease on my467Please respect copyright.PENANAiXKkoymTxf
forehead, I can vividly tell. Who would’ve not had such confusion if your one467Please respect copyright.PENANA8AWy3krshi
and only company is opposing the map? Exasperation expelled out of my breath.
“That rectangular paper isn’t reliable,467Please respect copyright.PENANATJsrs1wFHj
believe me.” Arms crossed anterior the chest, he had vented the statement with467Please respect copyright.PENANAF2fiHtacdu
whole confidence.
“How come that thing survives467Please respect copyright.PENANArwM6xFem0P
on your pocket? Don’t just brag that it has a cover to resist water.”
“And besides, who still uses467Please respect copyright.PENANA1mA7BsZVjA
that thing? Come on, this thing is much more updated.” Subsequent was a quadrate467Please respect copyright.PENANASbagXlMTQZ
mobile phone shown before my face. With an automatic reaction, I rolled my467Please respect copyright.PENANAjFv25rL5RO
“Right, not to mention that467Please respect copyright.PENANAyzTpqdcKaf
this place catches no communication network. Who knows if that still works from467Please respect copyright.PENANAfgIfqEwn7u
the massive water earlier. Brilliant.”
“Oh shoot, thanks for467Please respect copyright.PENANAnGMd7vqvr5
reminding.” He smiled, and a deep crate had become visible on his cheeks. Asset,467Please respect copyright.PENANAcRcKYDXwy6
one of his assets.
“But at least just trust me467Please respect copyright.PENANAAM0CN01gKj
about directions. I believe I can make myself familiarize with the path.” He467Please respect copyright.PENANAv2HD2u7INu
added but this time with no arrogance, instead with sincerity.
“Whatever. Just please! Just467Please respect copyright.PENANA9VBV2Wcd7p
please make sure you were right this time.” I made the vexed face still. But with467Please respect copyright.PENANADZJYE5mOpT
just few seconds, my annoyance had rapidly turned into surprise as soon as I467Please respect copyright.PENANAh3MLSonVrW
was lifted from the grounds.
“Hey! Bring me down!” To467Please respect copyright.PENANAG07DoZ9AWT
tagged as a child throwing tantrums is out of my concern anymore for I believe467Please respect copyright.PENANAXCkMYBd6bd
that it is impossible for someone to reside into this. We’ve took a long pace467Please respect copyright.PENANAwJFEMqDi1T
already from the squad. And primarily, if there’s someone to be blame, it is467Please respect copyright.PENANA2V7TVbtAiJ
me. I made him get lost with me inside this unsure woodland.
“You’re still soaked, you got467Please respect copyright.PENANAUODgKhSEVL
bruises and I can tell that you’re not able to make fifty steps anymore from467Please respect copyright.PENANAnvvcDdzvgh
the trembling of your legs. Stop nagging anymore and just utter your gratitude,467Please respect copyright.PENANAhw4bABgOpF
I’ll surely appreciate it.” From every words he conveyed, I can definitely feel467Please respect copyright.PENANARFAr6IfFMO
the heaving on his broad chest to where my hands were resting. Screw it, he had467Please respect copyright.PENANALwxJFCktYl
made my hands clasp together inches below his neck to attain the piggy-back467Please respect copyright.PENANApSyn6jK6do
“I’m sorry.” A soft utterance flees467Please respect copyright.PENANAASlnBiotPN
from my mouth. I sulk my face on his back to hide my reaction even though there’s467Please respect copyright.PENANAKsGkoK29O0
zero chance of him witnessing it.
“Shh. It’s not your fault. You467Please respect copyright.PENANAH9P8j95Qrr
were just confused after waking up from the tent assuming that everybody left.467Please respect copyright.PENANAsbFKUyr1BQ
You looked for us everywhere and ended up seeing me, doing uhm- unnecessary thing.467Please respect copyright.PENANAzQjO4dGTma
To your surprise you fell to that immense waves of river and of course, as your467Please respect copyright.PENANAm2m30y6Mpm
very best friend, I’ll undoubtedly rescue you.” I remained silent. I am looking467Please respect copyright.PENANAxQn8C93REt
for the room of sarcasm to his voice but there’s none. Knowing Bryson, he’ll467Please respect copyright.PENANAEwc0oa8ASF
continually insult, tease and mock me. Or at least he will first, before467Please respect copyright.PENANA9KS2JLHdWI
proceeding to such genuine statement. We’ve survived our friendship with that467Please respect copyright.PENANAlh4OuZbvUh
kind of setup. Mockery before apology.
“But you should’ve remained467Please respect copyright.PENANATMJfaDR5s9
“Chasse, stop. No one was to467Please respect copyright.PENANAM5yhpLpi51
be blame.”
This time, I removed my face467Please respect copyright.PENANAqszavUKCJZ
from sulking on his back and let my eye roam on the environment. Hence, it stopped467Please respect copyright.PENANAwLGgyXFPIF
immediately on the left side of his torso. Although the sky is getting dusky,467Please respect copyright.PENANAxtNhKhxsBU
my eyes can clearly perceive the wounded part.
