Pacing the floor as sweat forms upon Marcus Obsidian's brow, the planks of wood creak under his weight. Holding a tattered piece of paper in his hand, Marcus breathes deeply as he watches the clock inch closer to midnight. Replaying the words of the note in his head, "Bring your Seal of Office to the Warehouse at midnight and your family will be returned to you."
Going to the fireplace, Marcus looks over the pair of crossed Longswords on the wall. Taking one and firmly holding it in his hand as he takes a few practice swings. Never one to promote violence Marcus always looked for a peaceful way to resolve the issues, it was one of the qualities that made him a successful Mayor. This time violence may be the only thing left for him to do. His business partner Tyler Langston that has kidnapped his family. Looking into the mirror that is on the fireplace, Marcus can barely recognize the image reflected back. His shoulder-length blonde hair is disordered from his hands manipulating it out of nervousness, dark circles surround his blue eyes, the stress of his family being gone has been taxing. Looking once again to the clock, the minutes have crept by as it comes closer to the anticipated time. Placing the sword in the folds of his jacket, Marcus makes his way out of his home. Stopping before the front door, the family dog is blocking the way. Marcus kneels down and pets the large brown and black dog. "Tanook, I will get them back. Watch the house." Begrudgingly the dog lowers his head and allows the man to pass. Marcus closes the door behind him as a horse-drawn carriage stops at the front of the residence.
"Just in time Roddrick, we need to go to the warehouse. When we get there, be on guard and ready to leave at a moment's notice." Roddrick nods and remains silent. When the door closes they make their way into town. One of the things Marcus enjoyed with his family was the night time ride, this one isn't filled with laughter though. Instead, it's marred with dread and laced with fear. The townspeople smile and wave to the Mayor's carriage as it passes. Any expected response is ignored as the carriage continues down the road, Marcus is sure the people will understand. Taking the rest of the trip in quiet thoughts and prayer, the lantern's light dances within the darkness of the carriage. Any other time this would have amused the occupant, his wife Lorna taught him to enjoy the little things in life. Time continues to creep by slowly as the carriage crossed the bridge and into the courtyard of the town's warehouse. The horse stops moving, Marcus is already opening the door and frantically looking around for his family.
" Tyler, where the hell are they?" Marcus yells.
Along the far side of the warehouse a candle flickers in the nighttime wind, the flame ignites the wick of the lantern and the image of a middle-aged dark-haired man comes into sight. Blowing the candle out, the man turns his dark brown eyes to the carriage and the person that came out. "You always have to think you are in control. Marcus, it would be best if you stop giving orders. Let's just say your family's life depends on it."
Fighting the urge to rip apart the man, Marcus reaches into his coat and pulls out the Seal of office. Tossing it towards the man he watches closely for a reaction and not to tip-off and hint to the sword he kept. "There is my Seal. Tyler, where is my family please." The last word made him want to throw up as it came out but if he has to pacify this madman to get his wife and son back, then so be it.
Smiling from behind the lantern Tyler reaches down and picks the medallion up and stuffs it in his pocket. "Was that so difficult, it must bruise your ego having to follow orders and plea like a beggar?"
"You have what you want, all I want is my family returned to me. We were partners, hell we were friends! Why are you doing this?" Marcus takes a moment to look around to see if there was anyone else with them.
"Partners yes, Friends? Not so much. Your whiney brat annoyed the hell out of me and your wife, well I wanted to gut her the first time we met. Listening to you go on about how lucky you are to have them in your life turned my insides in knots every time you spoke." Tyler pauses and mimics the gestures of the sudden onset of vomiting. "Sorry, it is almost like I can hear her saying my name." Dabbing the corner of his mouth with a handkerchief the arrogant man continues to mock the man before him. "Tell me, Marcus, how lucky are you right now that you have them in your life? Tell me how wonderful it must be to be forced to give up everything you have earned because of them. You are pathetic Marcus Obsidian. Your shell may be that of a man but your insides are nothing but a festering pool of weakness and failure. Go back home your family is being returned to you as we speak. Go enjoy what your weakness has brought you."
Not saying another word, Marcus gets back into the carriage and it starts going to the Mayor's residence. Unseen by them is a second carriage that comes from behind the warehouse, leaping onto the back it, Tyler holds onto one of the iron support bars. "Hurry to the Obsidian house, there is a homecoming I need to attend."
