Note: This is quite long, feel free to read as much as you like. In fact, it's long enough that I've divided it into separate chapters.
Thanks for reading!
Chapter 1
My face, so much like my father's, always brought my parents pain.
They never said it aloud, of course. But even a young, ten-year-old kid like myself can detect the sadness in my parent's expression as they gazed at me.
"Son," My father stood beside me, towering over my small frame. "Training," He said. His voice wasn't loud, but it was strong.
I glanced down at the pond to see my reflection. Amber eyes and brown hair. Exactly my fathers' features. I looked determined. I even had the same expression Father wore.
"Ran? Are you coming?" I followed the voice to an open courtyard, one of the largest in our home. It served as both garden and training ground. My father was waiting, his arms crossed. He wasn't a muscular figure, but from the way he held himself, head high and posture tense, you could tell he was an experienced warrior. I approached and bowed. His lips curved slightly upwards.
"Bring out your sword. We will have a duel today." He clapped his hands together, and a magic circle appeared beneath his feet. As he spread his hands apart, one hand gripped the hilt of a sword, and the blade appeared as if it was being formed under his other hand. The magic circle ebbed, and in his hands, father held Hien, his trusted sword. I mimicked my father's movements, my own magic circle beneath me, and my sword materialized between my hands.
"Kaien," I muttered, weighing the blade. My fingers rubbed the ornate golden dragon that curled itself around the guard. I had received the sword when I was four. Father's Hien was reminiscent of a katana, whereas my Kaien was shaped more like a medieval broadsword.
Father held out Hien at arm's length, his other arm casting a barrier spell to prevent the outside world from being affected by our duel. "Shall we begin?" He asked, poised for battle.
I struck first. I dashed up to him and faked towards his left side, but quickly switched Kaien's momentum to strike at Father's left leg. Father caught the movement and parried, thrusting towards my chest. I sidestepped and held up two fingers.
"Ratei Shorai!" I called. Lightning coursed along my blade as it clanged loudly against Father's. Tendrils of electricity arced around us, but Father's face was impassive.
"It's not much use using magic the opponent already knows," Father put in mildly as his blade nicked my cheek. He waved his hand and used the same spell against me. Within several moments, the spells had dissipated, but Father had not a scratch on him whereas I was nicked in several areas. Droplets of blood were starting to run down my face from the place where Father had scratched my cheek.
"Look for weak points," Father advised. "Take advantage of any small openings." I spotted one - Father had left his right side open for attack, and so I struck. Father parried easily and brought his blade to my throat.
"Unless it's obvious your opponent is luring you in," Father added, grinning, his amber eyes slightly playful. I groaned.
"Shouldn't you be easier on the kid?" A call came from outside the barrier. Father and I both looked up to see a man with pale blonde hair in a ponytail and ice blue eyes smiling at us.
"Uncle Fai!" I exclaimed. A shadowy figure appeared beside him and I acknowledged the presence of Uncle Kurogane.
Fai waved his hand dismissively. "Ran, how many times have I told you to simply call me Fai?" He pointed at the brooding figure beside him. "You're free to call this one Kuro-pi, though."
"It's Kurogane," Kurogane growled, running his fingers through his jet-black hair.
"And Mokona!" A small pink creature with large ears and a pork-bun shaped body appeared from under Kurogane's heavy black armor.
Father smiled. Kurogane huffed. "The training is for the Ran's own good. We all know it." At those last words, their faces fell. I watched them carefully. As far as I knew, none of my school friends ever had daily training or sword fights like I did. Nor did they use magic. It was a gift for myself and my family alone. Or perhaps it was a curse.
Mother came up to us, her crimson hair blazing in the sun. Her smile was soft and kind. "There are cookies on the table, as well as tea," she said. I lit up at the idea of cookies. Mother's cookies were delicious, but it was Father who cooked the best in the family. After training, though, any sort of food was welcoming.
"Thank you, Sakura-chan," Fai said, giving Mother a warm smile.
