It was a cold winter morning when a group of guards chased after a young thief. He had stolen a loaf of bread and he was almost at his destination. He knew this town inside and out especially the rough parts of it. That was where he lived with a few other kids. Most of the town couldn't afford to pay for food or even housing now that the king was taxing everyone relentlessly. The boy sprinted through an alley and made his way over a wall as a shout from a guard broke him away from his thoughts. He kept running and soon enough he lost them.
Now he walked as he tried to catch his breath which puffed white in the freezing air. He was used to the cold now but it still sucked. He made it back to the part of town where he lived. When he first turned into it the same two children, man, and woman were huddled together. He had gotten this bread for them. They had just been evicted from their house. He walked over but stayed behind a corner so they wouldn't see him. He peeked around the corner and his eyes met the little girl's.
The other three members of the family were not looking in his direction. He crouched down and handed her the loaf of bread. He then held a finger to his lips as he stood. She nodded at him as a smile spread across her face. She turned and eagerly tapped her mother's shoulder. He didn't hear what they said because he was already heading home. It didn't take him long to hear the familiar shouting. Henry and Lucas were arguing....again. He sighed as he pushed open the curtain that hung over the entrance. They had a built a small shelter for themselves with scrap wood they had either found or stolen.
"Mark, tell Lucas that I'm right!" Henry demanded the moment he'd entered. Mark was sitting in the corner trying to ignore them. "No, I'm right!" Henry shouted. "Alright, both of you that's enough." the boy interrupted. They all looked over at him, surprised. Clearly they hadn't seen him come in. "We were wondering where you'd run off to, Jake." Mark said, relieved there had been an interruption. "The usual morning chase." Jake replied with a grin. "You would think those guards would be trained enough to be able to catch a few kids." Henry said, laughing.
They all laughed at that. "Okay, so what were you two arguing about this time?" Jake asked. "Oh don't get them started." Mark groaned. Both Henry and Lucas started shouting at once. Jake wondered why they argued so much. Maybe it was because they were brothers. They both had the same brown hair and pale skin. "Well Henry thinks that they have giant pink birds in the palace and I know there's not." Lucas answered immediately. "There are too!" Henry shouted. They began arguing loudly once again.
"Both of you knock it off! For one it's nearly Christmas and two it is an incredibly stupid argument." Jake interrupted. "Well you would know so just give them an answer so they'll stop." Mark replied. Jake sighed. "There are no pink birds in the palace. Lucas is right." he told the two brothers. Lucas stuck his tongue out at Henry and started doing a stupid sort of victory dance.
"Don't you have a date with your girlfriend?" Henry grumbled, crossing his arms. Jake stopped laughing and looked out the curtain to see that the sun was climbing higher in the sky. He was going to be late. He went out and he could hear the other three laughing and teasing him. He quickly ran off though. He was heading toward the palace. He was going to see Amirah once again. Well she was Princess Amirah to everyone else. Unlike her father she was kind and extremely generous.
She was incredibly beautiful as well. She had long brown hair, green eyes with the smallest hint of blue, and fair skin. He didn't know why a princess who had everything loved some street kid like himself. However for him it was very easy to love her. He hadn't even known who she was at first glance but after a moment he knew that it was the princess. He stopped at a small puddle and looked at himself for a moment.
It was the same tall boy with sandy blonde hair and pale blue eyes. He had a bit of dirt on his face and his clothes were faded and worn. His hair was a but of a mess. Amirah had offered to give him new things but he didn't think it was a good idea. The last thing they needed was her father to find out they were together. Jake knew he was a wanted thief but what he didn't know was that the king already had knowledge of his relationship with Amirah.
The king was simply waiting for the soldiers to catch him. Jake ran on again and soon the palace was in sight. It was so different than the rest of the town. The palace was grand and beautiful. Lush green grass and large trees were within its borders. Jake went around to the far side of the wall and went through a small opening between the bottom of the wall and the ground. He then carefully made his way to the backside of the palace.
There was a tree that led directly to Amirah's balcony. He began the climb making sure he was out of sight of guards nearby. After a few more minutes he dropped down on the balcony. "You're late, you know." a voice said. He looked up and there she was. Amirah ran forward and embraced him. "I'm sorry." Jake replied. He didn't even want to bother with making an excuse. She released him and smiled as she looked at him. Her hair was down in elegant waves and she wore a simple white dress.
