She looked around, checking for the SWAT team shoveling out of the dubious black SUV. They were chasing her and she didn't understand why.
Certain she lost them, she ducked and surveyed again. Clear. At least she thought so. Her heart pounded roughly. Willing to control it she could feel it slow down the deeper her breaths had gotten. She had to calm down before another panic attack set in. Anger triggered the fulcrum to her special ability. The cold mist over her face made the condensation sting her nerves.
She took cover behind a dank, even darker alley. Knowing she wasn't going to last long if she continued stalling, the familiar worrying had set in. No, she wasn't going to cry. She couldn't afford emotional distractions. She was being tracked, she had to think and act fast. Where to go?
Underground, it was a risk, she'd be lost again, away from city life, almost too distant from what she knew. But what was more important?
Split decision, she peeled her body off the wall scuffling to the other end of the alley. Her breathing sped up as she crouched down to make sure she wasn't completely seen. Even the smallest sight of flesh would give her away.
This wasn't right. Why were they doing this? Why or who was after her? She has no known enemies and she was very discreet when it came to who she really was. Her foster parents didn't care, they worked all the time. Or in their words "making sure there is a roof over everyone's head and food on the plate." They were emotionally abusive, having high standards, but they never really knew her. They didn't want to know her. Somehow she believed her parents thought they wanted to care for her. But in the end, they failed and didn't want to admit it.
Her family probably knew and told the school. Trepidation clouded as she begun to collect her thoughts.
They were a mess, she was at a dead end.
Audrey, stop running. Listen...can you hear me? Use your emotions. Your life depends on it.
She thought she was hallucinating again. The gruffly controlled voice came again, it said her name, more fervent this time. Like a general commanding orders.
I need you to pay attention, you're in danger, I can feel it. Don't talk with your voice, use your mind, project your words to me using only your mind. Don't be afraid, I can hear everything.
She opened her mouth and almost spoke but covered it with her hands. Her eyes went big as her brain, almost immediately as if in a mechanically way, followed the directions of the voice she heard.
How can you hear me? Who are you? How do you know my name?
Please just listen, there's a warehouse near the building you're leaning against. I want you when it's safe to go inside it and wait, shut and lock the door behind you.
Audrey grabbed her head in agony. She could hear the voice so clearly, but it was like a muscle she hadn't stretched before exercising.
This is new to you. Who you are. Trust me. I will make sure you're safe. Go. Now.
Her head dropped at the sound of a gun shot, she bolted up in alert and ran without thinking to the next building, looking for the back door. She panicked when she couldn't find the handle.
"Shit...not happening. What the..." she looked around for something to break open the door.
She used her mind to speak back to the voice in her head.
Hey! How do I get inside?
Audrey, it's too dangerous to go top side. You can do this, I know you can.
She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She didn't know what was happening. Sweat came to her cheeks as her disheveled hair stuck to her skin.
Do what?! What do I need to do?
Follow my voice. Calm your mind for a moment and find me. I know you can do this...
"There she is, behind the building, tracker picked up the signal! Go!" She heard the SWAT team call out.
She had to think quick. How was she supposed to stay calm in a moment like this? Who would?
How do I do this? Help me?! Hello! Where are you?!
She banged on the door as hard as she could suddenly with all her strength and stumbled through the room. She got up quickly and slammed the door, locking it.
Do it! Use your mind, you can control it.
Do what?! I don't understand! What am I supposed to do?!
"Inside, blow the locks. He wants her alive..." Came from outside near her.
Audrey pulled her body off the door and hid to the far corner of the back room. Her back knocked over empty crate boxes and she screamed in terror, wondering when this was going to be over.
Focus, Audrey. Focus on my voice. Find me.
Her lips shivered, she looked around quickly and blanked out. This was not happening.
I can't. I don't know how.
Project everything using your mind. Just like you are doing with me in your head, use all your emotions Audrey. Find me. Now!
The locks had blown off the door and the snipers were fired instantly into her direction.
"No." She yelled, holding her hand out in front of her face, stopping the darts coming her way.
Her eyes bulged out as the bullets that were mid-air instantly dropped to the ground. Suddenly she came back and remembered what the voice helping her said.
How do I find you?! Help me, please!
She let out a blood curdling scream, ejecting her body as if it were flying through time. Suddenly, out of nowhere, she dropped face down with a thug on the metal floor of a subway train.
At first she didn't know if she'd been dreaming or if this actually happened. She was hearing things again, but it was different. This time it was like the person knew her, knew what she could do. How did they know?
She slowly regained consciousness and tried to pick herself up, fighting through the shooting pain in her shoulders that was spreading to the rest of her body. Shivering, she was unable to fully fight it. The train was moving pretty rapidly and she had to steady herself so she wouldn't fall on her face again. This had to be a nightmare. How did she get here? Was she dropped by someone or...she didn't want to think about the or, she just wanted some answers.
Who were those people? Why were they after her? What just happened back there with those bullets?
Audrey, wait...
She looked around and she realized the voice was in her head again. Was this in reality or had she dozed off already from the pain?
She felt like she might be dozing off right now; with her eyes growing heavy and her body feeling as if it came off a roller coaster after twenty rides. She slumped back on the ground, feeling light as a feather.
Soon she wasn't feeling anything...far as she was concerned.