直到某一個禮拜六晚,我跟著Little J去咗一間樓上嘅gay bar到玩。嗰次係我第二次去,同第一次去嗰陣一樣,我成日四圍望,然後發現遠處有一枱嘅一個男仔成日望嚟我哋呢枱。一開始,我以為佢望住嘅係Little J,直到後來先知道原來佢望緊嘅係我。而佢亦係呢個故事既主角──C先生。到大概凌晨四點,C先生喺遠處做咗一啲手勢,但其實一開始我根本睇唔明佢嘅手勢,後來估估下先知道佢原來想叫我去佢哋張枱到玩。
但過咗無幾耐,Little J同另外兩個朋友就示意話想走,於是我帶著不捨跟咗佢哋走。不過喺走之前,Little J幫我同C先生交換咗IG。搭車嗰陣,Little J不斷教我點樣喺第二日flirt C先生,但我根本無留心聽,因為我相信,如果C先生對我有興趣,佢會主動搵我。
返到屋企之後,我就好似一個中咗魔咒嘅人一樣,不斷諗起成晚嘅經歷。我徹夜睡眠,不斷地聽著Taylor Swift嘅Enchanted:
There I was again tonight forcing laughter, faking smiles383Please respect copyright.PENANAvFXYBiEhlJ
Same old tired, lonely place383Please respect copyright.PENANAHUON5MiVHw
Walls of insincerity383Please respect copyright.PENANAWaK38ziujV
Shifting eyes and vacancy vanished when I saw your face383Please respect copyright.PENANAFaPvqrtGpH
All I can say is it was enchanting to meet you
Your eyes whispered "have we met?"383Please respect copyright.PENANArhWseL80HH
Across the room your silhouette starts to make its way to me383Please respect copyright.PENANAfJooOnCgLG
The playful conversation starts383Please respect copyright.PENANANgtJ7ixBPQ
Counter all your quick remarks, like passing notes in secrecy383Please respect copyright.PENANAHkAlq2I2Jd
And it was enchanting to meet you383Please respect copyright.PENANAjqlWZq4Q1h
All I can say is I was enchanted to meet you
This night is sparkling, don't you let it go383Please respect copyright.PENANAKE0UJRbCfZ
I'm wonderstruck, blushing all the way home383Please respect copyright.PENANAX86xyZlILy
I'll spend forever wondering if you knew383Please respect copyright.PENANADjLqCd7c0b
I was enchanted to meet you383Please respect copyright.PENANAh454E911wr
This night is flawless, don't you let it go383Please respect copyright.PENANAfDsyt5uqmG
I'm wonderstruck, dancing around all alone383Please respect copyright.PENANAylROJO4DEf
I'll spend forever wondering if you knew383Please respect copyright.PENANA0h3yKRoWEM
I was enchanted to meet you
This is me praying that this was the very first page383Please respect copyright.PENANAblj41XhpkG
Not where the story line ends383Please respect copyright.PENANAllgG7kn0sN
My thoughts will echo your name, until I see you again383Please respect copyright.PENANAL51sQrgXZn
These are the words I held back, as I was leaving too soon383Please respect copyright.PENANAxXdSL1IxRG
I was enchanted to meet you383Please respect copyright.PENANAAgxuxcdGuh
Please don't be in love with someone else383Please respect copyright.PENANAD944dnBot6
Please don't have somebody waiting on you
第二日,我好仆街咁同L先生出街,但同之前嘅約會有一樣明顯唔同嘅地方──就係我會刻意避開佢嘅貼近,而且全程不斷睇住電話。無意中,我打開IG,發現原來早喺我離開酒吧之後,C先生已經留低咗一句:「你太早走了」。但奇怪嘅係,點解當時我部手機無即時收到notification?但這一切都唔重要,重要嘅係:C先生主動搵我了。我將呢件事話俾Little J聽,佢即刻話:「有下文!」
以下係我同E小姐嘅聊天記錄,記錄咗去完bar當晚結束後小鹿亂撞嘅心情。而家睇番,發現有一句說話真係講得好啱:Karma is a bitch。
[04:50, 8/9/2020] Me: there’s a guy
[04:50, 8/9/2020] Me: made me 心動
[04:50, 8/9/2020] Me: omg
[04:50, 8/9/2020] Me: maybe just becoz this is the first time
[04:50, 8/9/2020] Me: or idk
[04:50, 8/9/2020] Me: tell u more tmr
[04:50, 8/9/2020] Me: but i dun think i can sleep
[04:51, 8/9/2020] Me: kind of enchanted
[04:51, 8/9/2020] Me: omfg
[07:22, 8/9/2020] Me: 真係訓唔著
[11:16, 8/9/2020] Me: 突然發覺 咁樣比人撩一撩 仲醉過飲十杯cocktail
[11:47, 8/9/2020] E小姐: 比人撩係開心既
[11:47, 8/9/2020] Me: 睇下有無後續 佢會唔會ig 搵我
[11:48, 8/9/2020] Me: 因為撩人could be casual thing instead of seriously express 好感 to someone i guess (?)
[11:50, 8/9/2020] Me: 係bar 撩其他人一齊玩可能唔係咩事
[11:50, 8/9/2020] Me: 只係我未試過先放大左呢種經歷同感覺
[12:11, 8/9/2020] Me: 原來佢尋晚有dm 我 但無notification
[13:40, 8/9/2020] E小姐: 但So far點 係咪情場老手
[13:40, 8/9/2020] Me: 我覺得係
[13:41, 8/9/2020] E小姐: 傾得開心就好 life is too short
[13:41, 8/9/2020] E小姐: Date him out tonight
[13:42, 8/9/2020] Me: tonite????
[13:44, 8/9/2020] E小姐: 趁未冷卻
[15:40, 8/9/2020] E小姐: 傾成點
[15:40, 8/9/2020] E小姐: 有冇約到
[15:41, 8/9/2020] Me: not yet
[15:41, 8/9/2020] Me: 佢返酒吧
[15:41, 8/9/2020] Me: sounds player?
[16:42, 8/9/2020] E小姐: Why do you care, you yourself is a player
[23:53, 8/9/2020] E小姐: Cannot believe you didn’t realised it
[23:54, 8/9/2020] E小姐: All the things you said about being attracted
[23:54, 8/9/2020] E小姐: By this 花花世界
[23:54, 8/9/2020] Me: yes
[23:54, 8/9/2020] Me: i told u last week
[23:54, 8/9/2020] Me: i knew this would happen..
[23:55, 8/9/2020] E小姐: 要接受自己是多情的人了嗎
[23:55, 8/9/2020] Me: 但我一早都講過
[23:55, 8/9/2020] Me: 話同L先生無花火
[23:56, 8/9/2020] E小姐: And that means....?
[23:57, 8/9/2020] Me: 差咁d 囉
[23:57, 8/9/2020] E小姐: What about this new guy
[23:58, 8/9/2020] Me: 心動
[23:58, 8/9/2020] Me: yes
[23:58, 8/9/2020] Me: i had 心動
[23:58, 8/9/2020] Me: which i dun have with L先生
[23:58, 8/9/2020] E小姐: Lucky
[23:59, 8/9/2020] E小姐: I forgot what that’s like lol