A woman woke up one morning not knowing what was to come. She was showered, ate breakfast, and went to work. After she got done for the day she walked to her car and was putting her keys in when someone grabbed her from behind and she felt a pinprick in the side of the kneck and then everything was dark. And once she woke up she noticed a man standing over her. He had greasy hair, an unruly beard, and an overwhelming stench. Once he saw she was awake he jerked her up by the hair and kissed her till her lips were bruised. Then he threw her down, roughly jerked her legs open, and thrust his cock into her pussy. Making her feel a searing pain. Like she was being ripped in half. He kept going till he cummed inside her then he jerked out and flipped her over onto all fours. Then he thrust into her from behind making her scoot up the bed with his forceful thrusts. She couldn't get a full breath In. All she could get out were whimpers. Sounding like a wounded animal. And the man kept his thrusts up while he reached one hand around to her breasts and roughly pinched and plucked her nipples surely leaving them bruised and swollen. Then he jerks her head back and cums inside her pussy again and removes his cock then leaves the room leaving her on the bed panting, with a bruised and aching body. Not being able to move. And not too much later he came back dressed, grabbed her by the arm, drugged her again and dumped her in the middle of nowhere. And that's how she was taken, drugged, fucked, and dumped.