Across the city, 28 year old Shartlo placed down a piece of government allocated erotica on the table in disgust. The’ book’ was called ‘Cornered’ in which a young man struggling with his sexuality, hid from a group of ebony brigands in a gymnasium. It was set before the fall and had started off as a thriller, but soon spiralled into the porn sick mind of the protagonist ‘Xan’. A man who longed to be chased, caught, and cornered. With no escape from the gymnasium, Xan was forced to be black-pack raped much to his deviant pleasure. Shartlo Pikely muttered under his breath in disgust. ‘They don’t make em’ like they used to, so many confused men running into packs of gorillas, it’s the same ending every time..’
Tossing the book off his table, Sharlto returned to his music production studio. As a DJ before the Pornographius Mandatas he had created widely popular electronic music and was on the rise to fame. As such the government had recently commissioned him to create more sterilized music for the PC’s (Porn Clubs). In which men and women would stand idly on either side of a dark room in separated groups whilst hardcore pornography played on monitors lining the walls. Pikely’s job was to create a type of music that would accompany the pornography, and paradoxically both arouse and disuade the patrons from touching each other. It wasn’t uncommon for most revellers at porn clubs to have their heads buried in their phones, taking refuge in more private and hardcore content the clubs couldn’t afford to offer.
Having a moment of mental block, Shartlo took a toke of his vaporizer. The high pitched low quality sound of a young girl orgasming increased in volume the deeper he inhaled. As his ears stopped ringing and rebalanced, the soothing nicotine high washed over him, and he remembered a time when vape batteries lasted longer and the sound of orgasms were sacred.