"Mokona loves cookies!" Mokona exclaimed. Kurogane huffed and grabbed Mokona's ears.
"I suppose some tea wouldn't hurt," he grumbled, following Fai back into the house. Father dissipated the barrier, which dissolved in a clear blue light. Mother went up to Father, who gave her a quick peck on the cheek. "Ran, you may go. Training is over," Father said. I bowed in thanks and turned to leave, but I over heard their quick and quiet conversation.
"Is it time? Do we tell him?" Mother asked.
"Yes," Father replied. The two remained silent as I entered the house, contemplating their words.
"Ran," Father called "Come to the courtyard." Night had fallen, and I was in clean clothes, as the other ones had been soiled and ripped from the day's duel. I followed Father's instructions and entered the moonlit yard, where he and mother stood in a small pagoda, with little flames adrift around them. There was another man there, one I'd seen only once or twice, but a man I knew by name.
"Uncle Watanuki," I mumbled, dipping my head in acknowledgement. Watanuki was a dream seer, just like my Mother. He was also a powerful magician like my father. I was unsure how my parents came to know him, but it was clear that he was an important friend. Watanuki smiled.
"Hello, Ran," he said softly.
"We're about to tell you something very serious," Mother said, kneeling and gripping my arms. Her eyes were jade green even in the dim light.
"Is it something about me?" I asked. The adults cast each other quick glances. "It is, isn't it?"
Father nodded. "Yes. It is about you and your future, as well as another's."
Mother looked sad. "Why must history repeat itself so? Are we meant to suffer?" At that, Watanuki placed a comforting hand on her shoulder.
"Sakura-chan, he'll be fine," Watanuki said. My gaze travelled from face to face.
"Fine with what?" I asked, brows furrowing. "Stop making riddles of your words!"
Mother gazed at me, her eyes brave. "You must to go to a different world," she said. I wasn't as surprised as I should have been - both my parents had told me of other worlds before. "There's someone you need to meet."
I straightened and set my jaw. "If there's something I have to do, then I'll do it," I stated.
Father's gaze was unreadable. "You never change, do you?" he muttered. "Very well." Father clapped his hands together and brought out Hien. The blade was encased in its sheath, but small flames danced on the edges for several moments before disappearing.
"I entrust you with Hien," Father said solemnly. My jaw slackened with shock. Father was really giving me his precious sword? I took it reverently, and stored it in my palm with the same magic I used to keep Kaien. Father nodded. "Keep it safe. It will serve you well."
Watanuki stepped forward. "Your mother and father have paid the price for your travel to this other world," he said. "Say your final goodbyes before you leave."
I didn't like the sound of that. "Final?" I asked. Watanuki bit his lip.
"You might not see your parents for...a very long time," he said. I frowned at the thought. I was only ten. Would I really be on my own from now on?
I embraced Mother, who had several tears flowing down her cheeks. "Be good," she said. "Don't forget who you are," Mother hugged me tightly before finally freeing me from her grasp.
I faced Father, who ruffled my hair affectionately. "I would do as my father did for me before I journeyed, entrust you with my name, but I think it would be better if you lived as Ran, and not as Syaoran or Tsubasa. Live as Ran Li. Stay strong." With that, Father embraced me quickly, then released me from his powerful grip. "When - no, if - you come back, I will tell you why your mother and I have hardly spoken of your grandparents, specifically my parents. And why this parting has caused us so much pain," Father's gaze was strong. "I have trained you as best I can. Remember your training. Remember yourself," Then a slight smile tugged at his lips. "Don't break too many rules, you hear?"
Watanuki waved his hand and a magic circle which was the same as fathers' appeared underneath me. I wondered why he and father had the same magic circle - it was a rule that no two people had the same magic circle.
"I'm sending you off now," Watanuki said. I watched as Father and Mother smiled at me.
"Find happiness," Mother whispered.
The world vanished.
Chapter 2
I appeared in a meadow with flurries of sakura petals dancing around me. It was bright and sunny, so I lifted a hand to shield my eyes from the glaring light.
