No Plagiarism!8AnkXvtAx3AWDFcETyCJposted on PENANA R: reporter8964 copyright protection140PENANAOUadnDkqGl 維尼
J: jake8964 copyright protection140PENANAhxU50WDhTM 維尼
144Please respect copyright.PENANAUTo3dC5gty
8964 copyright protection140PENANAtsg71NQubY 維尼
144Please respect copyright.PENANAmC1FjzKV3v
8964 copyright protection140PENANAjMMhnAGWzS 維尼
R: what is your name? 8964 copyright protection140PENANAODfc9XPkKE 維尼
144Please respect copyright.PENANAvcwCuxH9Tk
8964 copyright protection140PENANAYvLNZBalx0 維尼
J: Jake syminski8964 copyright protection140PENANAm5UkZfsgjk 維尼
144Please respect copyright.PENANAdKZqzjSAbd
8964 copyright protection140PENANAkJq80sxzPN 維尼
R: how old are you?8964 copyright protection140PENANAzun2uccQFT 維尼
144Please respect copyright.PENANAsVeNk0Yw2E
8964 copyright protection140PENANA3Zr9T7Uml1 維尼
J: 268964 copyright protection140PENANAe1KZEc5Kie 維尼
144Please respect copyright.PENANA9qcXvzXJqD
8964 copyright protection140PENANA0b4uTjpthR 維尼
R: who are your parents? 8964 copyright protection140PENANAcEnVtFyobX 維尼
144Please respect copyright.PENANAOpDiKhVsrL
8964 copyright protection140PENANAnaUuXt1eV1 維尼
J: Jack Syminski and Ani the wight8964 copyright protection140PENANA4C7MOXkqaD 維尼
144Please respect copyright.PENANAgJMBOeJ1V2
8964 copyright protection140PENANAQQ8PJ1RL0L 維尼
R: are you married?8964 copyright protection140PENANAvHV84LgJGj 維尼
144Please respect copyright.PENANAsfIEV36c6y
8964 copyright protection140PENANAfuMMP2kTaY 維尼
J: yes, to Heartless.8964 copyright protection140PENANAbRKJRwb5OX 維尼
144Please respect copyright.PENANA8QGE0gVgvY
8964 copyright protection140PENANAUPPcXMmviu 維尼
R: how long have you know each other?8964 copyright protection140PENANAz7Ryu4m8zd 維尼
144Please respect copyright.PENANAYjhqw6FBIz
8964 copyright protection140PENANATBxNtSmbCj 維尼
J: a while.8964 copyright protection140PENANAXOtqGfwcZf 維尼
144Please respect copyright.PENANAHCXDMIZg83
8964 copyright protection140PENANAQARaYpp8Q1 維尼
R: what is your biggest fear?8964 copyright protection140PENANAoHFH56Sq22 維尼
144Please respect copyright.PENANADbeKfSYV32
8964 copyright protection140PENANACFHnz01Y7M 維尼
J: bugs. 8964 copyright protection140PENANAc3YiNEddJX 維尼
144Please respect copyright.PENANAHsdrjo8Q0X
8964 copyright protection140PENANAONK4FTGyIg 維尼
R: what is your sexuality?8964 copyright protection140PENANAuUMMPgBpE0 維尼
144Please respect copyright.PENANAjHpDHcU2aY
8964 copyright protection140PENANAYrRQH7MpDZ 維尼
J: bisexual 8964 copyright protection140PENANAmmAoVZj1DQ 維尼
144Please respect copyright.PENANALpT4YtkJ5x
8964 copyright protection140PENANAr9p9cxAMk9 維尼
R: what is your biggest strength?8964 copyright protection140PENANAXgh0B2FMQx 維尼
144Please respect copyright.PENANAbXjqsjaPB0
8964 copyright protection140PENANA4T9h6wOtgh 維尼
J: anything medical related 8964 copyright protection140PENANAKbSFcVJKFo 維尼
144Please respect copyright.PENANAdKpqXL5kcG
8964 copyright protection140PENANABOGEAmGENJ 維尼
R: what is your relationship with Kye?8964 copyright protection140PENANAVCplx3eDJV 維尼
144Please respect copyright.PENANAzxMw989LEY
8964 copyright protection140PENANAdStUUonVAD 維尼
J: he’s my close friend. 8964 copyright protection140PENANAUDzdKKURHg 維尼
144Please respect copyright.PENANA7KAGwQhD5k
8964 copyright protection140PENANA2iAF82Ut8p 維尼
R: do you two get along?8964 copyright protection140PENANAmUe0vlc9Ne 維尼
144Please respect copyright.PENANAgCcWpPhegm
8964 copyright protection140PENANA6aIs134JxA 維尼
J: yes, very well. 8964 copyright protection140PENANAlYNXfK9nac 維尼
144Please respect copyright.PENANAR24eUHJVDR
8964 copyright protection140PENANAyPLRHYIkvx 維尼
R: how about Kelly?8964 copyright protection140PENANAfS7F2O7efm 維尼
144Please respect copyright.PENANAJB97J3g8rc
8964 copyright protection140PENANAwrYL96FRuo 維尼
J: we don’t really talk.8964 copyright protection140PENANA7FaGb3xNn3 維尼
144Please respect copyright.PENANANbZb268lUW
8964 copyright protection140PENANAiWkDKKDej4 維尼
R: what’s your favorite color?8964 copyright protection140PENANAm7vScZJZg3 維尼
144Please respect copyright.PENANAOCW0nQ6iMf
8964 copyright protection140PENANAFlgsh9gQ8q 維尼
J: aqua blue 8964 copyright protection140PENANAliHDYQ8Lhy 維尼
144Please respect copyright.PENANAe8VxkF0RvO
8964 copyright protection140PENANAR815qu0x7A 維尼
R: what’s your love language?8964 copyright protection140PENANAi1NZNrbkEl 維尼
144Please respect copyright.PENANAvDqi7kGyEN
8964 copyright protection140PENANAIF8BLs94BG 維尼
J: compliments 8964 copyright protection140PENANAl1quVNGS2q 維尼
144Please respect copyright.PENANAEfWbGObJfJ
8964 copyright protection140PENANA2hOIde7BGZ 維尼
R: why do you kill people?8964 copyright protection140PENANA0cU7gcpNHu 維尼
144Please respect copyright.PENANA1nJypTh2vz
8964 copyright protection140PENANAk253FeK2RY 維尼
J: too survive.8964 copyright protection140PENANAIi43WkWYFr 維尼
144Please respect copyright.PENANAuSSOtZdP1Z
8964 copyright protection140PENANAhFAn6PP8Qz 維尼
R: care to explain?8964 copyright protection140PENANAmpyYZtv8WU 維尼
144Please respect copyright.PENANAIdMZtmkudc
8964 copyright protection140PENANAgfh7mvgzmX 維尼
J: I’m a wight, or a husk so I have to devour peoples soul’s to live. 8964 copyright protection140PENANAT0Ls9hQCZi 維尼
144Please respect copyright.PENANAHR54q0BNLa
8964 copyright protection140PENANA0kC8mL8JjV 維尼