Today my milk delivery went quite well as the old lady wasn’t there to comment on my dressing style. Wearing hoodies and track pants is my all-time favorite clothing. Even during the marriage ceremony of my cousin I wore hoodies and track pants. Everyone was giving me big glances. I was terrified enough to come back home without eating. After that day I never attend any parties or events.
The honor of this milk shop is an old man and I am the only employee working here. So, I can never refuse his requests. Today even he asked me for another help. I have to pick up a girl from the station and show her my neighbor’s house on rent. It is kind of commanding.
After finishing school I directly reach the station and wait for a white East-Asian girl wearing an orange bodycon. Well, who wears bodycon on their journey? Is it a party or a wedding anniversary? Well, it’s all their choice.
Not much time passes I see a girl matching the old man’s given description. But before I could reach her she hugs me tightly. She has quite a good smell, like sprayed cherry blossom water.
“Arigato Gozaimasu. Thank you for taking me up”, she says holding my hands firmly.
Wow! Wow, wow, wow, WOW! OMG!
I don’t know what to say.
I am speechless.
She is… she is…
She is a JAPANESE!!
My heart cannot stop beating, it’s racing like a mad bull trying to break through its cage. It is hard to breathe.
“So, are you the East-Asian girl who was going to arrive?”
“Yes! Yes. I am. I am.”
She is quite bold to talk to a stranger so freely. Are all Japanese people like this?
I take her to my neighborhood and show her the house on rent. Just in one blink of an eye, she agrees to live in it.
She has quite a lot of stock-up materials as a home-staying necessity. I mean who brings such big loads of furniture. Futon, dining table, chairs, and even study table! I mean give me a break, this stands no meaning. How did she carry them? This is going to be tough.
As I finish showing her the house I came out to return back home but I notice that she struggles to take in such heavy loads. She is quite delicate.
“Should I help you?”
“Oh, that will be a favor. Please.”
I put in all of her heavy furniture along with her little help. The study table is really something, it’s made out of pure redwood, super heavy. For a minute I have the erg of getting paid but I contain my selfish desire. I wave her goodbye and set off towards home, but then she speaks up,
“Hey! Thank you. Thank you for today. I think I will rely on you”, and then she gives me a warm smile.
I know I have a weak point towards Japanese, but this weakness is going to cost me quite a hard time.