It was a normal day at school. You know just listening to the teacher for like about an hour talking about her married life. I sit all the way at the back of the class looking out the window. Thinking about something else I hear a voice calling my name. "Jacie, Jacie, Jacie!" yelled my Biology teacher Mrs.Roper. I suddenly turned around to see everyone in class looking at me and felled out of my chair. "Do I need to send you to the Principles office?" she said to me while getting back in my chair. "No, Mam, I said giving her direct eye contact. She went back to teaching. The rest of the class just laughed their butts off like they don't have anything better to do.
For the rest of the class period, we worked on plant and animal cell worksheets. After class, I walked to my locker to find my best friend Cassie kissing her boyfriend Ryder. He had brown hair, hazel eyes. Kinda average weight and height. He had tattoos all over his arms and wrist. I really don't understand how she finds him attractive. "Umm, I say trying to get there attention. "Oh, Kaley," she said blushing. Ryder whispers something in her I probably don't want to know about. And then walks off blowing her kisses. I'm surprised the principal didn't catch them and give them detention I say to myself. "So what you doing this weekend she says to me with her hands behind her back. I hate it when she gets like this. "Studying and doing homework," I say to her closing my locker. "Well too bad because guess what she said raising her eyebrows at me. Oh no, this can't be good. "What?" I said rolling my eyes.
"Well lucky for you you have a best friend that loves you, I'm going to take you somewhere you've never been before," she said gripping my shoulders tightly." "Ok, that's good in all," I said. "But I can't go first of all you know how I hate exposing my skin and second of all there will be a lot of people there," I say sighing. "Girl you gonna be fine," she said putting her arms around my neck. "Anyway, I have clothes that will suit you perfectly," she said clapping her hands together.
later that day I got home to find my mom on the phone. "Look I said I need a little more time she said rubbing her forehead". "I'm home" I yelled to her as close the front door. I walked into the kitchen to find bills and papers all over the floor. My mom was sitting at the kitchen table with the phone in her hand. I could see the look on my mom's face that she was stressed out. None of this would've happened if Dad never cheated. My father left us mainly just the house and the car.
"Mom you ok," I asked her while sitting down in front of her. "Yeah honey it's nothing just paying this week's bills," she says looking stressed. I know deep down she was having a hard time working and paying bills. I walked over to where she was and leaned in and gave her a hug. "Your not alone," I said rubbing my face against her's. "That's why I love you," she said hugging me back. "Hey, I have to go make a few errands I won't be home till late," she says. "Will you be ok by yourself?" she asks me. "Yeah, definitely," I say grabbing a bag of Doritos.
After hugging my mom I went upstairs to my room to begin reading my favorite book The fault in our stars. I changed out of my jeans and I love hugs Olaf shirt. No need to judge, a girl likes what they like. I slid on my sweatpants and a black sweatshirt. I slide up under my comforter and begin to read. I gaze upon the page as the first sets of words makes me more interested by the minute. As I started to read Chapter 10 I heard a knock at the door. I walked over to the door and opened it to find Cassie standing there with a silver bodycon dress in her hand and some black pumps and her makeup bag.
"What are you just standing there for", she says walking in closing the door. "Umm, why are you here exactly?" I asked her to put my book on the bed. "I told you we were going to a party she says handing me the dress."Look cassie how many times I have to tell you I am not going. I say handing her back the dress. "Jacie I know you don't want to go but this will probably the last time you ever have fun. "I mean when was the last time you actually had fun," she says shaking her head. I mean she's right the last time I actually had fun was when I was six when me, mom and dad went to Disneyland. And that was 8 years ago. All I do now is just go to school come home and study.
"Ok, I guess you have a point," I say rubbing the side of my arm awkwardly. "Ok I will, go but only if you won't leave me alone by myself," I say pointing a finger at her. "Yes, I promise," she says hugging me tightly. "Ok now go put this on or we're going to be late," she says rushing me into the bathroom. I slip on the short silver dress with a slit on the side. I look at myself in the mirror. I slide my fingers across the shimmering silver color of the dress. "Wow, I say to myself. I walk out of the bathroom to find Cassie in a black mini dress that showed off her curves. Wow, you look amazing I say to her while slipping my heels on. "You too boo," she says to me while grabbing her makeup bag.
"But one more thing, no actually two she says while applying her makeup". "Ok all done. now your turn" she says applying some foundation and other stuff I don't know what's called on my face. "They're perfect," she says putting away her supplies. I walked over to the mirror to see I looked like a whole different person. Thanks, I say to her mesmerized by the transformation. Ok now for your hair she says. She takes the brush and brushes it up into a ponytail applying some jam to it. She takes a clean toothbrush and does my edges. There done she says grabbing her purse. Ok, we need to leave or we're going to be late. What about my mom I say grabbing my phone and purse. Oh, I already told her you were spending the night at my house. She says walking out the door. "Wait huh I am so confused I say stumbling in my shoes. "No need to worry I have everything under control," she says.