"Where am I?" I wondered out loud. The meadow seemed too neat to be part of a wild forest. It was almost a perfect circle, with cherry blossom trees lining the perimeter, save for a waterfall at the far end, opposite of where I stood. At the very center of the circle was a pool of water which was fed by the waterfall. Small streams issued from the pool and broke into the forest behind the cherry blossoms.
"Who are you?" A voice asked. I searched for the source and gasped. There was a small girl standing on the water. She wasn't in the water. She was standing on it.
"I-I'm Ran," I stammered. She tilted her head, gazing at me with pretty green eyes. Her blazing hair caught in the wind.
"How did you get here?" she asked. "This is a sacred place." Her voice lilted, like a song. I shrugged.
"I was sent here," I replied. "What's your name?" At that, the girl smiled.
"Sara," she giggled. She walked towards me and stepped off the water. "Come with me, I'll take you to the palace," she said. My eyes widened.
"You live in a palace?" I asked. She nodded. Sara grabbed my hand and tugged my arm until I followed her. She was stopped by a tall man who stepped in front of us.
"Princess, who is this?" he asked. He was dressed in a guard's uniform, and he withdrew his sword, which he aimed at my chest. I gulped.
"I'm Ran," I said clearly. The man's gaze pierced through me.
"I didn't ask you," he spat. "I asked the Princess."
Sara's grip on my hand tightened. "He's a traveller from another world, Aki. I'm bringing him to the palace," she said.
"We can't bring any random street rat to the palace, your Highness!" Aki protested.
"Aki, stand down."
Aki immediately knelt, head bowed as the woman behind him approached. She had the same blazing hair and green eyes as Sara, and was stunningly beautiful. "Welcome, Ran," she said. "I am Queen Elena. We've prepared food for you after your long journey."
My eyes widened. "You know who I am?" I asked. Queen Elena smiled.
"Yes. I am a dreamseer, just like your mother," she replied. She held out her hand and the sakura petals joined together to form a familiar-looking wand.
"Mother's wand," I whispered in amazement. It was definite proof she had met Mother through Dreams. The wand dissolved into petals again and Queen Elena clasped her hands together.
"Welcome to Haru Country, Ran, traveller of worlds." With those words, Queen Elena waved her hand and disappeared in a flurry of sakura petals. Aki immediately stood and ushered us along, keeping a tight guard as he herded us back to the palace.
Sara gripped my hand. "Mother foresaw your coming! I'm sure the feast will be fantastic!" she exclaimed.
I smiled as Sara continued to chatter pleasantly. We approached the palace, an enormous structure made entirely of white marble. It shone in the sun, and the decor was ornate, the statues holding such intricate carvings, I wondered how long it had taken to carve them all. The guards gave me funny looks, but I ignored their prying eyes.
"Your Highness!" A boy in midnight blue robes approached us, along with a boy dressed in princely white. "How were the rites?" he asked, directing his question at Sara. He held a magician's staff in one hand, and with the other, he brushed back his long blonde hair. "No problems arose?"
"The rites were fine, thank you, Yukio," Sara replied. The boy in white beside Yukio had a frown on his face.
"Who are you, brat?" he addressed me, and I quickly bowed in politeness. I was reminded strangely of Kurogane. They were both brusque, with spiky black hair and a presence that commanded respect.
"I'm Ran," I said, straightening. The boy didn't look pleased, and he turned to Sara.
"Did he interrupt your rites?" He thundered. "If so, I'll kill him."
"Fuma, stop it!" Sara pouted. "You're such a mean big brother!"
Fuma looked like he'd been punched. "I'm just trying to protect you, little sister," he mumbled. He stalked off, accompanied by Yukio, who didn't appear the least bit worried about Fuma's downtrodden state.
