The resistance sat in the tavern wrapped in towels.
‘That was a complete failure!’ cried Bernard.
‘It was a tad pathetic loves,’ the barmaid laughed handing him a glühwein.
‘It did not succeed as hoped,’ admitted Cigar. The drenched cellar crowd concurred.
‘I think a more direct and violent plan of attack is needed,’ said Mikael the swordsman.
‘Well, more direct at least yes,’ said Delorian. ‘But it was a noble effort.’
‘No it wasn’t!’ shouted Mikael. ‘Shut up Delorian, shut up, you always talk like you’re writing your memoirs all the time!’
The crowd concurred in sneezes.
‘So what do we do?’ Delorian asked devoid of hope.
‘Look at where we stand,’ said Babaros the butcher. ‘The elite guard protect him; the city guard restrain us. What can we really do?’
‘Well protesting hasn’t done anything,’ said Bernard.
‘An inside man!’ Jurgen the bard exclaimed. The group mumbled and looked at each other.
‘You know what, yes, that might be it.’ pondered Delorian.
‘But who?’ said Cigar.
‘To kill him?’ said Mikael.
‘Well there’s many options,’ said Delorian. ‘But the main question as you say Cigar is who?’
‘I’ll write a list,’ said Xavier the blacksmith.
‘Xavier you know you can’t write,’ said Horton. ‘Let’s pool together what contacts we know in the elite guard, the castle, his family-‘
‘He’s said to have no family,’ said Bernard.
‘Follow every lead then,’ said Delorian. ‘We’ll crack this nut. Bernard, fetch some paper, everyone let’s note down His potential allies.’