I once heard the tolling bell ring all through the night.
Never had this occurred before, and it gave me quite a fright.
They say the bell that tolls at noon brings gifts from the divine,
But this toll sounded not at noon, but rather at midnight.
The city slept but I myself could not fall asleep.
Not a soul could be found below on the rainy street.
The strangest sound found its way into my quiet home.
A moment passed, then it returned, almost like a moan.
I stood and looked out the window pane, deep into the night.
The church steeple in the distance lit up in the moonlight.
The gleaming bell atop its height swayed gently back and forth.
Pushed with unhindered force by wind and rain come from the north.
Suddenly, before my eyes, something I could not believe!
The sight was so astonishing I thought I'd misconceived.
Figures appeared out of thin air in the stormy streets below.
Transparent as a pane of glass, and as pale as fallen snow.
I rubbed my eyes, still unconvinced, of the sight that struck me still.
The thought was so disturbing, up my spine it sent a chill.
There was only one thought that frightened me the most.
That, my dear, quite blatantly, was that the figures were ghosts!
I stepped away, too terrified to even try to speak.
And suddenly from the other room I heard a distant creak.
The ghosts, they must be after me! I thought with addled haste.
And when the woman then appeared, to my bed I raced.
She followed with an outstretched hand, moaning all the while.
And then she was in front of me, wearing a crooked smile.
I screamed and fell to the floor, reaching for the bed.
Before I could stop myself, I'd already hit my head.
In my dreams I heard the bell, ringing through the dark.
The sound was sad yet lovely, like a singing matriarch.
I could not get that sound to stop, nor vanish from my mind.
And the darkness would not go away, thus, I thought that I'd gone blind.
The room was black, there was no pain, and then somehow...I woke up!
Confused and scared, I somehow found the strength to sit up.
No longer was I in bed, but sprawled out across the floor.
With a wince, I touched my head, which pounded with a roar.
The morning sun poured through the window, soft and warm.
There was no indication that there'd ever been a storm.
I couldn't comprehend the sight of nothing out of place.
Surely there'd be signs, but the ghosts had left no trace.
Had it all been a dream? I couldn't say for sure.
Perhaps my consternation had been a bit premature.
Maybe I was crazy or just thoroughly insane.
Though what had happened that strange night never did again.
I don't know how it happened, but there's one thing I know for sure.
It had to be the tolling bell, its ring so smooth and pure.
To this day I hear the sound and cannot help but weep.
Perhaps it would be better if I'd just gone back to sleep!