"Sorry about that, Ran. Fuma gets so protective sometimes," Sara apologised. A servant came up to us and announced that dinner was ready. Sara thanked him kindly and led me towards the dining hall. The table was large, with a pristine tablecloth and exquisite silverware. It was well lit by magic floating lights, which I could see had been cast by Yukio, for he was standing in the corner, looking slightly drained. Aki stood next to him, face stoic and impassive. Queen Elena sat by the head of the table, next to a man whom I assumed to be King. He wore no crown, but his posture demanded respect. The two of them smiled as Sara and I entered the hall.
"Welcome, Ran," the man said. "I am King Darius," He gestured to the seats nearby him. "Come, have a seat."
I followed Sara, who quickly took her seat next to Queen Elena's side. I sat directly across from her. I noticed that on my plate, there was a white orchid. I picked it up and twirled it in my fingers, giving Queen Elena a quick glance. She gave me a knowing smile.
Ran, meaning orchid in my world. Also meaning wolf in another, or so Father had told me. I lay down the orchid beside my plate. Mother must have told the Queen a lot about me.
"Do I need to sit next to the brat?" Fuma grumbled as he slid into the seat beside me.
"You are free to sit wherever you like, your Highness," I said politely. Yukio snorted from behind, but I could tell that he and the royal family were close, and so he received no rebuke. Aki, however, stiffened at my remark. King Darius raised an eyebrow.
"Very true, Ran. Fuma, if you dislike it so much, perhaps you should switch with your sister," King Darius smiled as Fuma fidgeted uncomfortably in his seat.
"I'm fine," Fuma muttered as the servants came and laid food in front of us.
"Oh, look, Ran, they made cha sew bao," Sara said, grabbing a plump white bun. "I love pork buns!" I was reminded strangely of Mokona.
Dinner was quiet, and I made polite conversation with the Queen and King. To my shock, they offered me a place to stay. "You're our guest until you move onto the next world," Queen Elena said.
"Next world?" I asked. Queen Elena's smile froze.
"Well, yes," she said before looking away.
After dinner, Aki and Yukio escorted me to my rooms. Yukio quickly informed me that Sara had to perform another rite before night fell. The room was large, luxurious, and the bed even more so. I touched the blankets - the softest silk. There was an orchid in a vase on the bedside table. Yukio and Aki left without another word, though Aki shot me a dirty look.
I sat on the bed. "What a strange day," I thought to myself. I flopped on the bed and stared at the ceiling. What were my parents hiding? Who was I supposed to meet? Would I go to more worlds on this journey?
What was I supposed to do?
A knock came from the door. I got up and opened it, and saw Sara beaming at me. "Hi, Ran," she panted. I grabbed her hand and sat her on the bed.
"Are you all right? Why are you panting?" I asked, checking to see she wasn't hurt. Sara shook her head.
"No, I ran here after my rites," she said. I noticed her hair was slightly disheveled, so I swept a lock behind her ear.
"Why?" I asked. Sara smiled.
"I wanted to see you, of course." She twirled her fingers together. "Would you like to come with me to my rites tomorrow morning?" Sara asked.
"I-I would be honored," I stammered. Sara brightened.
"Really! Great! I'll see you tomorrow, Ran!" Sara hugged me, then ran out of the room.
I smiled as I watched her leave. She was so cheerful, it was infectious.
"I see she's already invited you to the rites," Queen Elena entered through the door which Sara had left just moments ago. "I'm glad you two are becoming such good friends."
"She's been extremely welcoming," I said.
"Yes. It's part of her nature, but it's also because she has few friends. Being a princess has its downfalls," Queen Elena sat next to me on the bed. Her pretty smile fell. "Sara is in danger."
"What?" I stared at Queen Elena, who looked straight ahead into empty space.
"I dreamt it. And you," The queen turned to gaze at me with mournful eyes. "You're the only one who can help her."
"What about the king? Or Yukio? Aki? Fuma?" I asked.
"They don't know. I haven't told them."
"But why?"
"They can't help her."
I looked at my hands clasped in my lap. "Why me?" I whispered.
Queen Elena shook her head. "I'm not sure. Perhaps it's Hitsuzen."
