Eden was lounging on the couch with her feet resting in Angel’s lap while she went over the plans for an upcoming charity gala that her family’s foundation was soon going to be hosting. Her mother had agreed to allow the White House to play host to the event. Her father might have been the President, but the First Lady was in control of all aspects of the couple’s social life. Everything had to be arranged to show her parents and family in the best possible light. If Eden’s plans weren’t absolutely perfect, her mother would make her start over from scratch. She did NOT have that much available free time on her hands. She was starting in on the guest list when her phone went off.
Eden grabbed the annoying device off of the coffee table. She rolled her eyes when she saw that she another private message from StarkIndustriesCEO, only this time, he had gotten her e-mail address off of her Wattpad profile and was contacting her via the use of a Gmail account. “This guy is just not going to quit.” Her friendly Wattpad stalker had even included an attachment with his e-mail. Seeming to forget that unknown e-mail attachments were a great way to get a virus and praying to God that said attachment wasn’t a dick-pic, she opened the e-mail and downloaded the attachment. “Holy fucking shit.”
Bruce cornered Tony in the tower’s kitchen the first chance that he got the next morning.
Tony took a seat at the table and held up his hand. “It’s way too early for a lecture.”
Bruce crossed his arms over his chest and gave Tony a stern look. “When would be a good time?”
Tony pretended to think for a moment. “How does the forty-fifth of never work for you? I’m completely booked otherwise.”
“Tony, what the hell are you doing, man?” Bruce started to lay into him. “Getting involved with a fan is dangerous and all kinds of stupid.”
Tony grabbed his coffee mug and got back to his feet. “I’m a grown man, and I know what I’m doing.” No, he didn’t, but he would never admit it to anyone.
Bruce shook his head. “Just don’t come crying to me when some crazy lady hits you with a paternity suit.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it, Banner.” Tony waved as he left the kitchen.
“This can’t be friggin happening!” Eden was pacing back and forth in front of her living room fireplace. Every other minute or so, she would glance down at the picture on the phone that she still had clutched in her hand. If you had asked her yesterday to make a list of the people that she didn’t want reading her stories, Tony Stark would be at the top of the list, directly above her mother, who came in at number two. This was her absolute worst nightmare, and it was coming true.
“Breathe, Eden. Just breathe,” Angel attempted to calm her down. “You’re just another fan hidden behind a screen. He has no idea who you really are. Stop freaking out and have some fun with this. It’s what I would do.” She shrugged her shoulders.
Eden stopped pacing. Angel had a point. For all Tony knew, she was some bored midwestern homemaker. She grabbed her laptop, bid her sister goodnight, and beat a hasty retreat to her bedroom.
Once in her room, Eden sat crossed legged in the center of her bed with her computer sitting on the mattress in front of her. She began composing an e-mail to Tony.
*** Mr. Stark,
I’m sorry for being so rude. Some of your fans can be, for lack of a better word, nuts…but I guess that’s what you think I am, huh? A nutty fan.
I’m happy you like my stories, but if having them posted on the internet in any way bothers you, I’d be glad to take them down.
~ Eden (that really is my name) ***