"It's always 'your brother this your brother that'!" Axel kicked everything on his way as he stomped angrily towards the forest. His father was a great Hero who possessed great supernatural powers.
In a village where not everyone had even a tiny ounce of power, he was respected. He was the only one who pledged to use his ability to save people. He would engage in war and would come out victoriously with few injured men. Everyone, even Axel longed to be like him.
His family was no exception. All of them too possessed this great power. Including his two sons in which one of them would become his successor
Axel could already see his younger brother winning. But he still tried his best to live up to his father's name. Whatever he did his parents would compare him to his younger brother. If he went to the village to help the people his parents would scold him and tell him 'When your brother was busy learning you are roaming around! Why can't you be just like your brother?'
This time was no different. He was in the market place when he saw a group of boys mistreating a girl. He had to step in there was no way he would ignore them. He approached them and in the end got into a fight. He was just about to use his powers when his mother appeared and dragged him back home silently.
He was given an earful for the longest time ever. He was lectured on the dangers of using his powers outside and how he could have killed the boys and so on. Of course, he knew that! He wouldn't have killed them! He just wanted to teach them a small lesson.
"Why do always see the bad in everything I do! I am good too! I am capable of saving people! I hate it! I hate that you compare me with my brother! I hate you!" Axel finally snapped causing his parents to be surprised.
"Young man, go to your room!" His father, Derick, reprimanded the fifteen-year-old boy. "Look at Levi, he is doing something for the world. And he has never talked back at us!"
"That's because you don't scold him!" Axel said before matching out, ignoring his parents' calling.
In the forest, as he stomped on he saw a familiar girl. She was holding a bow and arrow and was about to shoot a bird!
"You stop!" He yelled causing the bird to fly away.
"Hey, I don't always interrupt you while you are about to have your meal!" the girl yelled.
"Meal?" Axel was as confused as ever. Since when do people eat birds?
"Unlike you, some of us have to survive with the little we have." The girl said setting the bow down and placing the arrow on the quiver on her back.
"Actually, I am not who...you think I am," Axel said while biting his lower lips.
"And I don't know who you are. Neither do I care!" The girl said.
What?! Everyone knew Axel and Levi, the sons of the great Hero. Come to think of it Axel has seen this girl somewhere...
"Right!" Axel exclaimed suddenly causing the girl to jerk up in surprise.
"First, I expect a thank you from you," Axel demanded.
"And why would I do that?"
"Because I saved you back there in the village."
"First you didn't actually 'save' me you were literally dragged away by your mommy. Mommy's boy!"
"That was--"
"And second, I didn't actually ask for your help." The girl said making it extra clear. "Now if you will excuse me, I will go and find my next meal. Hopefully, somewhere where no one will chase it away." The girl walked away. Axel being the curious type followed her.
"Hey quit following me--"
"Well, well, well, If it isn't little Ruby. Ready to finally pay what you owe us?" A group of three people appeared.
Ruby let out a laugh. "As if!" She said and grabbed Axel's hand yelling "Run!"
So they ran and ran and ran and ran and ran. By now I think you get the gist.
Once they lost the three they stopped for a break.
"Why exactly are we running and who are those guys?" Axel asked
"Let's say just old acquaintances."
"Should I be worried about my life?"
"Yeah, you should."
"Well too bad because we found you." The three surprisingly had caught up to them.
"How did you find us?" Ruby asked.
"You realize you were running in circles right?" One of the three said.
"What? How silly of us! If you will excuse us we will take our leave this time in the right direction." Ruby said as she turned laughing slightly. Before they could run. The three were already blocking their way.
"Well, boy it was nice knowing you. I am sorry for your life. Let's meet in the afterlife."
"What?" Axel was surprised, confused, and lost at the same time. He leaves his home for just fifteen minutes and he is already going to die! How generous fate is! "I am not going to die here! I want to die a heroic death!" he said.
"Well, you are in luck because we are the worst villains!" Just them A light shone brightly on the five. There was a noise. It was either someone groaning in pain, or crying, or screaming Mother.
After that, the light disappeared and a boy stood in the middle, The three who were going to kill Ruby and Axel were on the ground dead.
"I hate people who lie." The boy says dusting his hands off as if he had finished cleaning up.
"Now," He turned to Axel and Ruby who were terrified. "Come with me quietly."
Soon the boy led them deep into the forest. It was now dark. He led them to a camping site where a group of children in black was gathered,
"We have been waiting for you." They say in unison to Axel.
At the same time, they grabbed Ruby and tied her up.
"What? Let her go!" Axel demanded.
"Not until you join us." The boy from earlier who seemed to be the leader threatened.
"Join you?"
"Oh, I forget to introduce myself. I am Henry. The leader of the Greatest Young Villains. In short G.Y.V!"
"Pft!." The tied-up Ruby burst out laughing.
"What are you laughing at!" Henry snapped.
"It's just that that name...It's like it was made by a kindergartener!"
"What do you expect it to be called?"
"I don't know, Young Villains Association?" Ruby said and Henry turned to his group. As Henry turned to his group she mouthed to Axel 'Run' but he shook his head he wouldn't leave her alone!
"Anyway," Henry turned to Axel. "You are the evilest person and that's why you have to join us!"
"I am not evil."
"Really? Or are you just trying to make yourself believe that" Henry's words made Axel think deeply.
All his life he has always tried his best to be good but only be turned down by his mistakes. Maybe there was no good in him. Then everything he experienced before meeting Ruby come flooding back. The pain, agony, hatred, and more hatred.
"No! I am good!" Axel said.
"For how long will you let them treat you like a nobody? For how long will you allow them to accuse you for no reason. For how long will you let them not believe in you? I believe in you. We believe in you." Those words 'I believe in you' may be the words Axel wanted to hear ever since he was born.
"Choose us. Choose the dark side. All you have to do is write the name of the person you hate and they will die and you will join us." Henry continued on as he presented Axel a book and a pen.
"Don't listen to him!" Ruby yelled.
"Right here right now you choose, your family who have hated you or this girl who...just choose. With one choice everything could be yours! Even the world! We can show you that even bad wins."
"Hey!" Ruby yelled.
"All I have to do is write the name of the person I hate and they will die? And you will let Ruby go?" Axel grabbed the book and pen as he asked to confirm. Henry nodded.
He wrote the name, Levi. Believe it or not. he hated Levi more than anything. Always being compared to him. He hated him. He thought that if Levi wasn't born then he would have enjoyed life.
He couldn't also let Ruby die, she was the only person who didn't see him for who he is, The failure son of the hero.
With a long sigh, he handed the book to Henry.
With a smile, he said, "Welcome to the group!"
Ruby was released and he immediately went to Axel.
"Do you know what you have done?" she asked.
"Yes. I have relieved myself." Axel answered in a wicked tone. "Now you are free."
"No way. I can't let you have fun alone!" Ruby said.
Just a Henry said the next day Levi died. His death was unknown as he just collapsed.
Axel on the other hand felt he was home.