Tony was back home in California, having a stiff drink on his patio when he read Eden’s next e-mail. It made him smile. She came off as shy and maybe a little socially awkward. Finishing his drink, he set his glass on the wooden patio table and began composing his reply on his iPhone.
*** Dear Eden,
I’m not sure I want to know how ‘nutty’ my fans can be. And, you’re forgiven.
I don’t think you’re nuts. I think you’re probably just really shy…and lonely.
Eden, I don’t just like your stories, I love them. I’m not offended by them in the least. You kind of have me between a rock and a hard place, sweetheart. I DON’T want you to stop writing your stories, but I don’t want them shared with the entire world either. I guess I’d like it if you wrote them just for me…
Are all of your characters really like you?
And with a name like Eden, you with Eden’sCursh1287 as your screen name? An early 2000s girl band reference? I know you are far cleverer than that. The username Eden’sForbiddenFruit was right in front of you. 😊
P.S. The name’s Tony, toots. Please, use it. ***
When Eden received Tony’s next e-mail, she was stunned. Tony Stark wanted her to be his own personal fanfiction writer. She couldn’t believe it, but that didn’t stop her from taking down all of her stories from Wattpad. Then she responded to his e-mail.
*** Tony,
I took my stories down. If you want, I can just send my updates directly to you from now on?
Yeah, I guess you could say that all of my characters are all different versions of my (inner) self.
Shy doesn’t even begin to describe it, which is pretty funny, given the life that I live.
Eden ***
Tony read Eden’s next e-mail while lying in bed. He wasn’t surprised to read the confirmation of her anti-social personality. Even her e-mails were a bit awkward. It was cute.
Tony found himself intrigued by this faceless Eden. He didn’t understand why, but there was just something about her that drew him to her like a moth to a flame. From reading her stories, he knew that a quiet sweetheart with a kind and passionate heart had to be hidden underneath the cold and serious front that she was currently putting up. He wanted to be the one to bring out the softer and more open Eden. He chose the words in his next e-mail carefully. He didn’t want to scare her off.
*** Eden,
Thank you for taking the stories down. I really do love them, but Loki gets far too much amusement out of them for my comfort. I like the idea of your stories staying just between us.
I’m happy to know that your characters are really just you in different wrappers. It’s nice to know that my ideal woman really exists. I just wish that I knew what you looked like…
What about your life makes the fact that you are shy so weird? Lots of people are shy, even I was shy as a kid.
Tony ***