They arrived at the party and Amelia was very nervous. This was her first college life real experience.
They got out of the car and headed towards the entrance, they were loud music booming and Amelia could tell that Cindy was getting way too excited.
Not that she also wasn't excited, she was giddy over the thought of partying. They got in,
"Let's go get some shots," Cindy yelled over the music.
Amelia nodded, they went to the table with shot glasses and downed a few, she shook. The liquor was really bitter and it burned her throat.
The burn went down to her stomach and she remembered that she hadn't eaten yet. Would it be a good idea to drink on an empty stomach?
Amelia brushed it out of her head, she would eat later on and she shouldn't ruin the night with worrying.
They poured some punch and made their way to the dance floor, they started to dance.
They were guys inching towards them and Cindy danced harder.
"Mind if we join you guys?"
Cindy told the guys that they didn't mind,
After dancing for some time they decide to take a break and sit down. The guys that they were dancing with followed them.
The boys were cute and started to make conversation. Amelia followed Cindy's suit and she hoped that the guy was interested in her.
His name was Danton and he studied architecture. She told him what she did and how she had gotten here.
Cindy was also in a conversation with the other guy, she couldn't remember his name even though she was sure that they had told her.
After sometime Cindy called everyone over to the table so that they could drink more.
Amelia was trying to keep up so that she wouldn't be left out, she also wanted to be the life of the party.
After chugging some more shots Amelia felt as if she was going to vomit soon.
"Are you okay Melia?" Cindy asked.
Amelia just nodded, that's all she could afford at that time. Amelia started to see black dots.
Everything was dimming and she heard Cindy from a distant,
She felt arms go around her, "I got her."
Amelia opened her eyes slightly and they were going too fast, she wanted this to be over. What was she thinking, she didn't know her alcohol tolerance so what made her go all out?
"It's here Danton."
Amelia heard the door open, and she was scooped up. She heard the doorbell ring,
"What happened to her?"
"She drank a bit too much,"
"Give her to me."
Amelia felt herself being shifted, she was being carried by someone else she presumed.
"Can't her friends take care of her Mason? She is ruining our night!"
Amelia felt darkness take her again and this time she didn't fight it.
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