The tavern was a sea of privates. Most were getting tanked up on ale. Leo sat down at a table and immediately lost himself in a tankard in the corner thinking of ways to mentally stay warm. The thought of the snow gave him the chills already. Pound sat down next to him. Then Hors sat down next to them, like the asshole he was. He went to speak first because of course he would.
‘So we’re-‘
‘Screwed?’ Leo interrupted Hors.
‘Yep,’ said Pound. ‘Not sure how we do this.’
‘We freeze our asses off for two years,’ said Hors stupidly.
‘And try not to die,’ said Pound.
The three of them clinked tankards and drank heavily.
While the fates had been unkind to them, those that did their years in the southern desert or eastern mountains were much more respected than their counterparts. No one who patrolled the suburban plains or western islands could expect to join the elite guard, though the ones who were already half cut and singing didn’t seem to mind.
After a long silence Hors spoke up with some renewed vigour. ‘Boys we’re in this together, let’s drink to brotherhood, no ice lions or snow bears are going to break us, we’ll handle it.’
Leo and Pound clinked to that and the three of them spent some time pondering how sarcastic the motion felt. Now was the time to establish bonds but ice lions and snow bears were skilled at killing, and you could have all the camaraderie and support in the world but frostbite was a private battle.
‘Maggots,’ the Sergeant addressed them.
All three looked up simultaneously surprised, no one expected him to be here tonight.
‘I vaguely remember you three were assigned to the eastern region.’
‘Yes sir,’ the three replied.
‘Take it from me, watch your backs in those mountains, the cold and darkness can do strange things to a man’s mind over time,’ said the Sergeant.
‘You were posted there too sir?’ asked Hors.
‘I was,’ he said and started heading to the bar. ‘Don’t pat the ice lions.’ He laughed a little too hard and snorted sifting into the crowd.
‘Arsehole,’ muttered Hors into his ale.
Pound scribbled down a note about ice lions. Hors said many things as did Pound. Leo barely looked up but when he finally did another figure was standing over them.
‘Take it the news wasn’t great newbie?’ said Gruff.
‘Eastern,’ said Leo.
‘Ooh fuck, noooo, no thank you, sorry to hear son. And you boys?’ he asked Hors and Pound.
‘The same,’ said Pound.
‘Well at least you know the last faces you’re likely to see,’ laughed Gruff losing himself in a tankard. ‘But no seriously,’ he said. ‘Keep together and you’ll probably be fine.’
‘Any advice you can give?’ asked Hors like an idiot.
‘On the mountains? No, I was posted south. You’re a different kind of fucked there boys. If ice lions are anything like sand lions then stay the hell away as much as you can. Those sand lions they won’t go in search of a fight but when they do they really do. You boys better have each other’s backs.’ said Gruff and turned to walk away, but then turned back. ‘Hey newbie.’
Leo looked over at him. ‘Yeah?’
‘If you find any arctic gems you owe me for those beers the other night.’
‘Sure sure,’ said Leo breaking into a small smirk.
‘I know snow bears can climb trees so don’t bother climbing trees. Good luck.’ he said and disappeared into the crowd.
Pound considered himself lucky since he couldn’t climb trees anyway. Leo rued his wasted ability to climb trees really well. The next few days were to be spent on leave to prepare affairs, say goodbyes to friends and family and prepare for the post ahead. Right now preparation involved a pint, which all three were out of. Hors went to the bar.
Pound turned to Leo. ‘We’ll be prepared. They’ll have to prep us, right?’
‘I guess so,’ said Leo. ‘I guess we’ll find out. Thanks Hors.’
Hors laid down three fresh tankards. It was going to be a sombre night.