The return feels like it takes an eternity. The carriage barely slows before Marcus jumps out. Stumbling from the momentum, he fails to notice the family dog lying motionless and in a pool of blood. The front door slams open and bangs against the near side wall as Marcus bursts in. "Lorna, Seth where are you?" He screams as he frantically looks around for any sign of them. Running into the hallway, Marcus checks the rooms, and nobody is found. He comes back to the living room and finds a shipping crate is sitting at the center. Marcus looks to the front door and it's now closed. A Sinking feeling comes over as he gets closer to the box. In between the planks of wood a red liquid seeps through, running slowly down the length of the crate, and onto the floor Marcus recognizes it as blood and his heart drop into his stomach. Closing his eyes, praying the fear he is feeling is not real and this is some sort of dream. Marcus brings his hands to the top of the creation and it slides it off. The top of the crate knocks against the floor as he opens his eyes. The body's natural response to seeing something horrific is to cower back and leave the vicinity of the source but Marcus' body fails him and he is frozen in fear. Inside the crate is the bloody torn remains of his family. His son Seth's brown hair is mixed with the chunks of flesh that once made up his body. Lorna's left-hand remains intact and purposely placed on top so it could be easily seen, her wedding ring reflects a gleam of light. Unable to no longer stand, Marcus to fall to his knees. Instinctively he places his hands on either side of the crate in a subconscious attempt to hold his family one last time. Pain erupts from within as he wraps his fingers along the edge of the boards. Digging in with his fingernails, Marcus begins to pull up splinters that embed themselves in his flesh, soon the whitened tips of his fingers are covered with the trickles of his own blood.
The front door opens again with Tyler standing in the doorway, "I never said they would be returned to you in one piece. Now remind me again on how blessed you are to have them in your life?" Tyler says grinning, watching Marcus' tears. The dark brown in Tyler's eyes to change into a hue of dark orange, seeing this man in unfathomable suffering, brings great pleasure.
Taking the sword out from within his coat, Marcus lunges towards the doorway with the intention of murderous revenge. Reaching for his target Marcus is stopped by two men stepping in from either side and knocking the weapon out of his hands. Forcing Marcus to his knees, the men restrain him allowing Tyler to enter the residence unharmed. Confident the situation is in hand Tyler reaches down and grabs Marcus by the face, his hand gripping tightly against his cheeks. "I have seen the strength and weakness of men in my time Marcus, watching you weep like a helpless young babe even beckons for me to put you out of your misery. Your God cannot help you now, after seeing the worthless mush you are I doubt your God would even claim you to enter Heaven. They say in marriage you share a holy union of one, the family is one shared body." Tyler releases the man's face and moves over towards the crate. Reaching in Tyler takes a handful of the bloody flesh and starts to smear it over the face of Marcus. Forcing bits and pieces into his mouth, Marcus vomits uncontrollably. When the contents of his stomach are finished emptying onto the floor he looks back to Tyler and spits in his face
"I will see you burn in Hell for what you have done."
Laughing, Tyler finds what was spoken to be incredibly humorous," So many have said that to me over the years but all that ever happens is another failure for them and I am free to get more love stained blood on my hands. Marcus even if you were able to break past my guards and kill me, it will be for naught. Your family still died screaming and crying, you were too weak to do anything to save them and their blood will always be on your hands." Tyler reaches down and picks up the Longsword that Marcus dropped and admires the fire's reflection dancing across the width of the blade. "To prove that I have some compassion I will grant you the luxury of your final words before I end your meaningless life."
The last remnants of stomach acid trickle down the corner of Marcus' mouth as he stares intently into the eyes of the man before him, the hatred he feels is beyond the capacity to measure and rules over any ability of rational thought, "If the Heavens have abandoned me then I offer up my soul to the fathers of Hell, grant me the chance to destroy this man and get revenge for my family"
Thrusting the sword into Marcus' chest, the flesh easily gives way as the tip pierces the skin and the body begins to absorb the blade effortlessly. Marcus is pushed back by the force of the attack and the blade comes out his back and anchors itself into the hardwood floor. The pathway that was tainted moments earlier by vomit is mixing with the gushing of blood. Tyler leans down and brings his mouth next to Marcus' ear whispering in a deep demonic tone, "Death may be cold, but the flames of hell will keep you warm." Marcus takes the last of his strength and grabs onto Tyler's arm in a futile attempt to take him to the afterlife with him. Kicking at Marcus' body, Tyler knocks him to the ground as the sword dislodges from the wood. Helpless Marcus watches the men leave his home, the light from the fire begins to fade in his eyes. The temperature begins to quickly drop as death's embrace slowly takes ahold. Before all the light has succumbed to darkness Marcus hears another worldly voice.