-Author's note-
My mum can't believe her daughter's story has hit 1.2k views. To be honest neither can her daughter. Its amazing to see that something I made is being enjoyed by these many people.
And it would not have been possible without that one loyal reader Sahitya, this chapter is for her. Fun fact she is a writer herself.
Here is the link to her cute story: https://my.w.tt/Nt3OusVJdbb
Thank you for constantly supporting me this is for you, 'ya gorgie hun'
One year ago,
With the Blanco Music Awards coming in just a week, we here at the Vinyl fm have interviewed the most nominated music group, the hot and happening stars of the music industry, The Alpha. The Alpha have been nominated for best music video, best lyrics, best band, best fresh artist[s], and best single. With just a month away from their third album’s release read them gush about their changed lives, their friendship and of course their music.
Q1. Ok first things first there are six of you, do you have certain roles? Like what does this person do and what does that person do?
Sam: Ah we all have our talents I guess
[Rob punches him arm]667Please respect copyright.PENANA390F8xwbBw
No no we do have roles but not necessarily
Rishi and Amy: Yeah
Sam: Like its usually three vocalists, me Ames and Rob, T on the drums, and the Patels on the music composing and writing and all that hard stuff.
Oh you guys write your own songs?
Rob: Well
Naina: Its mostly Bhai, he writes most of our songs
Yeah drop dead gorgeous I remember
[They all laugh]
Rishi [embarrassed]: I obviously got better at it. And I am not the only one, its like a shuffle we all have those days.
Q2. That’s good that’s good, the little mix is what keeps you guys fresh. Also you look so much younger than from the pictures.
[They all laugh]
Seriously how old are you all?
Rishi: So I am the oldest I am eighteen and then we have Naina she is fifteen
Naina: and a half
[Rob snorts]
Rishi: and T or Terry whichever you prefer is sixteen Rob and Ames are seventeen and so is Sam I think?
[Sam nods]
Rob: He is a bit older than me and Amy but yeah
Oh my god, you are so young!
[They laugh]
Q3. How do you guys manage it then, the spotlight and the pressure? Are you used to it by now? All the fame and the paparazzi?
[They look among themselves]
Terry: Uh…We have curfews
[They break out laughing]
Naina: Yeah T and I are banned from all the social stuff because we have geometry homework to do.
Sam: Come now [to the two girls]
Yeah it is sometimes overwhelming, it’s weird we are still getting used to it. Amy?
Amy: Yeah, it’s definitely weird I will give you that. It’s like sometimes people just forget that we are the same you know, the worst part is the expectations, you are expected to perfectly balance everything and stay sane by the end of the day.
Rob: Yeah, it’s like, people often say you chose this path. As if that magically just makes everything ok
Sam: Yeah yeah. It will definitely take time just to get comfortable under the light. But we have a long way to go.
Q4. Yeah I can’t imagine how hard that must be. Does it effect your performance all that pressure, you must be tired all the time.
[They look at Amy]
Amy: Yes, every time I am about to perform I feel this anxiety taking over me, we just want to sing and have fun, then people associate it to looks, to our costumes, to our innocence. It’s so hard sometimes. But then again, you are on stage you are singing and jamming, it feels so so good and fun. Its addicting.
Terry: Yeah that’s the only thing which we need to get the hang of. I mean we are still very young. And we just need some break sometimes.
Sam: So thank god for Patel records I guess.
Amy: Oh my god yes, they are so understanding,
Terry: We have so much liberty to do whatever we want to.
Q5. Well your hardwork is paying generously because with this year’s nominations, Naina Patel is the youngest in the whole country to receive a Blanco Music Award Nomination
[they all whoop and give Naina’s shoulder a squeeze]
How does that feel? To be nominated those many times.
Terry: It feels like a dream come true, like you are in a championship of some sort of extreme sport and you just came home with the winning gold. Know what I mean [she looks at her group, they nod]
Q6. Of course, that was very well put Terry, it is kind of like winning is it not. Speaking of, have you ever imagined that you would be here?
Rishi, Terry and Rob: Noo
The others nod their head sideways.
Sam: Its like T said, it’s like walking through your dream
Naina: Yeah sometimes I have to just have reality checks you know, I get up and I have to assure myself that this isn’t just in my mind.
Like mind games you mean
Naina: Yeah
Q7.It must it must, so obviously you all must have known each other for so long, what made your bond possible, was it just music?
Rishi: Music plays a huge part but it’s not the only thing, we all knew each other for very long. I mean Amy and Sam have known each other for how long now?
Sam: Yeah when Amy and I moved here we first met Rob, we connected over choir rehearsals, and then he introduced us to Rishi and we four used to hang at the Patel’s just cause it was the biggest house we’ve ever been to, honest!
[They laugh]
Naina: Yeah T and I became fast friends in P.E and we used to run into the others at the house and soon we were just jamming and karaoke-ing. Is it a word? Karaoke-ing [ she looks at Sam and Rishi]
[T rolls her eyes]
So you are all basically like family now?
Rishi: Yeah one thing that was common among us other than music was that we all knew that pain of losing a loved one.
[They nod solemnly]
Sam and Amy: Yeah
Rob: Yeah it’s just that you get familiar with some people and when they are gone, you are just all alone with a void. And these guys have helped me with that, with music and by being those new familiar faces. It assures us, that we are not all alone after all.
Q8.Yes, so true, we all need friends like that in our life. And that’s what I think has made you guys this strong and successful. Within just four years you are the hottest band and most of you are not even eighteen yet. You have such an amazing fan base, all of those people looking up to you. What would you say is your message. What do you guys stand for?
Naina: Umm let’s see family fun and friendship
[They look at her shocked]
Amy: That was so cute, yeah I’d say that’s about it, like giving you that safety and assurance, you know.
Terry: Yeah just love love love and love
[they laugh]
Rishi and Rob singing: -You can have all of our love-
All: -Love love love-
[they laugh again]
Amy: Yeah.
Just accepting who you are and just celebrating your life and your difference
Sam: Yeah! [he whoops]
That’s such an amazing message, and so important too. Thank you so much guys for your time, I wish you all the success, and happiness for your very very bright future. Thank you, y’all have been amazing.
The Alpha: Thank you! Thank you for having us
Ahh there it is, an Interview with the Alpha, hope this provided some sort of clarity for you guys. If you have any suggestions, ideas, feel free to message me. If you want to see more content on the Alpha, make sure to follow me on Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/aparajithadarbhamulla/
Thank you again for all those reads you guys are awesome.
Also I am adding pictures to each chapters be sure to check them out.
Thanks again, have a great day ahead!