If someone wants a happening plot for their film, they should come to visit the Wilson dining room at breakfasts and dinners.
My room was on the first floor and I stepped down to the dining hall and the scene here would be unique every morning.
Joe and Andy were fighting over the TV remote, and Alex was giving live commentary on the fight.
Jack was shouting out pancake recipes from the Internet to dad because of the loud TV volume along with Alex's commentary.
And John was helping dad with sorting out the recipe, well in the real world.
It's not like a rocket science dish and almost all of us knew how to make pancakes. But dad, being a dad wanted to fill in mom's shoes while she was not around for some days.
And Logan was, as usual, going through the newspaper, being least bothered about what's happening around.
He has always been like this, the boss of the house and considered all of his brothers and sister as kids. Huh, that's how my family is.
"Morning, Daddy." I hugged my dad. He had undergone so much lately and still, he would never show up the sorrow on his face. Not even when mum was not around. I could feel how much he missed her. We all did.
"Good morning, lil Ria! Today you will get to have dad's special pancakes. Go and set up the table. Go!! Joeeee!! Help your sister set up the table for everyone. Breakfast in 2 minutes." Dad shouted with super excitement and this ended Joe's and Andy's remote war including Alex's loud commentary.
Joe started setting up the plates and I placed the napkins and spoons around them. "How are you taking up things, Ria?" Joe asked while he moved beside me.
"Not that well, Joe. But I guess we have to move on... at least for Dad."
I started recalling the past few days when I saw dad a little sad. He must be missing mum and uncle Garry.
Dad has always been jolly. We all were, at our old home.
I would always miss my big family. My joint family. How can I forget how happy we were, living with uncle Garry, dad's older brother.
It was a bigger family all together with aunt Milly, Gino, and Mark.
I always felt bad for what had happened to Gino. It's tough for a kid to lose parents at such a young age. But uncle Garry and aunt Milly never let him feel lonely and loved him just like Mark. So did my parents.
Joe and I used to play with Mark and Gino when we were little kids and I still remember myself making handmade birthday cards for them on their birthdays.
But very soon Mark and Gino started distancing themselves from me. I really don't know why they always hated me. Maybe because uncle Garry used to love me the most in those days.
But things changed a lot when I turned 8. My uncle started hating me and scolding me for every little thing, "You are a little girl now. But when you grow old, you are gonna cause your family so much of shame and embarrassment. All you girls are the same!! Get out of my sight."
And eventually, every word uncle Garry uttered for me were scoldings and abuses.
My dad used to fight for me with uncle, but he respected and loved his brother equally so he never rose his voice upon uncle, and neither he allowed any of my brothers to do that.
Aunt Milly, on the other hand, was always soft and caring towards me, but she was too meek as well to stop uncle's torments and in due course, she became sick for a prolonged time.
Things started getting worse when even Mark and Gino started fighting with me in every little thing. It was because of my brothers that I would be saved from them every time.
I always hoped that things would turn right in the long run but it never changed. In fact, with months and years passing, it became worse. To be honest, I became accustomed to the bad behavior.
But the situation got worse 2 days back when I turned 15. I had been waiting for my special birthday that mom had promised me for months. She made a chocolate cake for me, my favorite flavor. Alex and Andy had decorated the entire house and all my friends including Sally, my best pal, were invited.
For the first time in weeks, I was having a good time, dancing with my friends and enjoying the cookies that Logan and Jack made that day especially for me.
But uncle Garry could not tolerate my happiness for even one day. He insulted all my friends and forced all of them out of the house and even threw away my birthday cake in the trash.
It was a good time for Mark and Gino to enjoy watching me suffer even more.
I was so upset and angry with my uncle. Aunt Milly was furious on uncle, but she could never win her ways against her husband.
But the thing that hurt me most was watching my dad not uttering a single word against uncle and nor he allowed mom or my brothers to stand up against uncle Garry.
With tears in eyes and dejection in heart, I stormed into my room and refused to talk to anyone at home.
I could not sleep all night and dad entered into my room around two in the morning, hearing my soft cries.
"Ria, I am so sorry dear." My dad patted on the back of my head.
"No you are not sorry, else you would have asked uncle not to hurt me on my birthday at least. He even insulted my friends!" I shouted on my dad for the first time in my life.
I knew how much he loved his big brother but he had no right to make his daughter cry on her birthday. In the past years, my uncle at least cared to stand on a corner in the hall during
my birthday celebration. But it seems that his hatred on me has grown even more. And this year he crossed all his limits.
