Ross's P.O.V
We cleared things up. Now he knew, now the secret was out. I yawned again and rubbed my eyes, despite my glasses. Adam put on his shirt while I slipped on a pair of jeans.
After nearly getting the life squeezed out of me, I theoretically assumed Adam liked me back. Our schedule today, we were doing something so un-fun.
The Donut Challenge
And Adam would be feeding us again. Again. We've done this before. Except it's me, Scott, Barney, Max, Ethan, and Cory. So many people and so many donuts. Donuts are so sweet, but they usually get donuts I don't like.
I love boston creme pie donuts. Those are one of my favourites.
Adam's voice snapped me out of my thoughts.
"Why were you staring at my nipple?"
"I-I don't know! I was thinking!"
"About my nipple?"
"No!! About today's plan."
I popped my neck and cracked my knuckles, I saw Adam get goosebumps from the loud cracking sounds coming from my bones.
I smirked. I reached under my bed, looking up at Adam. Nothing said. I got something.
"Ross, what are you doing...?"
His voice eased with suspicion. My cheeky smirk turning into a grin. I pulled out something he hated.
Adam's P.O.V
He brought out that fucking puppet.
"Oh hello Adam, a good morning to you!"
"Ross no."
"Who's Ross? I don't know who you're talking about Adam."
He made that stupid wacky voice with his hand over his mouth.
"Ross I swe-"
"I think you just need a warm hug!"
Ross tackled me to the ground. He pinned me down even with a puppet in one hand. He smirked at me, then I chuckled.
I freed my hands from his grip and grasped his forearms. I pushed him off and was able to switch our positions. Now he was on the ground while I was on top of him. I was bigger and stronger than him. He was, no doubt, strong but Ross couldn't escape my grip on his wrists pinned above his head.
He started to struggle, but I kept him down. Then I heard the door open after being knocked on. It had been later than I thought.
11:28 AM
And in the doorway, was Barney. Out of all people, why Barney?!
Barney smirked and I immediately got off of Ross.
"Ey, yous twos lovebirds are makins out!"
"Shut up Barney!"
Barney stepped further into Ross's apartment and was now in the living room, when we were in the hall.
I could feel a lot of embarrassment as Ross and I stood up. Ross stood somewhat close to me. I wanted eagerly to touch his hand, just to hold it. But of course, Barney was here.
I played it cool, not trying to be awkward.
"So, ares yous two lovesbird dirts gonna come and uh record withs us?"
"No, I'm here to wine and dine you my palerino."
Ross did his "Cooking with Earl" voice. I couldn't help but smile and laugh that squawking laugh that made it seem something was not-so-cringey.
"Okay, welcome to "Do Not Cringe" with Ross and Barney."
We laughed and I saw Barney had Mason.
"Oh God, please don't tell me you were filling him with the knowledge of apples."
"Oh, I taught him about vein' the champions blood."
Barney smirked. He probably filled Mason with uselessness about apples and dirt. I smiled as I got my son in my arms. He was getting heavy, growing fast. Barney then got the most serious face I've ever seen. He looked at me dead in the eyes.
"Uh, Adam. Me ands the guys needs to talks to you withsout Ross."
"Um, okay?"
I looked at Ross and he nodded at me. I went outside and left Ross with Mason. We went to the offices, where I saw everyone. Of course, except Ross. I felt a hand on my shoulder.
"Adam, we need to ask a few questions. Trust us, we won't judge you. And we won't think any different of you. We promise."
I swallowed hard and nodded, waiting for the questions.
"Are you doing emotionally and physically okay?"
I shook my head "no." I saw no reason to lie. I felt Scott hold my wrist, my chest was tightening.
"May I?"
I nodded hesitantly. Scott removed the bracelets one by one on both of my wrists, showing my deep and red swollen cuts. They knew ways to torture, and this was sure one of the painful ones. He looked at me, his face was concerned but firm.
"Did you do this to yourself? Remember, we're not upset with you, we just need to know you're okay."
I nodded but I was able to choke out words this time.
"Ye-Yeah, but why did you take me away from Ross..?"
"Okay, we'll get to that in a minute. But thank you for answering honestly."
I looked around nervously, everyone was looking at me. I was the center of attention.
"Are you growing feelings for Ross, Adam?"
I nodded again.
"Hey, hey it's okay. We all support you here."
Scott smiled at me, and I felt Triston patting my back in reassurance.
"You can choose your friends, and you can choose your family. If they don't accept you, than others can have you. You love him, I can tell by the way you look at him."
This time it was Cory who spoke. I could feel a warmth in my heart as Scott finally let go of my wrist.
"Wherever in the spectrum you are, we're here Adam."
It was Max who said that. I had actual friends who cared and supported me. The topics went on for about an hour. I smiled weakly as I stood. The discussion was over, we were going to do our challenge after we got Ross.