Finishing up everything for their respective classes after a while of the talk of the "room" in question it was silent only the sound of parchment and quill brushing up on each other Ed has been growling softly at the paper for some time already, Allen checking some sus. looking books he was trying to check for more information on the history of the items, Rin has been nearly sleeping because of how boring his books and writing while lastly Yato is not even working just staring at Rin fondly.
All of them finally ended the session with a lot of papers some of the research and some for teaching while walking Ed and Allen talked more about the scientific theories about magic and how they are created in the first place his insane lover is already relaxed and excited about this subject it's a good thing Allen thought happily.
Ed walked beside his cutie and smiled softly while his hand going straight for Allen's hand he already feels the warmth from it having a long term relationship must be hard they said but honestly, it's even more rewarding to know that you've gone through shit and dirt to let this last long as well.
"Ed-san are wondering about what our life would be if we destroyed the Noahs right now do you think the order will let us out then....?" Allen asked half curiously while tightening his grip on Ed's hand.
"I think that would happen but you're still one of them so... we can't be so sure about those assholes at all!" Ed comforted while cursing to himself.
"If I haven't found you there I would not have any light to cling onto it's just a good feeling that we've gone through everything with us being together!" Allen said happily.
"Yup you too Allen I actually never found someone as special or more than that like you so better not leave ok!" Ed added happily while Allen shivered in pure blissfulness.
"Our lives are getting interesting huh Ed? I actually never thought we would be meet some people the same as ours and maybe even know more secrets than us!" Allen said while they looked at each other and smiled.
"Yeah it has been lately believed me all this shit show does me wonders/relaxing for us baby-Chan I want to reward you for not being noisy there you go I've said it now!" Ed added half-seriously.
"(LAUGHS SOFTLY) True Ed~ wait you're going to reward me!?" Allen agreed happily while tightening his hold on Ed's hand.
"Yup what do want food or sex? Do something bad and this offer will be gone in an instant!" Ed half-joked happily while blowing a kiss at Allen's face.
Allen can't help but giggle at the thought of having either or both of the reward after going inside their room Ed never back down from his promise and that was proven multiple times in their own adventures before they were even found by the order again he loves the way it was still true up until then and that was their relationship's foundation in the first place even now.
Ed smirked out of excitement and lust of what will be going to happen if ever Allen does not have anything to do for few hours or more than that honestly he had enough with their alone time being interrupted or worse seen by others which incase if haven't noticed keeps him with way too much sexual frustration for many months on end.
Both of them got up front their door it's a picture of Mana and Alchemy Circle that only the two of them can know the answer to both of them smiled at each other it's different from the restrictive atmosphere of the order and it's nice change for them at least while the mission ongoing they won't be disturbed by anyone and at least they have some sense of freedom now too.
"I do remember both of us talking about our foster families and it was relieving that someone like me has the same bad past..." Allen trailed off happily while staring at Ed's golden eyes.
"Ha! Never thought about either! I can admit that most of the people keep it against themselves and never found anyone at this point!" Ed comforted while trailing off the Alchemy circle.
"That's depressing indeed but who cares ours is one in million chance and somehow we can get along!" Allen said remembering so many memories about them together.
"Hmmm... that's true welp I guess I'm just that lucky up until this point then." Ed said curiously while a smile appeared in his face.
"We can both said that to ourselves then I was saved by Master and you were saved by your powers." Allen added happily while his eyes goes to Ed's eyes yet again.
"At least I can say even if I gone through hell before at least I learned something than stay there and rot in hell for whatever I've done." Ed tested while his eyes filled with sadness.
"I can say it for sure! Learning is another word for hard-work and hell right!" Allen joked nervously he thinks he might hit a sensitive subject.
"That's a good joke but honestly I'm never the one to have an open-minded personality like yours but what here we are talking about different things that might trigger someone off." Ed fired back half seriously.
"Difference is that some people are just idiotic as you called them out to be for sure." Allen added while Ed laughed softly.
"And that's why society never moves on and have so many fights even now." Ed continued while Allen smirked.
Ed transmuted the circle in his door to the right order it was a simple but a complex one at the same time he create this in honor of Allen's foster father and the dog he had before it will form the picture of Mana if transmuted right it was gift for Allen as well to at least help him with being depressed when his birthday came on let's call it a very special day for them.
Allen watch as the blue lighting works it's magic he always love the sound and beauty of alchemy right now it's just as beautiful as his insane lover Ed was someone that learned from a hell hole and came out better than ever which Allen keeps him swooning and fall in-love more in so many special ways even if you tell him that they just met or fell in love instantly that does not mean it has no chances to be a long one as well.
Finally after that Allen looked at the picture of Mana transmuted from Ed's hands alone going inside the place is full of books and papers bookshelf on the right and left and books scattered around the floor even in the seats while a memorial for his Master and Timcampy are there in the corner forever reminded about the hell he gone through as they left him.