"Fate. Destiny. Chance. Luck. Call it what you will. But I know your meeting Sara was Hitsuzen. I know my meeting with your mother was Hitsuzen. Everything is connected to it," Queen Elena's brow furrowed. "All I know is that you and Sara are connected in ways I cannot explain. I beg of you, please help her if you can," Queen Elena bowed her head. I was shocked.
"Please, Your Highness, lift your head," I pleaded. "I'll-I'll protect her with my life."
Queen Elena's lips formed a small, sad smile. "Thank you, Ran. I thank you from the bottom of my heart." She rose and left, though not without giving me a parting smile as she closed the door behind her.
I lay on the sheets, thinking. I was the only one who could save Sara? How could I, a small ten-year-old boy new to this world, a boy Sara only met today, save her?
I closed my eyes and fell into a troubled sleep.
Chapter 3
I watched Sara as she performed her rites, standing on the water next to the waterfall, head bowed as she mumbled words of magic. Droplets of water the size of apples floated around her as she cast her spells and performed her rites.
From what I had learned in the morning from Yukio, Sara was also a dreamseer, like her mother, and a very powerful sorceress. Her rites were to prepare her for her coming of age when she reached sixteen.
I also learned that since those rites were sacred, that no person was meant to enter the sanctuary during the rites, as it would disrupt the cleansing ceremony. In addition, if anybody touched the Princess while she was performing the rite, the ceremony would be disrupted. But I had entered the sanctuary as Sara was performing her rites. By all rights, my presence should have disrupted the ceremony. But that hadn't happened. My presence had done nothing to disturb her rites.
"Perhaps it is because you're a traveller from another world," Yukio said. "Perhaps the Sanctuary doesn't recognize you as a person from around here."
I was glad he didn't say what I had thought: You don't belong here.
Sara's head jerked up. "Mister?" she called. My eyes followed and I saw a man with pitch-black hair standing beside the waterfall at the edge of the cliff. His smile was cold as ice.
"Hello, dear," he growled. I immediately rushed forward, Hien in my hands.
"Sara! Get away from him!" I held up two fingers - there was no way I would be able to get to the top of the cliff. "Ratei Shorai!"
Lightning coursed along the blade before tendrils of electricity arced around us, striking at the man. The man held up his hand, and the electricity bounced off an invisible shield. With the same hand, he cast a spell, and rocks peeled themselves from the cliff and launched themselves towards me. I dodged, pivoting lightly on my feet, using Hien to cut the smaller rocks. But some were enormous, and I ran around to avoid being crushed to death.
Where was Aki? I spotted him the moment the question formed in my brain: He was at the perimeter. But he wasn't standing as he was supposed to. His lifeless eyes stared at the blue sky, blood pouring from his chest. A trickle of crimson escaped from his mouth.
"Sara! SARA!" I yelled. She was unconscious, but floating as the droplets of water swirling around her tried to fend off whatever magic the attacker was trying to cast. I reached for her hand, then stopped.
I wasn't supposed to touch her during the rite.
That moment's hesitation was enough.
"Sara!" I cried again. The droplets of water were dispersed savagely by an unseen force, and Sara drifted towards the man, as if tendrils of air were bringing her closer to him.
The man faced me, and I was frozen in his black-eyed gaze. "Ran," he drolled, tasting my name on his tongue. I shivered. "I want you to watch this."
The man held up his black-gloved hand over Sara's heart, muttering under his breath. I gritted my teeth, straining every muscle to move Hien. Suddenly - a black flower emblem sprouted in front of Sara's chest. It was two-dimensional, but issued smoky tendrils from inside a black circle. I could tell what the flower was - an orchid.
"It's a curse," The man said. "When she reaches sixteen, the curse will kill her," His midnight ponytail swayed in the wind. "And you can't do anything about it."
"Why?" I whispered. "Why would you want to hurt Sara?" Kind, cheerful Sara, such a sweet girl. Who would want to hurt her?
The man paused. "To fulfill a wish."