"Ria, I know you are upset and angry on your uncle, and you have every right to be that way. But please dear, for my sake, forgive him for one last time. This is not his true nature... he is just in intense pain." Dad cooed to me but it had no effect on my misery.
"What's the reason, dad. And even if he is in pain, why does uncle treats me like this every time? He never hates or curses his sons or even my brother... why just me? Trust me, I do my best to be the most decent child among all the boys at home. I study on time, prepare him snacks when he gets tired, and even share my good grades with him first and then with you and mom. But it looks like I can never make him happy. And it looks like it's his firm decision to hate me and torment me all my life. But why? You have to answer me today, dad!" I pleaded my heartfelt question yet another time to which I never got any reply ever. But today I was determined to get the answer.
"Ria, I know you have always asked me why Garry scolds you so much and I always skipped answering that. But please understand that there is a reason for that. I will tell you everything, I promise. But right now you are too young to understand it. I am afraid it will hurt you even more!"
The same hollow reply from dad yet again. I wanted to shout on him when I was interrupted by mom, "Your daddy is right, honey."
I didn't even notice when mom came inside the room as she added, "I will make you another cake with the same chocolate flavor. We will go outside tomorrow, invite all your friends and celebrate your birthday in a grand way! But please, my dear, forget everything that happened today."
I could not believe what my mum said. She wanted to make set my mood better but it had no such effect on me. They wanted to make me happy but could not stand up for my respect at home. This was not new to me but the pain that I endured today was too much to bear.
I gulped back my tears. It's been years that I longed to have a family where everyone respected me.
And I could never understand why we had to stay with my uncle's family. Dad had gifted mom a beautiful house on their 10th anniversary and
we would love to visit there once a year. Why could not we stay there instead?
I had asked this to dad many times but he always said that Garry is his family too and he would not leave him.
So talking to them further was of no use. I squeezed the tears out of my eyes, took a deep breath, and sternly replied to my parents who still stood with a hopeful expression, "Mom, dad please leave me alone. It's clear that you can't stand up for me, my happiness, and my basic rights to live my life with dignity. I don't want to talk to anyone, especially you two. I think uncle Garry is way better than you, at least he has the audacity to stand for what he thinks is right!"
I knew I hurt them badly but I was way too furious to judge my words and I turned my face away from them.
"Ria!! What did you say just now?" I shuddered when I heard Jack, my second eldest brother came roaring into the room, "How dare you to talk to mom and dad that way? Is this how you behave?"
"Jack, I just-" I tried answering.
"Nope. No words from you. I understand that you are hurt but I will not have you hurting mom and dad!" Jack snapped back.
I wanted to shout back, but it was Jack for heaven's sake.
I would not dare to back-answer him, ever. Talking back to parents was way easier than raising my voice against my older brothers, especially Logan and Jack.
"What's going on, you guys? This is 2 o'clock at night!!" Uncle Garry stood at the entrance of my room with Mark behind him in a sleepy mood.
"It must be that little rat Ria, good for nothing," Mark said in a most disgusted tone.
I was angry already and this infuriated me.
"You are the rat and an asshole. Not me!!" I replied back in the same tone.
"Watch your tone, Ria!! This is the way you behave? Is this what you have taught your daughter, Harry? Ria, I have had enough of your tantrums and now I don't want you in my house anymore. You are going to a boarding school starting next week. I will make sure everything is arranged before that." Uncle said, in an angry but equally confident tone.
I was rock frozen and I could not utter anything. And so were mom, dad, and Jack. By this time all of my brothers had come outside my room.
"Garry, I will talk to her trust me, but she's too young to face such a harsh punishment." My dad was pleading him, but why? Uncle Garry was my uncle and not my father.
"Garry, please listen to us. You cant do this to my daughter!" My mum took my support and I was a little relieved.
"What's said is said. Either she is out or you are not welcome anymore under my house, Harry, and not even in my business." uncle warned my dad and left my room.
Mom went running behind him pleading, "Garry please listen to me," but uncle turned deaf ears.
I could see irritation and revolt in my brothers' eyes for the first time but they were silent because of my dad.
And the worst thing happened in the next second when I heard a loud thump followed by my dad's cry, "Sophie, nooo!!!!"
Mum fell down the stairs while she was trying to talk to my uncle.
We all rushed to her and Joe and I had already started crying.
A huge gush of blood started heaving from mum's head. "Mom... Mom!. I will take you to the doctor right now." Logan was shaking mom to bring her back to consciousness.
"Logan, come with me. We will take her to the hospital." My dad rushed to call the ambulance.
Aunt Milly came out of her room hurriedly and she gasped when she saw mum lying unconscious, "Oh my goodness, what happened here? Sophie!"529Please respect copyright.PENANAGCU1WZcsVq
But after looking at the situation she knew that it was because if uncle.
