“ MY LADY... you didn’t eat this garbage did you?” I dont why but these days he was uselessly getting on my nerve. “I didn’t....and it was because you knocked so loudly”. I nudged him away from me.
It took awhile but my pulse reader finally shut upped. It wasn’t that my heart ached but the alarm was set on and little change in pulse. “PFFT....Sylvester you got roasted”. The voice belonged to the man that came with Sylvester and who stood besides the owner of the room.
It was him, the guy who helped me down the alley. He was in his same attire, though he was bruised in places. He kept licking the cut on his lip. I didn’t remember him being beaten up but what could I say I only saw him from the backside.
“Oh my victim is here.....hello lady Victim I apologise for the trouble I caused for you” he forced a smile which squinted his brown eyes. His both hands came forward, as they were shackled, and offered a handshake.
My eyes blinked in confusion. Should I also shake his hand? But something caught my attention, its was the thread bracelet, you could see it peek from under the shackles. Why did he still wear it?
“How rude! Who are you to offer the lady a hand” Sylvester suddenly bursted. “Actually its two.....” the guy snickered on his own joke after he showed off his shackles. It looked like Sylvester knew the guy. Well they looked like they of the same age. But his smooth dirty blonde hair that was tightly pushed and the guys brown wavy hair could not be compared.
They kept chattering and it seemed the officer had also joined in. Now I felt embarrassed it was me who had ordered to come here but now what do I do? What should I say first thank you or should I apologise? Wait!
“ Wheres the cat!” I almost yelled to which Sylvester looked back in shock.
“Oh You mean MY cat?” What his cat then why was it outside. “ What type of owner puts a small kitten in a box outside in this weather?” Was he insane? “Do hide it from the house owner cause, my tenant owns a salmon shop and fish and cats dont go well together” he’s the one from the salmon shop, the one Sylvester meets every year.
“If ..if you can’t keep it ...then I will take it!”
“My lady You ca” I raised my hand signalling him to shut up. The guy shrugged “ Sure you have tons of wealth . How difficult could dealing with a kitten could be for you? But I won’t think of it as a favour you did for me” did he not want the cat? “ I actually want a different kind of favour”. He gestured towards his shackles.
“ AHHHHH fresh air” he obviously loud. “ Oi Sylvi could I borrow some money for ointment”. Sylvi? They had pet names? Sylvester went to the car to get the money. He again gestured his hand and was asking for mine.” Liam ...Liam Turner” what fancy name for a fisher man. I placed my hands in the pocket. “ Rosalia..Rosalia Woodwork”.
He moved back his hand. “ Rosebella?” Did he misheard? “ Rosalia” he pressed his lips “ Ros...Setta?” Was he kidding me. “Ro..Sa..Li..A!” He paused for a while “ Ro”
What was he saying?
“Ro?” His eyes glinted as if he caught a fish. “ Ro” oddly I automatically repeated after him “ Ro?” He inhaled a large amount of air and sang in his cracked voice “ Rrrrrrrrrow row row the boat...” my brain loosed it’s focus on the high rate of annoyance. If annoyance could be a person it’d be him.
“ The car’s ready!” Liam rushed to Sylvester and asked for the money to which Sylvester savagely replied “ the wounds aren’t even that deep they will heal” I felt no pity even when he tried to earn when he looked me in the eye.
Sylvester sat beside me in the car as Liam was forced to sit in the passenger seat.
“We will get the cat and leave” it turned out that the cat was in his house, wasn’t he arrested on spot? Was this deja vu , again he and I were left alone. Of course I was in my car and waited for his tenant to get the cat. His words and actions didn’t match because now he said the kitten was in his house.
He tapped on the window and I opened it slightly. “Not lying but don’t I deserve a thank you or sorry?” He did deserve it “ Thank you for giving me the cat” he blinked in confusion. “ You don’t give in easily now do you...well the cat isn’t mine....I only gave it food time to time......but I wonder who have done such a cruel thing to a kitten at that”
Sylvester came back with the driver who held the kitten in a blanket. “ Adios Sylvi lets me again next year” Sylvester greeted him back with his signature glare. The driver started the car and we drove off. The kitten was placed in the backseat with me. “My lady if you really wanted and pet we could get one with a proper breed” I didn’t want hear his nagging so I changed the topic.
“ Did you put flowers on the grave ?” The question took him off guard “ oh I had someone do it as I had to take you home but my lady You shouldn’t have left the car.......” I was lost in my thoughts that I couldn’t hear him anymore. I rubbed the kittens forehead as it trembled in the blanket.
So the day ended? Its was for the firsts when a day passed by so quickly. He wouldn’t mind if I didn’t visit his grave. Well today he died. “ Well the late master would be really sad knowing that he wasn’t visited”.
My Father he died today. ( 17/04/19)