Soon the three arrived at the Simpson mansion.
"The M.A.D heads have arrived at the scene." Another reporter announced as the M.A.D heads passed by.
Mark turned to him and said "HI." The reporter had no choice but to run for his life as he was afraid Mark would kill him at the moment.
Mark burst through the doors causing everyone to gasp.
"Mark?" Both Mr.Fancyson and Mr.Simpson said at the same time.
"Yup, It's me. Long time no see Dad, Uncle." At those simple words, everyone in the city was surprised.
Did Mark just call Mr.Fancyson and Mr.Simpson Dad and uncle? Were they two brothers? Was he just trying to show respect by calling one of them, uncle? Most importantly who of the two is the father?
Now everyone was curious.
"What are you doing here?" Mr.Simpson was the first to ask. Could he be his father?
"Seeing that the truth is being told I am here to also confess," Mark responded.
"Your crimes? Don't you think a police station is a better-suited place for confessing your crimes?" Mr.Simpson questioned.
"Not my crimes!"
Meanwhile, Kevin and Erick paid no attention to the drama going on.
"My brother, Simon, and I lived together. Simon was, well too good and kind to everyone while I was you know, evil. My father, as you all know, Mr.Fancyson, on the other hand, was eviler! He would steal and give to the poor and steal it again! Who does that! That is pure evil!" Mark paused as he looked at his father's face a grin spreading across his face.
Meanwhile, in the town, it was already nine at night but everyone's eyes were glued to the television as secrets were being exposed. All the social media blew up. News was spreading fast and even to, maybe, neighboring towns
"One day, My father was talking to one of his men about his evil plans when my brother passed by. Being a good boy, he just had to go and speak to father regarding his plan. father got annoyed and yelled at him. He soon killed him and donated his blood to charity and stole it. Although I hated my brother I told my father that I am moving out to find something to do because I couldn't stay with the man that would one day kill me. That's when I found Alison on the streets begging..."
"I wasn't begging I was fighting for justice!" Alison argued.
"Pretty sure you were begging."
"I was stealing to help the poor! There is a difference!"
"Okay...I asked her to join my group of criminals and she agreed! That's when I realized my name is Mark and hers is Alison, M, and A! We had to find a D to make our team complete. So we kidnapped Drake from his rich home in order to be complete!" Mark ended with a smile.
Truly this father and son had something in common, Kidnapping strangers!
"Wow, I unlike someone I am really a good person!" Mr.Simpson could help but say in mockery of Mr.Fancyson.
Hello? Does e]anyone actually care that Simon was killed and that the most troublesome criminals are here? Shouldn't there be some arresting? No? Just me? Okay. ರ_ರ
"Actually, I have something also to say!" Suzy walked in front of everyone and they gasped. "I was kidnapped too. I was a young girl living in the countryside with my parents. I hated my life and wanted more. It was not until Mr.Simpson came to the countryside and kidnapped me! I told my parents 'So long! See you in Neverland!!!' and left with Mr.Simpson."397Please respect copyright.PENANA5eVbp5m2JX
"You were saying?" Mr.Fancyson had now gotten a comeback.
At the same time in came an old but stylish lady.
"Mother?!" Both Mr.Fancyson and Mr.Simpson were surprised.
"Ah yes, my children. I just came to town recently and heard that there was a commotion here." Mrs.Son said as she wrapped her grown-up children in a hug.
"Hey, grandmother." Mark greeted.
"Oh, Mark haven't you grown up so big! Where is your brother Simon?" At the moment she said this everyone went quiet.
"Grandmother!" Erick excitedly hugged his grandmother causing the tension in the room to cease.
Now meanwhile all this was happening, Kevin's father had now been set free. Unfortunately for him, Mad town was far. He had to walk back on a deserted road back to Mad Town.
He walked and walked and walked finally he arrived, drenched in sweat. The first place he went to was the police station to report his kidnapping.
"I am serious! I was kidnapped by Mr.Fancyson!" He insisted as the policemen continued to laugh.
"I might as well say that I too got kidnapped by him!" they thought he was joking after all everyone was kidnapping someone. And for some reason, people in the Simpson mansion and Fancyson Mansion were confessing.
"That's it!" Kevin's father thought as he marched on to the Simpson mansion.
He walked past the crowd who gathered earlier due to the terrible sing and burst into the mansion.
All but a few were surprised to see the new face.
"And who are you?" Mrs.Son asked.
"I am Kevin's father. Or should I say Kevin's new father..."