I lay on a cold, concrete floor. Breathing through the pain of my freshly bruised and sexually assaulted body. This is a natural occurrence though. Since not a day goes by that I'm not took and thrown on a bed. Hands roughly part my thighs leaving behind fresh bruises. And once they have my thighs parted fingers are roughly thrusted inside inside my pussy. I feel every jerky movement and every scrape of the fingers inside me. They don't stop till their owner deems me ready enough to take their cocks. I know it will be hard and fast. With no time for me to adjust to their forceful intrusions. I know how they like to do that. But my body sill fights against it. And when they have a cock inside me they keep going until their ready for release and that's when they pinch my clit harshly between two fingers and I cum along with them. And as one removes their cock another one replaces it and when all is done they throw me back to where I was and that's when I know I'm Finally Broken.