“You’re bleeding!”
“You’re wounded! Damn Bryson,467Please respect copyright.PENANAqsUqj9X808
you should’ve told me. Bring me down, now! I’ll treat that first.” Fortunately,467Please respect copyright.PENANAOb1ebG9ZTS
he didn’t make any more defiance and made me land back on the ground.
“I think it bled the moment467Please respect copyright.PENANACFdbPeU0Ap
you carry me.
Undress yourself.”
“C-Chasse, I’m not read— “
“Cut the bullshit Bry.” I said467Please respect copyright.PENANAunhP0JPGUY
and tore the lower part of my black shirt that was slightly ripped from the467Please respect copyright.PENANADxL0Fz04TT
accident earlier.
“Woah, we’ve been friends for467Please respect copyright.PENANAZkIdSSFGPu
fifteen years and this is the first to see you getting wild.” Dimples on cheek467Please respect copyright.PENANAB5AspTrkCy
is waving again to me.
“I always thought you are not467Please respect copyright.PENANALIITe7Fv17
interested to men. You didn’t even settle a gaze to those jerks eyeing on you467Please respect copyright.PENANAgVXBxHNQqm
on the campus. You even told me that you’ll not marry anyone. And what again?467Please respect copyright.PENANAgUbqu1gXes
You haven’t fell for anyone yet? Ha! Joke’s on you Chasse, never thought that467Please respect copyright.PENANACkS1biuPE2
you’ll fell for— “And I hit him, on the head.
“You’re the death of me,467Please respect copyright.PENANAzsboCRsCRf
seriously. Do you really want to treat me”? He protested but followed with467Please respect copyright.PENANA3i1VaEPxPz
chuckle thereafter. I didn’t pay much notice on his statement and started to467Please respect copyright.PENANAmUpyFiaoQV
treat his wound, stopped the bleeding by applying pressure and then covered it467Please respect copyright.PENANAWk4o9ZKOnj
with the cloth I ripped.
I rid a deep sigh subsequently467Please respect copyright.PENANAEtWnNNKAPM
closing my eyes with my head leaning on the near tree where we had decided to467Please respect copyright.PENANAxo0DN56P5c
stop. I can slowly feel the cold touch of night from the breeze caressing on my467Please respect copyright.PENANAFKcXJKRppc
dermis. But with just a minute, warmth is now lingering before me. A scent of467Please respect copyright.PENANAuJIBC4LQ5d
mint is brushing on my face, so I made my eyes opened again.
I saw a deep enigmatic portal.467Please respect copyright.PENANAgVwUNhlZZv
It is so deep enough to enchant me, enough to drain my whole soberness. The467Please respect copyright.PENANAmKdSdVUqwM
pair of hazel orbs were seeming to be communicating with my eyes. And with no467Please respect copyright.PENANAqOgHKgiUgl
further explanation, I think, at some point, I was charmed.
“Chasse.” He’s leaning so near467Please respect copyright.PENANAbpoQzDMGcY
enough to presume that it was just an inch between us.
“Thank you.
Thank you for coming to my467Please respect copyright.PENANAVqnSeGPuHY
life. You’re the best thing that happened to me since age five.” His gaze is467Please respect copyright.PENANACdblQW3bgs
penetrating to my soul.
“Thank you for allowing me to467Please respect copyright.PENANAFigIJttsjj
come on your life, for allowing to know you better and for spending memories467Please respect copyright.PENANArNOOWqtwOR
with me. Chasse, you’re my treasure. You’re my precious gem, believe me.” The467Please respect copyright.PENANAQWKQ1rEQRa
place is not magical, there are no fairies, no pixie dusts, but his words were467Please respect copyright.PENANA7971ua8e0I
enough for me to dance on the melody of enchantment. I chose not to answer467Please respect copyright.PENANAxIkikLI6Tb
verbally hence I close the remaining gap between us to savor the rampaging467Please respect copyright.PENANAokWbBEg1XV
feeling on my chest as I tasted his lips against mine.
I feel like exploding, from467Please respect copyright.PENANARIO6t3RQHY
this strange feeling I haven’t felt this ever since. It was just Bry, he who made467Please respect copyright.PENANACcD8Uutxyt
me feel every notable first of my life. It took ten seconds before he withdraws467Please respect copyright.PENANA2bYCpILu5e
from the kiss.
“No, Chasse no. This is wrong.”
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have467Please respect copyright.PENANAIrV5RlWx8U
brought you into this situation. I shouldn’t have made that kind of atmosphere.467Please respect copyright.PENANAhd64v7A5Pp
I shouldn’t have made- “
“Bry stop it!