"Garry, why did you again have to create such a mess! We should also go with Sophie to the hospital." Aunt said sternly but uncle turned his face in disagreement.
Aunt gave a sharp look to him and followed my dad to the hospital.
"Dad, let's go... John, Alex, and Andy come with us. Jack, you will stay with Ria and Joe at home." Logan commanded us.
How could I stay at home when mum was hurt. I spoke up instantly, "Logan, even I am coming, I can't leave mum." I ran and held his hand.
"No, Ria, please listen to me. I will take you to the hospital tomorrow in the morning. But now I won't. It won't be safe and I want you to take care of yourself and Joe. He is in too much shock. Be in your rooms and Jack will be there for you. Listen to Jack whatever he says ok. I will give him updates as soon as I can." Logan replied with his hands on my shoulders.
"Jack you are the in-charge till I am back," Logan instructed Jack, and Jack nodded in yes.
I started to speak up but Logan eyed me into silence. No one in my family could argue with Logan. Not even dad. Dad and mum had always given Logan that authority and sometimes I wish they hadn't. He just gave me a beary hug when I nodded.
Logan then looked at uncle and added, "And once we are back, we will sort out everything that happened here. I will make sure no one is hurt in my family anymore!" Logan said confidently to dad.
Dad said silent, he knew what Logan meant but he was in too much shock to respond and they all hurried with mom as the ambulance showed up.
"Joe, please don't cry, buddy. Mum will be fine soon!!" Jack came to Joe, hugging him with one hand. "Ria, please go to your room. I am taking Joe to his room and I will come straight to you after that. Will you be ok till then?" Jack asked me while he was consoling Joe. I nodded in yes and they went to Joe's room upstairs.
It took me a while to realize that I was not dreaming. "I hope this is just a dream. Please, god, take care of my mother." I started weeping softly covering my face with my palm.
I sat down, holding my knees tightly. I wish I had not argued with my dad and then with my mom in the first place.
"You are such a drama queen you know. Why don't you spare us and leave this house." I rose up and found Mark standing next to where I was seated.
I was already mad at myself. I didn't want to answer him now.
It's always been like this. Gino and Mark never miss an opportunity to torment me and the sad part is uncle never sees this.
Somehow they both always convince my uncle and my dad that I had spoken bad words first.
"Mark, just go away. Can't you mind your own business?" I prayed that I didn't lose my cool once more.
"You know you are the reason that your mum is in the hospital tonight. You are the reason that uncle Garry and uncle Harry are fighting every day."
"You are right brother." Gino joined Mark in these toxic comments.
I rose up to leave for my room. I didn't want to put my family through more suffering.
"I wish you were never born," Mark said with disgust. 529Please respect copyright.PENANAMmhbg008OY
My feet stopped at that sentence. I could not hold y self back. I turned back, went back to Mark, and raised my hand to put a hard slap on his face. But he was fast enough and equally strong. He caught hold of my hand much before I could even reach his face and he spun me in a chokehold.
I wanted to scream but Mark covered my face too. I fought with all my strength but I was too weak before Mark, and Gino was laughing while watching me struggling in Mark's trap, without success.
I was praying for Jack to come and save me when I saw a bottle lying down. I took and slammed on Mark's shoulder.
"AAAgghhh!! Dad!!!!" He screamed loud and left me instantly holding his wounded shoulder.
"What happened, son? Gino, what happened?" Uncle came running instantly hearing Mark's cry. Gino looked scared and started explaining to uncle.
"Uncle we were here just to console Ria but she started abusing us and then she hit Mark with this bottle when Mark was trying to calm her down." Gino was carrying the bottle with the most innocent face when he explained.
I was shocked at his lie. "You jerk, you can't even show courage to say what you two did to me!"
"Shut up, Ria." Uncle was furious now and started moving towards me slowly. I was so scared. He looked like he was going to kill me.
"I had enough of you till now and today you hit my son?"
"Uncle they are lying, but it's of no use to explain you. It's like your job to hate me!" I stated the fact as I felt worthless in explaining to him what happened.
I waited for uncle to shout at me but what happened next, I could never imagine.
He slapped me with the back of his hand so hard that I fell. But he did not stop there. He lifted me up from the ground holding my arm and raised his hand once again on me.
I closed my eyes, hoping it to end soon but the strike never came.
When I opened my eyes, I saw Jack Holding uncle's hand that he rose to hit me.
Hey guys, please do comment if you liked my chapters. Any suggestions and corrections are most welcomed.