"You look gorgeous as always." he told her, smiling back. A faint blush colored her cheeks. "I've missed you. You haven't visited me in ages." she huffed with a fake pout. "It hasn't even been two days, Amirah." he replied, trying not to laugh. "Exactly. It's been ages." she said, matter of factly. "Fine. Then I'll make it up to you." Jake replied. He kissed her for a moment then pulled away with a small smile.
"You're forgiven." she said with a laugh. "Thank goodness." Jake replied, laughing as well. "You can't stay long can you?" she asked quietly. Jake put his arms around her. "I'm afraid not. There is no telling what will happen if your father finds out. I don't want you to get hurt." Jake murmured. "It isn't fair. I could talk to him. I want to be with you." Amirah told him.
"I'm not going to tell you what to do. I just don't want you to get hurt because you want to be with me. Besides Christmas is tomorrow so maybe things will work out." Jake said thoughtfully. "And you're still taking me to celebrate with you and other kids?" Amirah asked, hopefully. "I did promise." Jake replied. Just then there was a knock coming from inside the room. Someone was outside her door.
"I guess you have to leave now." she said sadly. "Yes, but I will return tomorrow morning." Jake promised. He gave her a kiss then climbed into the tree once again. He gave her one last smile before he began the descent. Nothing happened as he walked home and he went to sleep with only good thoughts in his mind but as he had gone about his way the king was planning his demise. His own daughter didn't even know.
"Yes I heard him sir." a guard informed the king. "It shouldn't be too hard to find out where they are celebrating then?" the king asked. "No sir. We should be able to find them very easily." the guard replied. "Very well then. When we arrive you and your fellow guards are to grab that boy and bring him to me as I will be there with you." the kind instructed. "Permission to speak, your Majesty." the guard said. "Granted." the king replied.
"Are you sure you want to do this? The princess seems quite fond of him and-" the king cut him off. "You are to do as I instructed! He will be executed in front of the lot of them including Amirah! I don't care that it is Christmas or not!" he shouted. "Yes sir." the guard murmured bowing his head.
Jake awoke first and looked around him. The others were still sound asleep and curled tight under their thin blankets. It was cold but Jake didn't seem to feel it as he left the others still sleeping. He headed to the palace once again to get Amirah. When he arrived she looked so excited. "Merry Christmas!" she said happily. "Merry Christmas." he replied, smiling.
They made it outside the palace walls without any issues but Jake and Amirah didn't know that they were being followed. Jake happily held Amirah's hand as he led her through the streets of town. After they made near where their destination was he stopped and turned to Amirah. She looked at him questioningly and in response he presented her with a rose.
"Oh, it's beautiful." she breathed taking it from him. She put it behind her ear and smiled at him. "Not in comparison to you." Jake murmured, smiling back. She blushed and held his hand once more as they made it to the small square where street kids were staggered around a small Christmas tree. Jake saw his three roommates making goofy faces at him and he couldn't help turning a bit red.
"Why are you blushing?" Amirah asked trying not to laugh. "I'm not." Jake replied, his face reddening. "Yeah you are and it's so-" Jake interrupted her. "Don't you start." he told her. She laughed as the two of them joined the others around the tree. After a few minutes they all began to sing. They laughed and played together for hours just enjoying Christmas day. However all of the sudden soldiers flooded into the square. Two grabbed Jake and pulled him away from Amirah before he could even react or fight.
Amirah tried to run after him but a soldier grabbed her wrist. "Jake!" she shouted. He was trying to fight the soldiers but they knocked him on the ground and hit him with their large sticks until he wasn't trying to fight back anymore. Hot tears streamed down Amirah's face as she tried to get to him. "No." she choked as the soldiers snapped restraints around Jake's wrists and hauled him to his feet.
"Your Highness please." the soldier said. "I order you to let me go." she commanded still struggling. "I'm afraid I cannot do that miss." the soldier replied. He pulled her forward. They were heading near the tree. All the other kids had been pushed back and were surrounded by guards in a group. They weren't being arrested....only Jake was. He was the only one standing in the center of the square. Amirah was brought over but he wouldn't be able to hear her over the shouts of protest and responses of the soldiers.
