As he stood there before me, for the first time solemn expression on his face made him look tired, one a man who decided to give up and jump from the bridge would have. Like a zillion of ants crawling on my skin, shivers of fear danced over my body.
-"Nathan?" - I asked, my voice cautious and weak as if I was speaking to that very man on top of the bridge. Night was cold, moaning of the wind translated our souls into the nature as the torment grew inside and out. Sea got restless as the waves clashed and broke vigorously. Sky roared with thunder as if warning me for what's about to occur. Yet, his face was graced with eerie calmness like has never been before, like he made up with everything.
-"Yeah?" - he spoke, his voice ruthless, not a glimpse of the mischievous smile of his lips that not so long ago seemed it lived there.
A single rain drop fell from the sky and glided on my face. A single tear fell from my eye and mixed with it. Both of them announced downpour.
-"I can't do this anymore," - I whispered, my voice trembled and lost in the thunder. -"I'm not sure you even want this anymore."
With a weak movement of my hand I motioned between us, then proceeded to wrap my arms around me protectively, sensing that what's about to go down would need protection. He remained silent, but his eyes told me enough. There was deep, bottomless sorrow in them, grayness matching starless sky above us as lightnings in them stroke straight into my heart. At first timid rain now grew into downpour and tears of desperation and raw sadness joined it and streamed down my face.
-"Say something,"- I pleaded, my pride long forgotten, buried somewhere in the back of my mind behind all the pain that flooded me. - "Can't you see I'm giving up on you."
His eyes shimmered, becoming glossy with what my heart deemed were unshed tears, but he gave no other proof of being affected by my words. I wanted to hit him, to punch him in the face repeatedly until he showed a glimpse of any kind of emotion. I needed to see that he shared my pain, that it wasn't as easy for him to let go as it seems.
-"I'm sorry, Drew." - he spoke, cutting through restless night and my heart like with meat-chopper. -"We tried, but this is not what I want anymore. I guess we're not for each other."
My heart, once hanging on a shred reached its limit of endurance and exploded, sending a jolt of pain all over my body. I nodded, enraged with fate for making me an example for pain and turning around, I felt as cement began molding itself in my chest, reaching a shape of a heart and settling itself in my chest.
Nathan jumped, but I took a fall.
Somewhere mixed with thunder, waves and pain, I could have sworn I heard words being whispered to me through the winds, and my ears claimed that they said something I no longer wished to hear.
-"I love you."