"Ah~ now Baby-Chan ya can choose now there's only a wrong answer it's both.... choose carefully or else ya won't get whatever you want from me!" Ed proclaimed softly while smiling evilly.
"If I choose food then I will not have any alone time with Ed and if I choose the better option then I will be winning and losing something at the same time right Ed?" Allen tested softly while Ed nods in agreement.
"Try the better option then because ya only have 50 seconds to choose trust me there are no more rewards after this cause I will be working overtime now." Ed answered happily.
"Ok then better option then how many rounds do I have with you then? I have no complaints if it's one then!" Allen joked while Ed instantly by his eyes rejected the idea.
"Oh~ is it though ya know I have many energy today right? At least ya have so much love from your own boyfriend." Ed fired back while laughing softly his eyes filling up with lust.
"Eh~ Ed-san that's much better why would I not do that then? Or do you have another idea for it? Are you that kinky?" Allen tested again this time receiving a all knowing smirk in response.
"Ah~ you will never know up until you don't try am I right? Knock on the door you will receive a gift or curse then!" Ed half-answered the question now while whistling softly.
"Are you joking Ed-san am I going to guess right now that's way too much!" Allen faked complained but happy as well.
"Well if you don't want then get ready for no alone time for hours on end! At least I admitted to be a kinky little shit then Allen just go ahead and say it don't deny that ok~" Ed fired back still whistling happily.
"Ok then Ed-san I will get your offer then but there's a limit 5 rounds no more after that or else!" Allen complained this time real while Ed nods and smirked in response.
"That's way too low and ya know it you have way too much wasted energy for other things might as well use it here then am I right Baby-Chan?" Ed tested again this time even more evilly than ever.
"JUST do that ok!" Allen nearly half yelled nervously.
"Ok then when do we start Baby-Chan do you want it now or after something then?" Ed tested again while his smirk is getting bigger and bigger now.
Ed closes in Allen in each steps of the way to his lover as well he can't help but smirk in response as the invisible wall of confidence from Allen slowly disappear and only nervousness appears next Ed finally got his poor lover cornered in a wall "Hmmm... we never done it here then maybe this place needs some blessing to be done!" Ed thought evilly now he knows what to do and he will make sure Allen will like it very much.
Golden eyes meets Gray contradicting colors but mix well in many ways if looked in a different set of eyes Allen smiled in response trying to challenge Ed in some way he knows that it's his insane lover's game and he's in the lead right now Allen's eyes are getting glazed over now Ed smirked in response gray looking shiny is a perfect color for Ed right now.
If you call them both still in the what they call honeymoon phase... that might be true but they were never sexual to begin with it's just there are so much frustration that it needs some kind of outlet for it right!? That attraction they felt and being sexual at the same time has this different and pleasant reaction from them the beginning of it is just weird even for Ed who's probably seen everything at this point.
"Now Allen-Chan what are we going to do here or bed? Or do you want to do it in the wall of this mini-home?" Ed teased hard while Allen shivered in nervousness and being turned on.
"Is there any way we can do it here? What's the catch then?" Allen fired back trying way too hard not to stutter in response.
"Ya already know the answer am I right Allen?" Ed teased the reward already dangling from his lips alone.
"Yeah I already know it so... why don't we start then Edward... ya can't just keep dangling the reward like this!" Allen half complained and teased while Ed shivered this time.
"That's my cutie getting frustrated now!" Ed teased again while putting his legs in between Allen's legs.
Ed laughed softly but decided to start the already getting tenser and hotter scene now Ed put his leg between Allen's leg touching it making his cutie moan softly he moved left to right again and again making Allen shiver in pure pleasure and looking straight at him begging for a kiss or something that will stop him from moaning at the same time.
"You look so cute right now do you think I will reward you that fast! You have to beg for it!" Ed said with honey like eyes staring at a shivering Allen now.
"E-E-Ed-san p-p-please start touching me m-m-m-more n-n-now! Allen begged already at Ed's will with just one touch.
"Hmmm... ok then so better be ready with that wall behind you will be enjoying this way too much!" Ed teased softly kissing Allen's cheek.
Both of them panting hard after that multiple session they just had in bed even in the wall where it all started Ed looked at a sleeping Allen "Huh he got tired easily but hmmm... half of it is my fault riling him up way too much..." Ed thought happily while his cutie cuddles up more and more to him Allen is like a affection monster he seeks it and loves being in like this that's why Ed choose him in the first place.
"I can't forget Allen being way too cute in his sleep even in our sessions... being with him longer does things huh...?" Ed said to himself curiously he loves the way Allen accepted him "in" and out he could say he's perverted but that's because of his cutie being already one and well.... let's just say he learned it from experience.
Ed thought maybe I should wake him up for lunch or let him stay and have a proper sleep after the incident then deciding instantly just like his smart self just let him sleep and might as well enjoy their finally happened alone time together looking at his sleeping Allen and kissing his cutie's forehead softly as not to wake up the demon for a while.