He waved his arms and more boulders peeled themselves from the cliff wall. There was too many. My body battered by the hundreds of falling rock, the last thing I saw was Sara, lifeless at the edge of the pool.
"Ran, wake up."
I opened my eyes slowly, blinking as I took in my surroundings. There were many drapes, and the faint scent of incense hung in the air, cloying and sweet.
"Where am I?" I mumbled.
"You're in my shop." A figure emerged from the doorway, one that was faintly familiar.
"Uncle Watanuki," I said. He smiled at me from his silver-rimmed glasses.
"Why am I here?" I asked. I tried to sit up, but cringed with pain. I touched my face. Bandages covered my chin and forehead, and my arms and legs were wrapped as well.
"The magic that kept you in that world was not enough to protect you from those boulders," Uncle Watanuki said sadly. "Your parents...paid the price for your protection."
"Father and Mother...Will I see them?" I asked.
"No," Watanuki had a long pipe in his hands, and he blew it, causing smoke to issue from the ends and drift aimlessly in the air. "But you have something more important to do, do you not?"
"I need to go back," I need to save Sara. I need to break her curse. "I'm her only hope."
"How do I go back? Tell me!" I yelled. Uncle Watanuki gazed at me with his clear eyes, one yellow and one blue.
"There is a price for every wish. This one...Fai and Kurogane offered to pay it, but it is something only you can pay," Watanuki placed a hand on my chest, right above my heart. "To go back, your price is your connections."
"You will never go back to the world of your birth. That is the price."
I stopped, clamped my lips together. That would mean I would not see my friends ever again. Fai, Kurogane, Mokona. Mother and Father, too. Never to see Mother and Father again. What a terrible price to pay. My own words from before seeped into my mind. If there is something I need to do, I will do it.
"If there is something I need to do, I will do it." I repeated my thoughts out loud. I need to save Sara. Watanuki dipped his head.
"I knew you would say that. You're just like your father. Now, get some rest. You will leave tomorrow." He pushed me down into the pillows, and I let myself slip into darkness.
"Are you ready, Ran?" Watanuki asked. He was dressed extravagantly as always, and had a fan in his hand. There was a black creature on his shoulder, which looked exactly like Mokona, but in shades of black rather than white.
I straightened. I was dressed in simple white clothes, typical of what I would wear in my own world. The world I'd never return to. "I am."
"Very well," Watanuki said. "The price is paid."
Watanuki waved the fan with a flourish, and mumbled words of a spell. The wind picked up, tousling my brown hair and dancing through Watanuki's black ponytail. Sakura petals drifted down from the trees in the garden of Watanuki's shop, and swirled around me. "I wish you the best of luck on your journey."
The world folded in on me and disappeared.
I appeared back in the sanctuary, in the exact spot I had first appeared in Haru Country.
"Ran? Is that you?" I blinked several times, my eyes adjusting to the light. Sara stood on the water by the waterfall, her skin healthy and her smile bright.
I frowned. The orchid curse mark was still on her.
"You came back!" Sara walked across the water to me, but didn't touch me. Instead, she smiled brightly and lifted her hand. Tendrils of water rose and swirled around us. "I'm glad you've returned. As soon as I've finished the rite, you've got to come back to the palace with me!"
Her ceremony for the day over, she grabbed my hand and took me to the palace.
"Ran?" Yukio whispered when he saw me enter the palace. "Is that really you?"
"Yes," I replied with a smile. Yukio grinned and patted me on the back.
"Glad to see you," he said. Then he leaned in closer, his glasses brushing my face. "Fuma is furious with you. He thinks it's your fault Aki is dead and Sara was hurt. But the Queen has assured us that you tried your best to protect her, and you were taken away as a result," Yukio bowed. "Thank you for protecting her Highness."
I bowed in return, unsure what to say in reply. Sara tugged my hand and brought me to her parents, both walking towards us.
"Ran, welcome back to Haru," King Darius said. He hugged Sara tightly as Queen Elena approached me.
"Ran, thank you for doing everything to protect her," she said. I bowed my head in shame.
