“So, you’re finally home?” Mother asks.
I stop in my tracks. I meant to sneak in without anyone knowing, but Mother is sitting here in the dark kitchen close to the servant’s entrance. She turns on the lights, temporarily blinding me.
She takes a sharp breath, “I thought I raised you better?” she asks angerly, her sharp voice making me jump, “Who is he?”
Who’s who? Oh shit, she noticed the robe. It must be pretty obvious. “I never found him,” I lie through my teeth, something that comes naturally with such a strict mother, “I went to an after party and someone spilled punch on my clothes.”
“Hmp,” she loses some of the edge to her voice, “Your indecency reflects on us all,” She pauses for a minute, as if distracted by something, “Try to refrain from going around naked.”
Annoyance spikes at her words, “It’s not like I had a choice.”
There is a click and the room goes dark, “Go to bed.”
Getting to sleep is harder than usual. I hear the phantom whimpers from my inner wolf as my hands feel the cool empty sheets next to me. I should be sleeping next to him. Whoever he is. When I do find sleep its plagued with a nightmare. I’m standing in front of the whole royal family in just a robe, thinner than the one he gave me. They tell me I can’t be with my mate. I plead with them that he will return whatever he stole so we could be together, but all they do is laugh and laugh. A familiar voice calls from a dark corridor behind them, “That’s not why we can’t be together.” Their laughs turn to hisses and I try to run, but my legs feel like molasses.
The soft rays of dawn pull me out of my dream. The fire from before has gone out, leaving me cold. Even under the thick covers, goosebumps crawl across my body. I walk to the bathroom and start a hot bath. I didn’t make the water hot enough; it just feels lukewarm. I refill the tub with hotter water and it doesn’t make a difference. I empty the tub again. This is pissing me off, where is all the hot water? I turn on just the hot water and fill the tub again. I step in and it only feels warm. This is bullshit. I sit in the tub defeated and see white swirls coming off the water. I lift my arm from the water; the skin is turning dark pick from where it touched the water. Shit, I quickly get out and notice where ever the water touched my skin, it had turned a deep shade of pink. The water was hot. How did I not feel that?
I put on winter clothes and wrap myself in a blanket instead of boiling myself. It doesn’t help. Now I know the cold is in my head. It probably has something to do with that fire being out. If I could find him, I would be able to fix this.
After a few hours, Alice comes by, “I thought you would still be sleeping? Your mother said you had a late night.” I could tell she was studying the cocoon I had wrapped around myself.
Yeah right, between the cold and nightmare, no matter how tired I became there wouldn’t be sleep.
“You know, not everyone finds their mate at their first ball,” Alice says gently, of course she thinks I’m acting this way because I told Mother I didn’t find my mate.
Alice goes to my wardrobe and pulls out a floral sundress, “There is good news. The prince never found his mate, so he is inviting everyone else who didn’t find theirs to a brunch.”
There is no way I’ll wear that without freezing to death.
“Put this on and meet me down stairs so I can do your hair,” Alice says and leaves the room.
It’s not long before I go find Alice in the sundress… and a parka. I know its no use asking not to go. Mother will force anything on us that could potentially get us closer with the royal family.
“What are you wearing?” Mother asks, Alice is pouring her morning coffee.
“I’m ready to go, Alice said she would fix my hair,” I say choosing not to answer her question.
“It’s the middle of May,” Mother says, “You are not leaving the house in that.”
“Well, I’m cold,” I say, “I think I might have caught a cold from last night.”
“You shouldn’t have gone around naked,” Mother says before smirking and taking a sip of her coffee.
I feel hot anger. Stronger than anything I’ve ever felt before. A brief memory from class comes to mind, “When you have your wolf, your emotions will be amplified. It sets in gradually, so your body has time to get used to the change.” A small growl is forced through my throat and Alice looks up in surprise. I quickly pull off the parka, my body warmed with anger, “You know what. I don’t need the coat,” I say, my voice dripping in bitterness.
Alice decides to do my hair on the ride to the castle. The closer we get to the castle, the more the anger dissipates and the colder I feel. The goosebumps are back by the time we make it to the stairs and I’m worried I’ll start shivering.
I follow a few others into a huge courtyard. There is a big table set up with a bunch of plates set. Each one has a name tag. They seem to be set up in random order. Mine is to the left of the head of the table. I notice a few others gossiping. Some look like they are moping. Of course, no one here found their mates last night. Everyone else is probably pregnant already. The thought makes me blush and smile. Weird, the cold seems to have subsided a little. I wonder if it’s the sun? No, that’s not right. There is a flutter in my stomach and I realize my wolf is excited.
“He’s close,” I whisper to myself.
“Who’s close?” a deep voice says at my shoulder.
I look up and see the sparkle of a crown. It’s the prince.