Kelly closed her laptop and fell backwards to stare at her ceiling, she sighed when her step-mom, Natalie walked in. 223Please respect copyright.PENANA9ryD2jPcme
“Dear, what do you want for dinner?” She asked, Kelly glared. 223Please respect copyright.PENANAVHgvCccSuS
“I don’t care” she replied, Natalie sighed and left the room. When her footsteps stopped downstairs Kelly opened her laptop again and emailed her friend Sasha. 223Please respect copyright.PENANAgTR5LLGtRI
223Please respect copyright.PENANAqvjE8vcjE8
Sasha, Natalie has to be up to something…she has this look on her face every time she looks at me. I swear that she hates me, or worse wants to kill me. It’s fucking with me man. 223Please respect copyright.PENANA8QqblevBX6
223Please respect copyright.PENANAo3DtHp6Qtd
She hit send and leaned against her wall. After a couple minutes of waiting Sasha replied. 223Please respect copyright.PENANAFfOVJLwYHj
223Please respect copyright.PENANARvyEpN03At
Listen, Kelly. You’re being to skeptical. I think you’re just overreacting and are probably just mad that your dad married some weird lady two weeks after your mother died. (I would to but give her a try…maybe she’s not so bad.) just try to move on…please?
Kelly growled and slammed her laptop shut, she went to her window and opened it to see Sasha do the same “stop worrying!” Sasha yelled, Kelly glared. 223Please respect copyright.PENANASYZiyPjjsz
“I’m sure you’d feel the same if your dad married the woman he cheated with your mom on and then married two weeks after she died.” Kelly snapped Angrily as she slammed her window shut. 223Please respect copyright.PENANANDGSghq3Kk
“K-Kelly? Are you okay?” Kelly turned to see her dad behind her standing in the doorway, she sighed as he fixed his jacket and hid his hands in the striped kangaroo pocket. 223Please respect copyright.PENANAD4flqYYw2W
“Yes.” She replied, He watched her with a frown the stitches on the corner of his mouth tugging against his skin. 223Please respect copyright.PENANApkcWtS2rJy
“Okay…” he said leaving the room. 223Please respect copyright.PENANAD5cVkfz8Rn
Kelly groaned and fell into her computer chair and spun towards her desk. She looked up at a picture of her brother, mother, father and her. She growled and yanked it off the wall chucking it at the ground the glass shattering into tiny pieces. 223Please respect copyright.PENANAAwYnvOA3ee
She clenched her fists and took deep measured breathes and listened to the downstairs door close and Her dad’s car rev to life in the driveway before driving off. 223Please respect copyright.PENANATK6OY5hH0H
Kelly opened her door silently and glanced down the hall, when her brother Tommy closed his door she tip-toed downstairs. 223Please respect copyright.PENANAGF3hbVNgm1
Natalie was sitting in a recliner watching TV as Kelly slipped past her making her way to the kitchen, she grabbed a knife slowly and silently from the butchers block and made her way back to the living room. 223Please respect copyright.PENANAeIRa96hOzC
She stopped in her tracks when an image of a woman- mid twenties- covered in blood popped onto the TV, Kelly glanced at Natalie then the TV again and then everything clicked. She watched Natalie wear a smug smile on her thin lips. 223Please respect copyright.PENANAihAGuOTP2I
“N-Natalie…?” She said, her voice quivered in fear as her knuckles went white against the knife handle. Natalie turned and glanced at Kelly then the knife in her hands. 223Please respect copyright.PENANABLTwIzQxVA
“Yes..?” 223Please respect copyright.PENANADWnOIagMme
Kelly looked at the TV “is that…” she trailed off staring at the brutal murder of an innocent family, Natalie stood and took the knife gently and Kelly continued to stare at the TV as she rested her hands on Kelly’s shoulders. 223Please respect copyright.PENANALKRV8qu1KF
“Yes…that is me.” She whispered, Kelly growled and stopped frozen when she saw the axe in her hand. 223Please respect copyright.PENANAexiBdRXS0V
“You threatened my dad to marry you, didn’t you?” She asked glaring at the TV screen, Natalie scoffed then burst into hysterical laughter. 223Please respect copyright.PENANAPU6Bg1nsN2
“Oh dear..I didn’t threaten him. He chose to marry me.” She purred turning Kelly’s gaze to the TV again where and image of her dad popped up a wicked grin on his face. 223Please respect copyright.PENANAITF4ijyCow
“We are currently looking for these two murderers by the names of clockwork and Ticci Toby. They murdered an innocent family of four last night at around 3:00 PM.” The news reporter said, Kelly stared and then glanced at the clock. It was 2:55.223Please respect copyright.PENANAu7HYbI1SXa