We get in the car and pull off to who knows where's. When we get there there are people entering the building with short dresses on and expensive jewelry. We walk up to the front entrance to where a man in a suit is holding a list. "Please state your names," he says looking at the list. "Andrews and she's with me," Cassie says confidently. When we get inside there are people drinking and dancing. I am going to be in so much trouble I thought to myself. I follow cassie trying to avoid getting trampled to where I see a guy in jeans and a blue shirt. Must be Ryder out of all the people. We walk over to the table to see he isn't alone.
"Hey!" babe she says grabbing him around the neck. On the side of him was a guy who wasn't very attractive. "So You surprised she says to me with her arm around Ryder. "No, I'm not, I thought you said we were having a sleepover party I say getting aggravated. "You know you are really cute when your mad she says walking off with Ryder. What am I supposed to do? I yell to her over the crowd of people Oh, you'll be fine she says disappearing from sight. Now great I'm here by myself left with a guy I don't even know. "So what's your name sexy," he says to me scooting closer. "Oh shit, what do I do now," I say getting nervous.
"Umm, I gotta go to the bathroom I say about to walk off. No need to get nervous baby he says pulling me back down next to him. "Look I really need to go," I say trying to escape his grab. The more I squirm the more he moves closer. Before he can kiss me I grab the glass of wine and throw it all over him. "You bitch" he says about to slap me. Before he can a man with light blond hair and emerald eyes grabs his wrist. "The girl says she has to go to the bathroom," said an unfamiliar voice. "Fuck off this has nothing to do with you he says getting into his face. "Well to tell you the truth it actually does he says with a smirk on his face. "Robby takes care of him," he says to the big buff man beside him. "Can I take you to a bit more pleasant place where it's not too loud and cramped?" he says to me taking my hand? To where I say questioning him. How can I trust a person I don't even know? I say to him.
"No need to worry it's a place you'll love. And You don't have a choice but to trust me unless you want me to report you" he said looking at me mischievously. Don't tell me he knows about our age" I say whispering to myself. "Fine but no funny business", I say with sass. "Wait what about my friend I say looking at him. "I think she'll be fine," he says pulling me out the crowd. We walk through the crowd of people. When we get outside he takes out his key and presses a button. On the edge of the curve sits a black Lamborghini. "Damn, how rich is this guy. He opens the car door for me and I sit in the front seat. He sits on the other side. He starts off the engine and zooms through the slow passing cars.
Once we reach our destination I look up to see he took me to an ice cream shop. "Wow wasn't expecting this," I say. He cuts the car off and opens up the side door. I walk out and he looks at me. "What do I have something on my face", I say touching my face. "No you just beautiful in that dress," he says reaching for my hand. "Umm thanks," I say blushing slightly. We walk inside the ice cream shop. On the inside it was colorful and on the walls had pictures of different combinations of ice cream. He orders Vanilla while I order Cookies and cream. "Umm, I can pay for it," I say grabbing my purse. "That won't be necessary," he says pushing my hand down.
He hands the cashier a 50 for both of our ice creams. We sit outside at an empty bench. So tell me what brought you out here today? he says eating his ice cream. Why do you mean I say shivering from the cold goodness? "I mean I can tell your underage to be going in a club," he says. Shit, he knows I thought to myself. Umm well, it's kinda a big story.
"Well, you see my friend Cassie said she had a surprise for me. So At first, I didn't want to go but in the end she made me go. I had no clue where we were going until we got there. I wanted to leave but I didn't want to leave her alone with a bunch of boys. So that's my story. Please don't report me" I say begging. "You don't have to worry as long as you give me your number," he says handing out his phone. "Why do you want my number anyway," I say looking at him?
Just in case I need someone to talk too. This guy knows he's weird. I type my phone number into his phone. I hope I don't regret this saying in my head. "So what's your story," I ask him. "That's something a kid like you don't need to know. Wow, he asks me about my life but I can't ask him. "Fine whatever," I say crossing my arms. You can take me home now I say walking towards the car.
The whole way home was quiet. I told him where I lived. And he drove me home. He begins to open the car door. "That won't be necessary," I say getting out of the car. I shut the car door. "Bye Cupcake," he says winking at me. "Bye Perv," I say giving him the finger. He then drives off. I just went on my first date with a complete stranger I thought to myself unlocking the door.