Then a trumpet blew and her father, the king, came into the square. Along with a man...who wore a hood that only revealed his eyes...and he was carrying a large axe. Her tears flowed faster as he neared. "Father, please. Don't do this. I-" her father cut her off. "I will not have this from you. I am already aware of your familiarity with this....this thief." the king snapped. "Then why are you doing this?" Amirah whispered. The crowd had gone silent as she and her father spoke. "Because he can offer you nothing. He is nothing." her father replied shortly.
"No he isn't! I lo-" she didn't get to finish because the king smacked her across the face. "Amirah!" Jake exclaimed trying to get up, but the soldiers beat him to the ground again. They didn't stop hitting him and the king just watched as they did it and Amirah tried to get to him with a faint smile. "Father, please make them stop! Please!" Amirah begged. After a moment the king raised a hand and the soldiers stopped. The crowd was shouting angrily again as Jake lay bleeding on the ground unable to get up.
"Get up." the king commanded him when he knew full well that Jake couldn't. He did try though but he couldn't do it with the restraints on his hands nor his injuries. He collapsed again. The king laughed. "This is pitiful." he scoffed as he gestured to the soldiers. They grabbed Jake's arms and pulled him up once again.
The king looked at Jake and Jake glared back. "You're a slippery one you know. However now you will get the ending you deserve." the king told him. "At least I can die knowing that I never hurt anyone. I have never hurt Amirah." Jake replied his voice filled with pain. Amirah tried to say something put her father raised a hand and the soldier holding her covered her mouth. "She deserves better than a filthy street heathen like you." the king retorted.
"Don't you think I know that? Do you not think I asked her why she would want to be with me rather than someone who can give her anything she desires?" Jake asked. "Mm. Kneel." the king ordered not acknowledging Jake's remark. Jake glared at him. "No." he replied, determined. "No?" the king asked amused. "I will not kneel in front of someone who has hurt Amirah." Jake snapped. "Tell me daughter what could this piece of filth give you that a proper prince could not?" the king asked, turning to Amirah.
The soldier removed his hand but before Amirah could respond her father continued. "You can tell me after he's executed." There was a uproar from the crowd and Amirah's own pleas were drowned out in the shouting. The street kids were trying to break free of the soldiers surrounding them but no one could make it past them. Jake was forced onto his stomach and the soldiers held him there. The hooded man stood over him raising his axe. Then there was one moment of silence and that was all Amirah needed.
"Love!" she shouted. The king turned to her. "What?" he asked. The executioner had paused just about to lower the axe. "You asked what Jake can give me that a prince cannot. It's love. He is kind. He steals to help others and he is caring and loving. He wants nothing in return for the good deeds he does. These kids are protesting because they care about him and so do I. Ever since mother died you've been cruel and heartless. Jake was there for me when you were not. So please if you won't stop this for me then stop it for her." Amirah pleaded.
Her father was quiet for several moments. "Bring him to me." he said, looking at the soldiers holding Jake down. They hauled him to his feet once again and brought him before the king. "Do you truly love my daughter?" he asked Jake. Jake was surprised by the question but he answered none the less. "Yes. More than anything." he replied. The king searched his face for any sign of a lie but he could find none.
"Let him and my daughter go." the king commanded the guards. The soldiers took the restraints off Jake and the soldier released Amirah who immediately ran and embraced Jake. He staggered back but he hugged her. His injuries weren't bad now. it had hurt worse when he was down but now he was just sore. He had a few cuts and bruises were forming. Jake saw the king smile. Amirah turned and embraced her father.
"Thank you." she whispered. "I am sorry, Amirah." the king told her. She pulled back and smiled at him. She held Jake's hand. "Would you like to celebrate Christmas with all of us?" she asked him. "If so then we have to do it properly." her father said with a small smile.
In two hours tables had been set and there was a grand Christmas tree in the center of the small square now. Everyone was sitting and eating together. The king sat with some of his soldiers and with Amirah on his right with Jake beside her. Amirah had stopped all of it and had finally gotten her father on the road to recovery. Christmas hadn't ended as expected but in a way it was even better. Now Jake and Amirah could be together with the king's approval and the town could once again prosper now that the king had finally seen what his actions had brought.
Now they were all going to live happily ever after as the story goes.....