It was Christmas Eve and it was silent, I was watching my favorite Marvel movie “Dr Strange” when my mother called to me saying “Victor can you go to bed, your sister is trying to sleep?!” My mother told us that Santa didn’t exist and that we were to sophisticated for that silliness, so we weren’t expecting any visitors.
I laid down to go to sleep and I softly drifted away.
I woke up sweating ‘bad dream I suppose’ I thought.
I sat up and and walked towards the Living room, I heard what I thought was a light bag drop on the floor and I froze.
‘Who could be up at this hour?’.
I peeked to look at the dimly lit Christmas tree and there I saw….
There was nobody in sight of the Christmas tree, I slowly turned my head towards our stockings, also, I saw
I heard the faintest noise that sounded like a little kid.
‘Kate? Could Kate be up?’
I whispered “Kate?”
No response
No response.
A couple seconds of silence later and I saw a tall shadow, now you see, my family is short- REALLY SHORT! So when I saw the tall figure I freaked out, they weren’t apart of our family tree.
A couple loud noises later and I saw it,
“Ms. Peters? What are you doing?!” Ms. Peters is our new neighbor, but ‘ WHY THE HECK IS SHE IN OUR HOUSE?’
She shook her head vigorously side to side putting her finger on her lips. “Shhh, it’s a surprise!” I went back up stairs suspiciously.
The morning arose and we all went downstairs. When we heard my mother shriek, we knew something was up. I hurried downstairs and there I saw it.
It was 3 puppies and a note
-Hey there, Your new neighbor here! I broke into your house last night, just ask Victor J and I left you these! My dog had puppies and now they are yours! Enjoy them~
Ms peters-