Can’t you see? I-I want you. I467Please respect copyright.PENANAzNxseYYxGz
want you wholly in my life. Stop apologizing. I am starting to think that you’re467Please respect copyright.PENANA1hIsbiOy2c
sorry for kissing me.”
“No! I love that! Damn, you467Please respect copyright.PENANAmD2Ig4xwcJ
don’t know how much I like to kiss you all the time, you don’t know how much I467Please respect copyright.PENANAU1IfACFdGW
wanted to spend every second with you.”
“Then why? Why are you acting467Please respect copyright.PENANAS6MLxMVLMI
like showing my feelings was the greatest mistake I’ve ever done?” Tears, there’s467Please respect copyright.PENANA8hLxhTp0ox
tears gushing now from my eyes.
“Eleanor? My cousin?” The name467Please respect copyright.PENANAklSCvkx2vh
he mentioned feels like a bomb that’s now ticking inside my head. A nod was467Please respect copyright.PENANApSvDRFWldN
followed from him.
“Two weeks. She’s two weeks467Please respect copyright.PENANAX2PdVKXSyq
pregnant.” And from that moment, I think I lost my sanity. I felt jellies on my467Please respect copyright.PENANAhIHVTRfhDP
knees. And on my chest, it was so heavy that I just wanted to lie down on the467Please respect copyright.PENANANElZKtlnxH
ground. This is the first that I made myself surrender to the notion of love.467Please respect copyright.PENANAfFdtCBWDl5
This is the first that I entrusted myself into the feeling of romance. But why467Please respect copyright.PENANANESFLpOvJG
does it have to be chained so immediate with hurt? Was love supposed to be like467Please respect copyright.PENANAXiUznZjBy7
this? Was love supposed to be this heart-breaking? All my life, I assumed that467Please respect copyright.PENANAdzGWbcJX0N
love was the very best one can feel. It’s always stated on novels. It was always467Please respect copyright.PENANANldgtCbhTn
stated by greatest authors.
I made my gaze to him firm as467Please respect copyright.PENANAzkrZWW2iga
possible albeit the streaming tears.
“Chasse, I’m really sorry.” This467Please respect copyright.PENANAClN5BrpiXg
time, he’s also crying with knees now on the ground. Silence befell between us.
Bryson, I think I was the one467Please respect copyright.PENANAEqM5YvaGC5
who must be apologizing. I’m sorry If it took me time to realize about how I467Please respect copyright.PENANAE9w9tbj94G
feel. I’m sorry If I made you wait. I’m sorry If I keep on denying myself. I’m467Please respect copyright.PENANAjcsrQZ73Jr
sorry, I’m too late.
I plastered a smile on my467Please respect copyright.PENANA6lG7jcuvH1
“Thank you. Thank you for467Please respect copyright.PENANAXF8aqxbFbF
allowing me to feel how to be in love for seconds.” I turned my back. It was a467Please respect copyright.PENANArLnIasPQSc
genuine utterance.
“We should call it a day.”
“Bryson, forget what had467Please respect copyright.PENANAes6RFGOUH0
Forget it, because I think I467Please respect copyright.PENANAB2Vh0eEMb3
cannot do it. So please do that favor for me. And I’m glad. I’m glad to tell467Please respect copyright.PENANAFOxfaZxUKJ
that you’re my first love, I’ve no regret.”
You’re my first love and467Please respect copyright.PENANAbm6kipertK
surely my last. It’s really a miracle that I’ve survived the huge current from467Please respect copyright.PENANAK6z1Qvd5VV
the river earlier despite my condition. Maybe, maybe it was meant that you467Please respect copyright.PENANAKXhDMIm9sQ
should know how I feel towards you, before it’s really too late. Before my own467Please respect copyright.PENANAJZkPjQYFzF
breath escaped my lips. Before the destined death visits me. I am glad to be in467Please respect copyright.PENANATutulTQ0Hr
love even with seconds of my life.
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467Please respect copyright.PENANAP6rDyAxF90
467Please respect copyright.PENANAK34llPwQ2U
467Please respect copyright.PENANAAkI8d2tYqD
467Please respect copyright.PENANAG6fHRZkruu
467Please respect copyright.PENANAoTFGgqqdgo
467Please respect copyright.PENANAJFOJkseqZr
467Please respect copyright.PENANAZYdoaM9ve7
467Please respect copyright.PENANATgoT23x1Pi
467Please respect copyright.PENANA4tb1tDczjn
467Please respect copyright.PENANAlEzBahUpKy
467Please respect copyright.PENANAR912unoa02
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467Please respect copyright.PENANAxt507cYRP5
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467Please respect copyright.PENANAfyHGNSnj9j
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467Please respect copyright.PENANAAEpU5fksy8
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467Please respect copyright.PENANACSQcvA4Ddj
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467Please respect copyright.PENANAnyT8kgPcdb
467Please respect copyright.PENANAagTCt5nSh5
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Because Bryson, you are the467Please respect copyright.PENANAff0TnU7ynn
only one. My first and forever love.