Chapter One: The Popularity Ruler
You go to school.
But you don't know which group you fit into.
Here's a summary:
1. The Head of the Popularity Rulers. A girl who acts as the Boss. 'I am popular, follow me'. You do. You go to her parties; you meet boys; you meet other girls who act like the Popularity Ruler does; you drink, smoke cigarettes, or make out. Or, you don't; you make sure you don't get your parents angry.
2. The GBF, (Gay Best Friend). Someone who likes you because you don't discriminate; you make sure he will show you around the school, and follow the rules.
3. The Best Straight Friend, (BSF). Someone who likes your books, movies, music, and teachers.
4. You try to be friends with the Head of the Popularity Ruler, until she pushes you away because she doesn't need you anymore.
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