My world seems to be a bit dangerous, with all the thieves, bandits, pirates, marines, and just regular assholes on the streets. My type of asshole is the kind of kid who wants to be a pirate, I know this really famous pirate group who are told to be really strong. Even though they don't look like it, they can take on any enemy. Don't they sound intriguing?
" Yamato-sama " a girl whined
Her long jet black hair waved back as she ran towards me, that is Nii-chan, an annoying little sister of mine. Her real name is actually unknown, my parents adopted her a while back. And I've come to call her that all the time.
" What is it Nii-chan " I groan as I glance back at her with my sword in hand
" where are you going, mother told you to stay home " she gave me an eye and placed her hands on her hips
" I'm 16 silly, your what 12 " I roll my eyes and kept walking towards the beach, my dream was to sail the ocean blue.
I heard her groan as well and run back home, mother waved back at me with a smile but she seemed a bit angry as well. I chuckled and ruffled my blond hair, my green eyes were strange in my family, but I liked being different. The wind was wild this morning, the kind of the island told us he invited the same pirate crew I wanted to join, what a coincidence. I jump down the small hill we lived on and ran into town.
" morning Yamato " someone yelled
" morning Mrs Toara " i wave and ran past multiple people
I came to a stop, I could see the ship in the distance. Our town was small, and it couldn't fight against anyone. My father told me once that this little island of ours would go to hell, when I was 11. Thanks for teaching me how to curse old man. Anyway many pirates tried to tell us to leave or obey them, we just wouldn't speak to them and they couldn't do anything about it. Sometimes they would kill towns people or just burn a home. We kept adapting to their plans and actions. It made me laugh overtime we made a fool out of them, I did't know my grandma could hit hard. 604Please respect copyright.PENANAE5JyZdr3MQ
Once I got to the port The Going Mary was already anchor, it was beautiful even though it seemed strange. I then heard a girl yell, she threw a boy off the ship. We finally made eye contact, she smiled and waved at me, I waved back. Or I thought we made eye contact, I looked behind me and there was this guy just standing there. He seemed to be well known by her, who was he.
" Luffy get back in here baka " she yelled he just laughed and fixed his straw hat
" Im coming Nami, just wait for me okay " he glanced over to me as we made eye contact, I slightly blushed and looked away
I just heard him laugh and pat my head, he helped bring the ladder down for the other members to come down. I just stop their in amazement as they all came out. Zero, Sanji, Chopper, Usopp, Brook, Franky, Robin, Nami, and Luffy himself. The whole crew was here, It felt like a dream to me. I felt as my little sister ran up to me, hugging my legs, I look down and shrug to her.
" Who might you be " Luffy spoke and crouched down to my little sister
" I'm Nii-chan " she giggled and had her hands behind her back
" nice to meet you, and you must be her brother. Yamato? Right? " he laughed like it wasn't a problem figuring out my name
" didn't our king tell you my name, i sure did tell him I wanted to join your crew " I question
" oh certainly, Luffy here is just a bit forgetful " Zoro patted the males head and made him sit down
Zoro explained to me the dangers that will be held on this journey, I nodded and knew all about this stuff, I really wanted to go. But I know Nii-chan would want to come with me, but mother would want to have someone to keep her company. I sighed and moved away from her, I crouched down and caressed her small cheek.
" hey Nii-chan can you do something for me " I asked as I saw her eyes tear up
" W-what is it " she asked wiping them away from her eyes
" Please take care of mom for me, she needs you right now. And I promise I'll come back to visit all of you " I smile and hug her tight in my arms
" I will brother " she answered and hugged my neck
I dropped her down as she ran to mothers see who didn't really agree to let me go off with a bunch of pirates, but if thats what I wanted then she was happy for me. Her cheeks were already stained with tears, her eyes were filled with sadness. I couldn't bare to look at her this way, I kiss her cheek and ruffle her hair like I was leaving her forever. I hugged her tightly and whispered something to her, she nodded her head gently and let go of our short but loving embrace.
I picked up my backpack and my two swords I always carried around with me, I hugged my little sister one more time before I walked onto their ship. I leaned against the edge and watched as my mother and sister grew smaller in size. I began to cry once we couldn't see my home town anymore, but then I knew they would be okay with out me, right? I sigh and let my hair blow in the wind, it was getting annoying as it got in my face. I put part of it in a ponytail, the other parts were just to style my hair. I then felt someone hang their arm around my shoulder.
" your going to be okay kid, with us theres no place we can't go " Luffy spoke looking out at the sea
" you sure about that, theres a lot of things to learn about being a pirate " I thought and nod my head
" haha, its simple. Just watch us and you'll be fine " Sanji joked around smoking on his cigar
" okay, I'll try to be a good pirate " I promise
" Yamato, please don;y promise anything were wanted pirates. So your going to be lying to a lot of people " Nami laughed as well
This was my home, and I knew it was the right path for me to go down.