Miles away in the city of Trendell, the established home of a religious sect called "The Faithful Eye." The news of the emergence of Marcus Obsidian is a hot topic of discussion among the residents. One resident an elder statesman who is residing in a small dwelling, waiting on the expected company. Father Rowland, a priest who has recently celebrated his seventieth birthday is hard at work trying to fix a chair that has a wobble to it. As he is removing some wood with a knife there is a knock at the door.
"It's open Rhaine, come on in."
The door opens and steps in one of the younger members of the church. A lady walks in, her hair is brown and rests on her shoulders. Instead of clerical robes, she is dressed in leather armor. "I was told you needed to speak to me, Father Rowland?"
The priest nods, not taking his eyes off of the chair leg. "Yes, please. I need to talk to you about the news that troubles our church." Rowland places the chair on the floor and measures with his eyes the gap missing from the other legs. "Can you be a dear and hand this old man the book of Saint Vellis on the shelf next to you?"
Rhaine grabs a book from the shelf and places it on the table next to the priest. "How can I help the church with dealing with the Darkness?"
"It seems that a being named Marcus Obsidian is now the new host for the Darkness. The church has already dispatched some field agents to investigate. Brother Orion Duchantte is leading the initial inquiry. The council has decided that you are to take over the next part." Rowland says. He places the chair on the book, finding it to be a satisfying stabilizer.
"I am ready to do whatever it needs to be done to stop the Darkness. I will not fail the church." Rhain says, trying to hide her excitement of finally getting an important task to do for the church. Her usual duties consisted of guarding members of the church or collecting tithes.
Father Rowland looks to Rhaine and smiles. "Do you know why I asked for the Saint Vellis book?" Before she can respond, Rowland continues. "In Vellis' time, the church was a different being altogether. Vellis was a man who thought a strict code of poverty should be imposed by the church's followers and the church should be rich. So the enemies of the church decided to kill Vellis. He was notorious for having a sweet tooth. So they poisoned everything he ate. After then a rebellion happened and the church reformed."
Rhaine listens, waiting for the priest to pause. "Forgive me Father but I do not know the significance."
Rowland laughs as he sits on the chair. "If you are not careful then your enemies will use your secrets against you. Do not be foolish and think this is going to be an exciting assignment. You are not to engage the host. The Usher as it is called in our books. The Usher is not as important as finding the Harbinger. In this generation, the Harbinger is called Tyler Langston. He is the one that needs to be addressed first. Once we find him then the church will destroy him. This is paramount. If the Usher is destroyed first then Tyler will be free to choose another."
The wisdom of Rowlan's words set in Rhaine's mind. "I understand. But with the importance of this how come the church is sending me and not a more experienced member of the church?"
Pausing a moment before responding. Rowland sighs and continues," Because you have earned a reputation for someone who follows orders strictly. Alas older members of the church like myself are a bitter or a lofty sort. It is best that you are in charge of things right now." Rowland smiles, "Besides when you get like me, all that you are good for is fixing where you rest your backside."
As the hours of the day continue, the air gets warmer and the trees show signs of being in season. A path branching off from the one Marcus is walking draws his attention. Unable to resist the unseen force, he veers off into another direction following down the dirt road. Marcus hears the sound of running water is heard in the distance, a incredible thirst comes over him as he begins to run. Finally reaching the source of the sound, Marcus dips his hand into the stream and drinks. The coldness of the water relaxes his insides and calms him down. Looking at his hand, Marcus notices a faint crack in his wedding band that was not there before. Before he can further examine it, the wind gusts and starts blowing the leaves off the trees and the sky turns dark red, Crimson clouds appear over the area and the water turns into a stream of flowing blood. Marcus feels the presence of spirits circling around him, "Reveal yourself, creature, do not hide behind the magic." He says. The feeling of invisible hands press down upon his shoulders and force Marcus to his knees.
"You could have been with us, Marcus." The words echo in his ears, they repeat and seem to come from every direction.
"Lorna, I miss you my love please come to me." Frantically Marcus searches for the source of the voice. Once again an invisible hand strikes him, this time across his face.
"In the afterlife Marcus, you failed to save us, and then your ego caused you to give up your soul. You were once my husband but now you're nothing but a child of damnation." The memory of him giving up his soul comes back to him, the moment he traded everything for revenge.
"You left us both father, now I am the only one that can protect Mother. You let us both die. You would tell me to be strong and brave, it turns out you were nothing but a coward!" The child's voice pierces into Marcus worse than the sword that took his life.
"Seth I did the best I could. Please I miss you both so much. I beg you do not keep yourself hidden from me, Let me see you again." A small hand touches his shoulder from behind, slowly turning Marcus sees Lorna and Seth standing beside him. The roaring wind turns into a calming breeze. Seth reaches up and starts rubbing the palm of his hand against his father's cheek.
"I am ashamed to have you as my father," Seth says The sound of the child's voice starts to get deeper and alter into someone more mature. "The pain you feel will be forever Marcus."
With the deafening roar of thunder, the sky turns to night, rain pours down droplets of darkness. The surrounding woods are transformed into the town of Dren and Seth grabs Marcus by the throat and overpowers his father. Pushing him into the stream and submerging his head under the water. Powerless to stop Seth, Marcus can see Lorna behind Seth's shoulder smiling like a proud parent. Looking back to Seth, Marcus is horrified to see his son's face morph into that of Tyler Langston.
Screaming himself awake, Marcus unsheathes his sword and starts slashing wildly into the night. It takes him a few moments to regain control of his emotions and realize that it was a nightmare, one that felt too close to being a reality.