Hinata never surpassed Genin Neji.
The notion that Hinata ever surpassed Neji at any point in the manga is absurd, all right? Why do Hinata fans keep beating this dead-horse of a scan when it holds little to no value in the context of the scene?
Her father’s literally standing in front of her and deflecting the spikes, with Neji:
That’s when she basically decided to turn her back to the attack instead of hitting it away, and Neji had to sacrifice himself for her pairing her.
Mind you, she doesn’t know “Rotation” that Neji and Hiashi used at the front to keep others safe. It’s the stray spikes that flew their way that she took care of:
So why’s it a huge deal that she deflected one? Grunt Shinobi are shown to be doing the exact same thing. Then they, too, have surpassed Neji?
Aside of “Rotation”, she doesn’t know “Body Blow”, either, another advanced Byakugan Jutsu:
Her performance in war was fairly abysmal as she was the only Shinobi out of all teams that yielded no results as the Jubi clone was only dazed and still getting to its feet:
This was her … terrible attempt at the Jutsu that she finally managed to learn. Neji knew 64-Palms since his Genin days. He used it against Naruto, but his Kidomaru battle was especially interesting as despite being slowed down by Kidomaru’s Jutsu, he was still able to strike at a large number of objects with it:
Then we have this hilariously made up claim that she managed to hit Pain. No, she didn’t:
She only managed to take two steps forward and received a massive blow that literally smashed her body into the stone; she didn’t push Pain back in any manner as he was never hit. Can you fans stop making stuff up about Hinata-Chan Hime? She was never all that in the manga. I think it’s high time you people accepted that. These outlandish claims are quite embarrassing.
The “impact marks” and the “KLA” sounds are important. This can be easily proven through the Itachi and Bee encounter. Notice the “impact marks” here, too:
The “impact marks” are still there while Itachi has literally jumped out of the way. This is further proven by the fact that the “Twin Lion Fists” is a chakra-drawing technique, too, and Pain lost no chakra:
柔歩双獅拳 Juuho Soushiken (Gentle Step: Twin Lion Fists)3219Please respect copyright.PENANAM7OvWcsQB0
Taijutsu, Kekkei Genkai, Offensive, Defensive, Supplementary, Short Range3219Please respect copyright.PENANA5QdukDsRkZ
3219Please respect copyright.PENANAQyaD6TUKc2
拳に宿す強き意思!!3219Please respect copyright.PENANAs2fUeScv6M
Strong will held in the fists!!3219Please respect copyright.PENANAKZ1AVGdrAF
その姿双頭の獅子の如し!!3219Please respect copyright.PENANAhpfkXTKdNA
Its form is double lion heads!!3219Please respect copyright.PENANAve8EqvmqYr
日向一族の中でも宗家にしか伝わっていない、柔拳秘伝高等体術。両手から放出するチャクラを形態変化させることで、リーチと破壊力を格段に向上させる。その腕はまるで獅子のような様相を呈し、触れた相手の経絡系を喰らい尽くすのだ。3219Please respect copyright.PENANA2dXFtMa91s
A secret high-level juuken technique, taught only to the main family of the Hyuuga clan. By changing the shape of chakra released from both hands, [the user] greatly increases reach and destructive power. The arms become entirely like lions which drain the chakra network of those they touch.3219Please respect copyright.PENANAglS9312q21
チャクラコントロールを少しでも誤ると失敗するため、習得は極めて困難緻密な技量と“白眼”があればこその芸当である。3219Please respect copyright.PENANAxQvwpO2zn2
Because it will fail at even the slightest mistake in chakra control, it is extremely difficult to learn this ability, which is a feat that requires the Byakugan.3219Please respect copyright.PENANA4yTRpfJElz
3219Please respect copyright.PENANAdrLmsCgtHo
Caption:3219Please respect copyright.PENANAfwrKaC17UF
“八卦六十四掌”の威力を底上げすることができる。3219Please respect copyright.PENANAB5NyipnBEZ
It can be used to increase the power of Eight Trigrams Sixty-Four Palms.
So the “impact marks” show Bee making strikes without them making contact with anything. Hinata’s panel is exactly the same because she’d have drawn chakra had her Jutsu made contact with Pain in any manner.
Furthermore, I’m fully aware that the manga’s read from right to left; however, she already had the Twin Lion Fists active when she attacked Pain. This can be proven through two things: 1) Aside of the regular motion lines, there are additional swirl-like patterns that surround her when she’s shown attacking Pain:
You could say that these are motion lines, but not really.
^ The last part of this gif is exactly the same scene as shown in the manga, only extended (because SP are deeply in lust love with their do-nothing and titty-moving Hime!). As you can see, her Twin Lion Fists lose shape completely when she moves faster! Do these movements look exactly like the “swirly patterns” I pointed to? Yes!
2) It takes a good couple of second for Hinata to create them as the war-arc scan shows. Do you honestly think Pain would’ve allowed her to just stand there for a couple of seconds and create her Jutsu when he slapped her into the ground after she barely took about two steps forward? No, of course not!
It’s obvious that the second panel is a surprise “she improved for her love, Naruto (that sort of Shonen rubbish)!” as to what she’s using to “rescue Naruto” as it’s supposed to be this huge moment for her!
Frankly, her speed-feats are even more poor as Neji’s astronomically faster than her even as a Genin. This is the distance Kidomaru’s arrow covered when it hit Neji. You can’t even see the full distance as it extends to off-panel:
Neji covered all of that in an instant and before Kidomaru hit the ground, he covered it and closed off his chakra:
Had Neji not been so deeply wounded here, he’d have moved much faster! Can anyone show me any speed feat from Hinata from the war-arc that’s even half as good as this feat that Genin Neji demonstrated? Keep trying, I guess. Well, you Hinata fans can always have Fan-Fictions in which I’ve heard that she learns Chidori, too, because why the fuck not? She’s very clearly demonstrated in the manga that her Ninjutsu skills match Sasuke’s (sarcasm).
Man, between “Sakura’s surpassed Tsunade and she’s smarter than Sasuke and therefore a prodigy!” and “Hinata surpassed Neji!”, I don’t know which one of you fanbases is more embarrassing. She doesn’t even know how to use the complete arsenal like Neji. The only reason he didn’t know Twin Lions Fists is that it’s specific to the Head Family side of the clan.
Even Rotation and 64-Palms are the Main Family’s Jutsus, not the Branch Family’s. Hiashi was shocked that Neji managed to re-create them simply by listening:
This is what Hiashi said about 64-Palms:
He was so surprised by Neji’s achievement that this is what he stated:
What did Hinata do that makes people think that she surpassed this guy? Neji was shown fighting toe-to-toe with Hiashi since his Genin days while Hinata was getting everything kicked out of her by a girl five years her junior:
You people do know that Lee learned the Gates and its Jutsus to defeat Neji, right?
So if Hinata surpassed Neji, she surpassed Gated Lee, too? Haha, ducking what?!
Both Neji and Hiashi (both are geniuses, by the way) tutored Hinata and still she couldn’t completely learn the whole arsenal, and her 64-Palms Jutsu execution was utterly terrible. If she can’t learn a thing from two prodigies (three if I count Hanabi as she used to spar with her regularly), then to call her a lost cause is the most hilarious understatement of the century. She really is that talent-less!
anti hinata neji meta analysis small meta kidomaru itachi bee byakugan hime dead last hime hiashi anti hinata fandom naruto naruto manga
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