I twirled the pen in my hand lost in my thoughts. It was almost closing time and I had everything set for the next day which means my work is done. I tried scribbling some words but nothing in mind came so I decided on some doodling. Joville is outside helping Reese replacing napkins and storing the utensils for tomorrow and any minute now we all will be going home. Why do I feel like I'm betraying both of them but then again I'm not dating either of them so it's okay, right? I can't help but feel guilty and unsure.387Please respect copyright.PENANAN6j1jSJIXK
Maybe I need to let off some steam, maybe a bit time not seeing them both but Joville works here so it's utterly useless. I can't point out if I like her or not. If I date her would I be happy? Would we really end up together? It's worth a shot but then there's Jella, yes we had history but whatever happened in the past is done, I've changed and sure enough she did also. What am I going to do? I heaved a heavy sigh387Please respect copyright.PENANA6f8PQ4Z02S
"Penny for your thoughts?" it was Joville
I jumped "I haven't heard the door open"
"That's because maybe you were too caught up in whatever you were thinking you didn't hear me knock" Joville looked at me questioningly "Are you okay? You seem pale"
Jane, Reese and Dan walked in "Hey ladies, care for a drink? Let's blow off some steam" Reese spoke his arm on Dan's shoulder. Joville and I looked at each other. The last time we had a drink it went a little of the hook. Without waiting for an answer Jane grabbed us both, we locked the shop and headed towards the nearest, decent looking bar we found.
"Isn't it a bit too early?" I asked feeling a bit dizzy
"It's fine, I know a friend, we will have advantages as first customers that means..."
"More booze!" Reese finished
"Ugh" I groaned
"You drink Art don't bail out on me" Jane pointed my nose smiling excitedly
We entered the bar and Dan immediately went over to the counter, a slightly chubby guy with gray hair and in his maybe late forties look gave him a fist bump and shoulder bump guy thing when they greet. Dan motioned for us to sit on the sofas at the center, wow, talk about getting VIP passes. He grabbed some bottles of vodka and tequila and the bartender assisted on some lemons and salt.
"First round is on the house thanks to my friend there" Dan smiled widely eying the drinks
"Sweet! Okay let's take it easy the night is still young" Reese sang
"Oh my god don't tell me your a Nicki Minaj fan" Joville spoke up grabbing the filled shot glass
"Ehh no. I just like that one line that's it. All right on the count of three" Reese raised his shot glass "One"
"Three! Drink!" Jane shouted
We drank our glasses, lemon with salt squeezed in our mouth, the burning sensation in my throat felt so good I was smiling goofily, the warmth in my stomach makes me buzzy.
"Another round!" Joville shouted a bit enthusiastically filling the drinks and handling the lemon
Five bottles later the place was packed and I was feeling all fuzzy, drinks kept coming, the music blasting in my ears I had to shout to speak or lean forward to listen, the place was truly alive. I'm glad I ate a light snack before going here otherwise I would be throwing my guts out.
"Does anyone need a refill?" Reese shouted over the music, it seems like the alcohol haven't affected him at all. Joville and Jane raised their empty beer bottles indicating they wanted more. I emptied my drink and also raised my bottle, I am so gonna regret this tomorrow morning but nonetheless let the alcohol consume me.
"I'm going to the restroom!" Jane shouted and I nodded my head. Dan was on the dance floor dancing his heart out with a girl I've never seen before. He's totally drunk with the way he moves his hips his arms in the air not caring the world at all. Reese hasn't come back yet which leaves me to Joville and I alone. My insides are now having back flips on their own. Joville scooted closer to me, placed her arm on the sofa at my back and crossed her right leg on her left.
Joville leaned closer her lips on my ear "Having fun Art?"
I leaned back and looked at her, her eyes are intense and somewhere is desire lurking, looking straight back me, she's swaying a bit.
"Are you drunk? I asked slowly not taking my eyes off her
"Just tipsy, those drinks sure know how to kick my gut" Joville leaned back on the sofa and placed her head down closing her eyes, while doing so, she moved her hand finding mine and interlaced our fingers, I was too intoxicated to react and I let it be besides, it felt nice. Three more bottles and now I can say I am drunk, everything seems to be swaying, my vision's blurry and my gut tells me now is a good time to go home.
"I need to go home now" I tried standing up but my legs were jelly I fell back into the sofa, my head bumped in the head rest and it rang in my ears.
"I'll take her" I hear Joville say, I tried to protest and stand up again flailing my arms I almost smacked myself on the table luckily Joville caught the back of my shirt preventing me to embarrass myself in front of everyone.
"Let's go Art, that's enough for now" Joville placed my arm on her shoulder, my body leaned to her as she attempted to walk.
"Wait! Wait!" I removed my arm and faced the other three who were nearly as drunk as me "You" I pointed at Reese "are the life of the party "You" I pointed at Dan "are the master in connections" and "You" I then pointed at Jane "are the sweetest of them all" I didn't know if they heard me cause I faced the other direction and walked out of the bar with Joville.387Please respect copyright.PENANA6QJ7EVk4wv