Karin’s infamous “masochistic” line in chapter 635
I don’t really have to do this since the official translation has already been released, but I guess I was just curious on what I would get. This wouldn’t be as extensive as the other previous translation I made and I also stayed away from explaining the particles. This time I only broke down the main words.
This is the romaji of Karin’s line:
Hah!! Chi…chigau gaa…!! An na kusoyaroーSasuke suki…kuneーdaroga!! Uchi o koroshi kaketa no ga…tamaranai…chigaukaー!!
Now I know the reason for that mistranslation; although, “liked it” would have been closer rather than “it felt good.” (Maybe they’re really biased?)
Karin doesn’t make any sense, she’s really speaking gibberish here, lol.
In Kanji and Kana:
はっ!!ちっ… 違がア…!!あんなクソヤローサスケ好き…くねーだろが!!ウチをころしかけ たのが… たまらない…違うかアー!!
違がア = chigau = be different / differ / disagree / mistake / wrong
クソ = kuso = shit (lit. feces) / damn is acceptable too
ヤロ = yaro = a derogatory term for a person (lit. guy or man, fig. bastard)
クソヤロ = kuso yaro = that shit/asshole/shithead (this is more like kusottare, but all the same), basically swear words that include shit
好き = suki = like / love / be fond of / liking
だろが = daroga = something like but will / it will but / but would be
ウチを = uchi o = I
ころし = koroshi = killed
かけた = kaketa = started but not finished (nearly / was about to)
たまらない = tamaranai = intolerable / unbearable / unendurable / cannot help / cannot but do
Translations for chigau will be: you’re mistaken / you’re wrong / that’s not it
The “anna”, I’m presuming, might be that Karin was about to say “anata” (you), although it’s doubtful that she’d refer to Suigetsu using “anata,” she’d probably say “omae” which is a crass form of “you”. But I’ll theorize with the “anna” first.
Additional information about “anna” courtesy of p-e-a-r-ll’s research:
あんな(anna) (adj-pn) such (about something or someone distant from both speaker and listener, or about a situation unfamiliar to both speaker and listener); so; that; sort of. source
In short, it’s another form of “ano" あの(that) which has the same use and meaning.
Hah!! Chi…chigau gaa…!! Anna kusoyaroーSasuke suki…kuneーdaroga!! Uchi o koroshi kaketa no ga…tamaranai…chigaukaー!!
In accordance with the Japanese words arrangement:
(Wrong and mistaken are basically the same but I’ll use you’re wrong since it’s what Viz used and it sounds more casual.)
Hah!! Y…You’re wrong…!! [Y-you] that shitーSasuke like…but would be!! I nearly got killed…unbearable…you’re wrongー!!
Hah!! Y…You’re wrong…!! th-that shitーSasuke like…but would be!! I nearly got killed…unbearable…you’re wrongー!!
Translated into better English:
Hah!! Y…You’re wrong…!! [Y-you] th-that shit Sasukeーhow could I like…!! I nearly got killed…unbearable…you’re wrongー!!
Hah!! Th…That’s not it…!! [Y-you] th-that shit Sasukeーhow could I like…!! I nearly got killed…unbearable…that’s not itー!!
So, in reference to the official translation and taking out “an na” (which could be a particle or just an expression) or “you”, it would be like this:
Hah!! Y…You’re wrong…!! How could I like th-that shit Sasuke!! I nearly got killed…unbearable…you’re wrong!!
19 notes
12th July 2013 @ 03:11pm
#sasukarin #SasuKarin #karin #sasuke #uzumaki karin #uchiha sasuke #naruto 635 #translations #Japanese to english #brushing up on my nihonggo studies #Nihonggo #naruto