“So here’s the deal, girly. You can either join us…or we can brutally slaughter you.” She hissed, Kelly scowled hearing footsteps behind her. Kelly turned to see Toby sitting on the couch with a bright orange hatchet in his hands, Clockwork sat down on the arm of the chair and Kelly glanced at the knife before looking at the clock once more. 223Please respect copyright.PENANA2AfWHFXtN6
2:57. 223Please respect copyright.PENANA0YczpAVmhE
kelly scowled and took the knife in her hands the feeling of courage filling her again as she locked eyes with Natalie who watched her intently. 223Please respect copyright.PENANADe1fH2Fju1
“Kelly…I wouldn’t do that if I were you…” Toby said cleaning his hatchet not meeting her eyes, Kelly scoffed. 223Please respect copyright.PENANAUkc0EwLfRv
“And why would you care.” She snapped, he froze his attention snapping to her. 223Please respect copyright.PENANAy3RPgRkOqz
“Because your my daughter.” He said, Kelly growled and her knuckles went white the knife on her hand trembling in rage. 223Please respect copyright.PENANA0uo9HtAONz
“Well guess what. For once I’m not going to listen to you.” She said, he stared and Natalie grinned. 223Please respect copyright.PENANAxbJWxTSqo7
“Now that’s how I like my children.”223Please respect copyright.PENANAQB5AIsOJtt
”I’m not your child bitch.” Kelly spat lunging towards her plunging the knife towards her heart. Natalie smirked grabbing her hand and twisting it behind Kelly’s back before slamming her against the coffee table. 223Please respect copyright.PENANA1f6u8xcYbp
“Is that anyway to talk to your mother?” She asked, Kelly growled. 223Please respect copyright.PENANAmIBIATlCBR
“Learn some boundaries, slut.” Kelly snapped catching Natalie’s ankle with her foot and ripping her leg forward before dodging out of the way, Natalie caught herself on the table and glared at Kelly as she took measured breathes. 223Please respect copyright.PENANAuICLPbx64u
2:59.223Please respect copyright.PENANAUuQInWKABH
Natalie ripped the knife from Kelly’s hand grabbing her by the hair and throwing her to the ground before plunging the knife at her face, Kelly turned her face so she could only manage a slash on her cheek. Kelly winced at the pain. “Here’s something to learn Kelly…” Toby started as he watched from the couch. “Us Roger’s wounds don’t heal” he said tapping the corner of his mouth “we’re practically dead…” he finished. 223Please respect copyright.PENANAr0QGteOySb
Kelly stared at him before her eyes traveled to the hatchet at the end of the couch mere inches away from her. 223Please respect copyright.PENANAshedCqnZSz
“It’s almost time…” Natalie purred, Kelly looked at her the sight of a clock forming in her eye rising a scream in Kelly’s throat. Natalie scowled and jabbed the knife into Kelly’s hip, Kelly winced and reached for the hatchet. Toby watched her and tapped it towards her gently with his foot, Kelly gasped for breathe as Natalie went for another attack. 223Please respect copyright.PENANAoYE0YAvjaD
Her fingers touched the hilt and she grabbed it. 223Please respect copyright.PENANAcC4mUNYOWR
3:00.223Please respect copyright.PENANAIc9o5GmcOJ
Kelly grinned at Natalie pushing her off and pressing her foot to Natalie’s chest pinning her in place “guess what time it is…” Kelly whispered, Natalie’s eyes widened. “It’s time for your punishment. Dear.” Kelly sneered swinging the hatchet at Natalie’s shoulder. 223Please respect copyright.PENANAtjpoy1WuNZ
She cried out in pain and pushed Kelly off her ripping the hatchet from her arm, Kelly stood and watched wiping blood from her cheek the feeling almost like enjoyment and thrill filling her as Toby stood next to her helping up Natalie. 223Please respect copyright.PENANAWU81d3ESW5
“You alright Nat?” He questioned, she nodded and Toby looked at Kelly. 223Please respect copyright.PENANAeg25rU3fkZ
“Bitch.” Natalie growled as she walked to the kitchen blood dripping from her shoulder to the floor. 223Please respect copyright.PENANA9kcM68QVIj
“So…care if I join you?” Kelly questioned looking at her dad, Toby’s frown turned into a twisted smile as he pulled out a transmitter sending a wink her way. 223Please respect copyright.PENANAohmTp0xRuj
“Slendy, you’ve got another proxy” he said, Kelly smirked when Natalie appeared the knife in hand as she pulled up Kelly’s shirt and dug it into her hip carving the shape of a circle then an X going through. 223Please respect copyright.PENANA3zmjdCKKWX
Kelly held in a cry of pain when Natalie threw the knife aside. “There, it’s official.” She said, Kelly stared down at it as it healed into a black mark. Steps thudded down the stairs and Tommy appeared with a pair of steampunk goggles in hand, he rocked on his heels and handed it to Kelly. 223Please respect copyright.PENANAw3XEi8hCuS
Kelly took them and pulled them over her eyes before sipping up her jacket with a smile. 223Please respect copyright.PENANAzL1YK2UJUz
“Who’s up for a little bloodshed.”223Please respect copyright.PENANAhVv5YCPGsV