Tony wasn’t narcissistic enough to allow the other Avengers (and Loki) to read fanfiction about him, but that didn’t mean that he couldn’t read it. The stories were written about him. He had a right to be curious. Besides, he was only planning on reading a couple while he watched the news in bed. Then he would shut off his tablet and go to sleep.
As Tony started reading the first story, the TV was playing a news report about the President and his family.
*** “The President announced today his intention to run for a second term in office. Joining President Cooper when he made this announcement were both of his daughters, Eden Cooper, and her younger sister, Angel. When asked by a reporter if she intended to join her father on the campaign trail this time around, Eden shared that she would make some appearances but that her main focus was on her work for the Cooper Foundation. The Cooper Foundation provides assistance to anyone affected by the Battle of New York in incident…” ***
Four hours later, and Tony could barely keep his eyes open. He was beyond ensnared by this writer. He read four of her stories back to back, and she had captured the essence of his perfect woman, well, perfectly. All of her female characters were strong, independent, highly intelligent, and absolutely fierce when they had to be. They were also warm, loving, and loyal. The looks of her characters drastically changed from one story to the next, but Tony could see himself being attracted to anyone of them. This writer also didn’t go for the fairy tale happily ever after myth. She was smart, and she knew that everything wasn’t all roses after a couple got together. She got it. She knew that true happily ever after was really just the little moments a couple shared together in-between real life.
In the top right-hand corner of the author’s profile, he found a drop-down menu that gave him the option to contact the author. Tony clicked on it.
*** I absolutely love your Tony Stark stories. You seem to have crafted his perfect woman in every single one. Kudos for that. ***
He hit the send button before he had time to really think his actions through. As he finally laid down to sleep, an image of Steve hitting him upside his head for his stupidity flashed in front of his closed eyes.