"I couldn't protect her," I whispered. "That man -"
"I know, Ran, I know," I looked into Queen Elena's sad green eyes and I saw true understanding. My own eyes teared slightly. She laid a gentle hand on my shoulder. "The curse mark will grow until it covers her entire body, then take her life when she is sixteen," she muttered, low enough so only I could hear. "No one else but you and I can see that mark. No one else but you and I know of her curse. Not even Sara herself knows of it," Her grip tightened on my shoulder. I gritted my teeth with determination.
"I will get rid of her curse," I swore. "I'll protect her. I promise."
Queen Elena gazed at me sadly. "Thank you, Ran," she said, giving me a kiss on the cheek.
And so I lived in Haru for the next six years, searching for a way to break Sara's curse, travelling far and wide looking for anything to rid Sara of that black orchid.
Today, Sara turns sixteen.
Chapter 4
The day was bright, and sunlight streamed into the sanctuary. Sara, dressed in a fanciful white dress, walked up to the perimeter, accompanied by her parents.
She was stunning. Her long auburn hair cascaded down her back in a long braid, and her eyes shone vermilion green. Her cherry lips puckered upwards in a welcoming smile.
Sara had grown into a stunning young woman.
I was now a head taller than Sara, though Fuma, who had stayed back at the palace along with Yukio, towered over me. I had messy brown hair that I tried to keep combed, but it often refused to do so. Although I trained every day, my physique stayed lithe and wiry rather than muscular, as I had once hoped.
Although today was an important day for the both of us, I still wore my brown cloak, which Yukio had given me before I travelled to a desert country leagues away from Haru. I had on sturdy leather boots and black gloves of thin but hardy material.
Queen Elena and King Darius were dressed in their usual royal wear, making me feel out of place. But I had recently returned from my most recent excursion, and I had no clothes for formal occasions. Besides, this was my favorite outfit.
"Sara," I said, taking her hand and kissing the back. "You look lovely today, Your Highness."
Sara smiled. "Thank you, Ran," She leaned in closer so her breath was warm on my cheek. "I-I'd like to talk to you. After this is all over," she stammered. As it was her sixteenth birthday, these morning rites would be last she'd ever perform. As such, they were held the most sacred.
I bowed my head, a smile gracing my own lips. "Of course, Sara. Anything for you," I looked back into her jade eyes. "It's your special day after all."
I still haven't broken the curse, I don't know what will happen, how can I protect you...
Queen Elena seemed to sense my inner conflict. Her fingertips brushed my shoulder as she whispered to me, "It is the same for me as well. There is nothing I can do," Queen Elena choked on her last words, but bit back tears. I nodded stiffly, trying to keep my composure.
Fuma, who stood behind, glanced at the two of us with confusion. "Are you two okay?" He asked.
Queen Elena smiled. "Yes, dear."
Sara entered the sanctuary and I followed after her while her escort remained outside the perimeter. I stood at the water's edge and watched as Sara stepped onto the water, her footsteps creating small ripples in the water. She stopped in the middle of the pool, hesitating for just a second to glance back at me.
Out of nowhere, black spikes reminiscent of thorns pierced Sara through her chest. In the same instant, more black thorns pierced her arms, legs, and throat. My body had moved forward instinctively, my arm outstretched towards her, but now I couldn't move. I stared into Sara's eyes which were full of shock, pleading and sadness.
"I have stopped time," said a hoarse voice behind me. Queen Elena. "Please, save her." She coughed violently and I knew she had coughed up blood.
What could I do? I tried to move my hands and legs, but nothing budged. I couldn't even grit my teeth in frustration. Hien was still inside of me - there was no way I could withdraw the weapon anyway. How could I save her, as helpless as I was now?
Queen Elena coughed again. "Please, Ran," she gasped. "I can't do this for much longer." I watched despairingly as the thorns began to slowly sink themselves even deeper into Sara's body.
If only I had taken her hand all those years ago...
"I'll grant that wish for you."