I’ve never been one to favor the prince, but I could see what made all the girls swoon. Tall, muscular, blue eyes, blonde hair. The power he radiates makes my wolf cower. The others at the party don’t seem to be affected, so I sit up as straight as I can, “A friend,” I say as casually as my wolf will allow. Between the excitement of my mate being so close and the power from the prince, I can barely sit at the table.
The prince leans in and grabs my hand. I hear a gasp from another girl close by. Crap, this wont start rumors or anything. “You know, I haven’t found my mate yet either. I know how this must feel for you. Do you think having a brunch after every dance would make the others feel better?” The prince asks.
“You know,” I say, my voice coming out squeakier than I would like, “I’m sure some people would like that, but I’m a little uncomfortable.” I take my hand back to prove my point.
A look of surprise passes across the prince’s face. He slowly stands and takes a short bow, “I’m sorry, I didn’t know…”
He walks away and starts talking to a small group gathered by a pitcher of lemonade. Good, he’s distracted. My wolf relaxes a bit, but not enough to sit for any longer. I stand and follow a sign for restrooms. Maybe I can work out this energy in a bathroom stall. I wish I could hurry and find him and get out of here.
The way to the bathroom is roped off so you can’t get lost. I follow a few turns and finally see a door marked “restroom”. I stop with my hand on the knob. Here in the quiet dark I can feel the difference in my temperature from the morning. My hand leaves a print of condensation on the cool handle. My body is growing hotter. He’s close. I make sure I’m alone, then slip under the ropes and walk deeper into the bowels of the castle. My wolf claws for control, but I keep her down. No need to get naked in front of him again.
I follow the feeling of warmth through the labyrinth. How do they know where they are going in this place? Everything slowly gets more and more covered in dust and cobwebs. This must be an unused part of the castle. A small wooden door stands in the middle of a long hallway. Surprisingly, it opens easily. Behind the door there are steps that head deep into the belly of the castle. The cobwebs and dust are gone, but so are most of the lights. Candlelight flickers keeping everything in an early glow. At the foot of the stairs is a wooden door and a welcome mat.
I slowly open the door to what looks like a basement apartment. The stone of the castle covers the walls, floor, and ceiling. There are posters of popular bands, modern furniture, thick area rugs, a TV with a gaming console, and the painting of the black-haired woman above the fire place.
I walk deeper into the room and notice a warm smell. Baking bread. Alice used to let me help her make it so we could have fresh bread with dinner. I follow the smell to a small kitchen and open the oven without thinking.
“Hungry?” a woman’s voice asks.
I quickly suck in a breath and close the oven. My wolf takes advantage and tries to take control. I clutch my chest and fall on my ass as I try to keep her contained.
Laughter comes from behind me. Loud genuine laughter with snorts and squeaks. Its beautiful. Goosebumps run from my scalp to my toes. It’s my mate. They’re right behind me. I just have to turn and look. He’s right there. Some of the cold from earlier seeps back. What if he doesn’t like me? What if he thinks I’m ugly? I wonder if he thinks the same thing. There is no way. That laugh has to belong to a god. There is no way I could measure up.
“Hey,” the woman’s voice says, this time concerned, “Are you okay.”
I feel the urge to tell her my worries, her voice must be charmed. What is she doing with my mate? Is that why he didn’t come find me at the party? Is she charming him? I feel jealousy bubble in my throat as my wolf tries again to escape.
I quickly stand and turn to face her. Anger plainly written on my face and worry on hers. I try to search around her for my mate, but my eyes keep going back to her face. She looks like the woman in the painting. Except younger. Beautiful long wavy black hair, dark kind brown eyes, perfect red- Wait, what am I doing? I’m supposed to be looking for my mate.
“Where is he?” I ask as angerly as I could. My wolf is acting strange. She stopped trying to take control, but she compels me to move forward. I don’t.
“Who?” the woman asks.
“My mate? I know he’s here.” I say.
Her face darkens and she sits at the small table in the middle of the kitchen. She looks down as if studying the pattern on the floral table cloth, “You’re welcome to look around, but I’m the only on here.”
I focus more on my wolf. My wolf must know where he is. She led me down here. I feel him close. Instead my wolf wants me to sit with the woman. I angerly pull out a chair and sit. If I don’t find him soon, I’m going to go crazy.
I look at the woman. She looks sad. I feel my wolf whine. “What’s wrong?” I ask before I could stop myself.
She smiles, but it doesn’t quite reach her eyes, “My mate doesn’t know I exist.”
“That sucks,” I say, “I came all the way down here to find my mate, but something is off. My wolf just wants to sit at this table and not go look for him.”
“You are such a dumbass, you know that?” She says with a bitter laugh.
I look at her fully prepared to argue, but my wolf stops me. She was the only one here this whole time. That was her laugh. It’s her. She’s my mate. “Shit.”